Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 403: riot at the venue

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The municipal party committee held a new round of meetings of the leading group for the preparatory work of the Meixi New District, and listened to Zhou Qibao, Su Kaiwen and others reporting on the progress of the preparatory work for the new district in the past six months before New Year's Day.

The size of the meeting is quite large.

In addition to the members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and officials related to the affairs of Tangzha District and the new district, municipal departments such as the Municipal Planning Commission, the Economic and Trade Commission, the Construction Commission, the Finance and Economics Commission, and the Political Research Office, as well as several municipal state-owned groups such as Municipal Steel and Municipal Construction are mainly responsible for Everyone was notified to attend.

Shen Huai saw the list of participants. Almost half of the municipal committees will participate in this meeting, which can be said to be a meeting of the municipal committee.

This is the last preparatory meeting for Meixi New District before New Year's Day. Whether the construction of the new district can officially enter the stage of large-scale construction in 1996 depends on the results of this meeting.

The relevant discussion content has been distributed to the participants in advance. Before the meeting, Shen Huai took time to read the few pages of thin documents.

Seeing that this time Tan Qiping has brought the Municipal Planning Commission, Finance and Economics Commission, Economic and Trade Commission, Construction Commission and other municipal committees and bureaus, as well as major municipal state-owned enterprises such as Municipal Steel Group, Municipal Construction Group, Municipal Port Group, etc., Shen Huai thinks that he is probably planning next year. It is a pity that under the leadership of Zhou Qibao and Su Kaiwen, the preliminary construction framework of Meixi New District is still vague.

Su Kaiwen proposed in a general way that the initial construction of Meixi New District would require an investment of one billion yuan. However, apart from the reconstruction of several trunk and branch roads, and the construction of limited projects such as the new district comprehensive building and science and technology park, he did not propose a clearer and more detailed plan. Project plan to come.

Without clear, precise and predictable subdivision projects, even if the resources of the whole city and the province are piled up, how can they be digested and quickly transformed into the basic strength for Meixi New District to continue to rise upwards

Perhaps Su Kaiwen's bureaucracy is a way of inheriting family traditions and being good at others, but he has no clear concept in his mind about regional construction, economic development, and people's livelihood construction.

Shen Huai entered the conference room ahead of time and hid in the corner to read the documents, thinking that not only Donghua, but also other parts of the country, in the process of national construction and economic development, under the serious trouble of bureaucracy and economic development, can The continuous excellent results can be said to be quite remarkable.

There are so many party members and cadres in the country, even though there are a large number of officials with serious bureaucratic thinking, there are also a large number of pragmatic people who are willing and active to do practical things.

The number of people in the conference room gradually increased. Except for the rostrum, the nearly 40 seats below are almost full, and there are less than 3 or 5 seats left, which may be absent on leave.

Shen Huai also put down the materials in his hand, looking at the watch, it was time for the meeting, and there was no one on the rostrum. Most of the Standing Committee members such as Tan Qiping and Gao Tianhe did not show up, and there was no movement outside the aisle. Deliberately being a few minutes late to show you're different, or something else.

Su Kaiwen sat diagonally opposite Shen Huai, but Yu Chengzhen, the head of the Municipal Party Committee Organization, came over ahead of time. When he entered the conference room, he called Su Kaiwen and Zhou Qibao to the front and listened to him introducing the preliminary construction plan of Meixi New District.

Chen Kehua, director of the Municipal Construction Committee, and others also gathered around.

Shen Huai was amused. He was sitting diagonally across from each other, but Su Kaiwen couldn't even glance at him. How awkward would he feel?

When Shen Huai was guessing what might happen in the city, the rhetoric at the door stopped, and the meeting immediately became quiet. Yu Chengzhen stood up and returned his seat to Chen Kehua, director of the Municipal Construction Committee. Everyone patiently waited for Tan Qiping, Gao Tianhe and other members of the Standing Committee to walk in.

Tan Qiping was the first to walk into the conference room. He glanced at the conference room at the door, but did not stop at Shen Huai's face. After a short pause, he asked Yu Chengzhen to join him on the rostrum. Obviously, he didn't care about the front and back at all. Appearance order.

Shen Huai also knew that Tan Qiping hated seeing him, and he also didn't like seeing Tan Qiping, and he didn't know when it reached the level of two-phase hatred.

When Gao Tianhe entered the door, he looked down at the toes of his shoes.

--0---0---Small--says---this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading: Demon Scum

-0---0---Small---say---this is gorgeous dividing line---

, Sitting on the podium quietly, not very happy to be dragged to participate in such a meeting.

When the other members of the Standing Committee sat on the rostrum, Xiong Wenbin, Liu Weili and others walked in at the back with the materials. Liu Weili wanted to control the order of the venue at any time. He sat on the temporary seats at the door with Zhou Qibao, Su Kaiwen and others who were going to report.

Xiong Wenbin was not qualified to sit as the chairman, so he stood at the door looking for an empty seat under the stage.

"Old Xiao, you are so uninteresting. Director Xiong has been looking at you for a long time. You don't know how to let the Weng and husband-in-law sit together to enhance their relationship." Chen Kehua, director of the Construction Committee, saw Xiong Wenbin looking for a seat at the door, and suddenly He turned his body and said with a smile to Xiao Jiping, director of the Finance Committee, Finance and Political Bureau, who was sitting beside Shen Huai.

As soon as Chen Kehua said these words, everyone immediately thought of the incident of the collapse of the bed that had been rumored a few days ago.

Xiao Jiping, the director of the Finance and Political Bureau, ignored Chen Kehua, but someone pushed the person sitting on the other side of Shen Huai and asked him to make way for Xiong Wenbin: "You should also be interested, or else Lao Xiong will come to my side, and he will be side by side anyway. on."

Xiong Wenbin stood at the door, his face was instantly blue, and his body was shaking with anger, but he had nothing to do with Chen Kehua, who had always had a feud with him, and the city leaders on the rostrum had no one to help him stop the farce, so he could only turn around Sadly left the venue.

Xiong Wenbin's indignant departure could not stop the laughter in the venue.

Shen Huai put down the materials in his hand and looked at Tan Qiping on the rostrum.

Tan Qiping and Shen Huai looked at each other without saying anything, and continued to talk to the deputy secretary, as if he hadn't heard Chen Kehua's words, the laughter in the venue, or Xiong Wenbin's shameful departure.

Gao Tianhe also glanced at Tan Qiping and thought to himself, Tan Qiping was the most shocked when the news of the collapsed bed came out. He was probably the most willing to see Xiong Wenbin humiliated in public at this time. How could he stand for Xiong Wenbin?

Seeing the well-dressed people on the rostrum, all ignoring Xiong Wenbin's humiliation and leaving, Shen Huai suddenly stood up and kicked the platform in front of him.

"Crash", the long table moved out two steps, barely falling, and almost hit the long table on the rostrum.

This movement shocked everyone in the audience to focus on Shen Huai. Unexpectedly, when he said he had a seizure, he would have a seizure and walked towards Chen Kehua angrily.

Seeing Shen Huai approaching angrily, like a butcher, the murderous aura in his eyes made Chen Kehua's forehead go cold, he bent back, and asked sternly, "Shen Huai, what do you want to do?"

"What I have done, I will not deny it; what I have not done, who the **** dares to throw dirty water on me, I will tell my mother to be careful when walking at night." Shen Huai picked up the mineral water on the table , pointed at Chen Kehua's face, and scolded, "Your mother is so kind, tell me that sentence again."

In this world, rogues have always been afraid of rogues. Although Xiong Wenbin is a dog in the water, everyone can take a stick, but Shen Huai has a few people in Donghua who dare to provoke and provoke them.

At this time, everyone seemed to realize that Chen Kehua not only ran on Xiong Wenbin, but also angered the evil tiger Shen Huai.

Shen Huai was furious, and although Chen Kehua was also a deep-rooted real power in Donghua, he asked Shen Huai to poke his nose and curse, his face was bleak, and he didn't dare to reply a word.

It was a bit too much for Chen Kehua to make such a joke on this occasion, but no one on the rostrum stopped him, and the people in the audience thought it was funny when they thought of the rumor of the collapsed bed a few days ago.

They didn't expect that when Shen Huai said that he was going to have a blast, he caught Chen Kehua who had provoked him, and he was so angry that he wanted to bite down at his throat with those sharp eyes.

They all looked over in shock and didn't know how to persuade them. At this moment, they felt that this joke was not funny at all.

The people next to Chen Kehua not only did not dare to persuade him, they even avoided him for fear of angering him.

"Shen Huai, what's your attitude at this time?" Tan Qiping saw that Shen Huai was acting like a hooligan in public, and ran to Chen Kehua, director of the Municipal Construction Committee, pointed at his nose and scolded his mother, worried that it would burn the Japanese representative more than Nanyuan. worse

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Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading: Demon Scum

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When a bad incident comes, slap the table and stand up and stop drinking.

I didn't stop it just now, but it's too late to stop it now.

Shen Huai didn't look back at Tan Qiping at all, stared at Chen Kehua, and said, "Your mother has a seed, and then try throwing a pot of dirty water on Laozi's head."

False can be said to be true, and true can also be said to be false.

Shen Huai has been hanging out at the grassroots level for all these years, so he naturally understands this.

Xiong Wenbin also understands, but Xiong Wenbin can't tear his face, and he can't show the anger of a rogue and a scoundrel.

"Jokes, jokes," Chen Kehua heard the stern scolding of the municipal party committee secretary to Shen Huai, recovered some courage, and smiled miserably, "Before the meeting, I will say a joke to adjust the atmosphere, Shen Huai, please don't It's so serious. If you take it seriously, then I will apologize to you. You don't have to be like this, it hurts everyone's peace. "

"Shen Huai, learn some rules for me, and go back to your seat." Tan Qiping was shaking with anger when he saw that Shen Huai didn't even turn his head back. The last remaining bit of patience is about to be worn out.

"Just kidding," Shen Huai ignored Tan Qiping's loud shouts, and just gave Chen Kehua a cold smile and said, "Then I'll make a joke for you to liven up the atmosphere, okay?" He twisted the cap of the mineral spring bottle in his hand. Kai, grabbed the collar of Chen Kehua, who was less than 1.65 meters tall, and brought it to the table. He poured a full bottle of ice-cold water into Chen Kehua's collar.

In the past two days, Donghua has cooled down, and the temperature has dropped to only three or four degrees.

Although the air conditioner was on in the room and the mineral water was poured down the collar, it made Chen Kehua feel good; what made him even more humiliating was that he grabbed Shen Huai by the collar and didn't even dare to struggle, just like a chopping board to be slaughtered. pug.

Everyone in the venue was dumbfounded. Whoever offended Shen Huai would be punished to death like this. Chen Kehua should never think about raising his head in Donghua's officialdom in this lifetime.

At this time, Liu Weili, Zhou Qibao and other talents reacted and rushed forward, dragging their arms and legs, grabbing the less than half bottle of mineral water left in Shen Huai's hand.

Tan Qiping was so angry that he slapped the table, and without any regard for his face, pointed at Liu Weili and said, "What kind of etiquette is this, what kind of etiquette is this? You don't want him to attend the meeting in the city after you drive Shen Huai out. Is there any organization? Discipline, is there any party discipline and state law?”

dragged to the door, Shen Huai stared at Liu Weili and Zhou Qibao's eyes, UU Reading scolded: "You let go."

Liu Weili and Zhou Qibao felt guilty and let go, but they blocked the door and did not ask Shen Huai to return to the venue.

Shen Huai stood at the door and said to Tan Qiping:

"I don't care what you will do with me, but there are some things I want to tell you clearly. Secretary Tan, I always respect you in my heart. However, today, some cadres under your leadership are spreading rumors maliciously by others. , maliciously humiliated and attacked other cadres under your leadership in public. Not only did you not stop this kind of indiscriminate behavior, but you also ignored it and even encouraged connivance. To be honest, I am not fair to you today for not being able to handle subordinate conflicts fairly and fairly. Disappointing behavior. In my mind, you are no longer a qualified secretary of the municipal party committee, nor a qualified elder. My level is not enough to participate in today's meeting. Please do not notify me to participate in future meetings in the city. ."

Unexpectedly, Shen Huai turned around at this time and pointed his finger at Tan Qiping. Everyone in the room looked at each other in dismay. They didn't dare to say a word, for fear that a little disappointment would provoke Tan Qiping's thunderous anger and burn his anger on his own.

Shen Huai made a big noise and left after the meeting. Tan Qiping was trembling with anger. Looking at Chen Kehua's face, he was so angry that he grabbed the mineral water bottle by his hand and smashed it in his face:

"Director of the dignified Municipal Construction Committee, you are making such a ridiculous joke in public. Do you have the concept of organizational discipline in your heart? Are you still a party member?" He threw down the materials in his hand and said to Liu Weili, "Director Liu, you organize everyone to study materials, member of the Standing Committee. , I went to the small conference room with me. This incident must be dealt with seriously, otherwise the municipal party committee will have nothing to talk about in the future."

Chen Kehua's face collapsed there. He didn't expect that a run on Xiong Wenbin would cause such a big hornet's nest. 00 Novel Network collects and organizes, and the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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