Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 395: birds die for food

(The cold has not yet healed, there is only one update today)

It was already early winter, and Tan Qiping stood in front of the window, looking at the lake in the night, his face was gloomy, he heard footsteps behind him, turned around, saw Su Kaiwen and Zhou Qibao walking in, and asked: " Check it out, who is behind the scenes of what happened today?"

"Six people were caught by the District Public Security Bureau, and they all confessed without being frightened. The man behind the trouble is called Du Gui,"

Zhou Qibao saw that Tan Qiping was unfamiliar with the name, so he explained it a little.

"This Du Gui was the deputy head of the reception station in Meixi Town in the early days. I heard that he is a cousin of Du Jian, the former secretary of the party committee of Meixi Town. After Shen Huai arrived in Meixi Town, Du Gui was kicked out. Huai wanted to widen and renovate the Xiamei Highway. Du Gui and his group wanted to get high compensation from it. They bought several street shops privately. Two years ago, they encouraged the merchants to attack the town government. Because of this, Du Gui gave Sentenced to reeducation through labor for half a year, I didn't expect that he would not change his mind and jumped out to make trouble this time."

"They are blatantly speculating. Do you really think the government can't deal with them?" Tan Qiping said angrily, "Has Du Gui caught it? Your district party committee and district government must take this matter seriously."

Today, the convoy was stuck on the road for half an hour. Tan Qiping didn't know what the vice governor Luo Chenghui thought, but if this matter spread out, it would only embarrass him, the secretary of the municipal party committee.

"Du Gui was hiding behind the scenes, and no one was at the scene. He remotely controlled the matter by telephone. The District Public Security Bureau has sent a letter to the Xiapu County Bureau, asking them to cooperate with the arrest of Du Gui, but no one has been found yet." Su Kaiwen said.

"What's the name of the deputy secretary of Meixi Town?" Tan Qiping asked.

"Secretary Tan, you mean Yuan Hongjun?" Su Kaiwen asked.

"Yes, it's Yuan Hongjun. Judging from his grassroots work experience, he is quite rich in grassroots work. Was he the secretary of Hetang Town before?" When dealing with ordinary people, the situation is very complicated. You are going out of the office now, and you want to open up the situation as soon as possible when you go to the local area. For comrades who have rich grass-roots work experience, you need to learn more at work. "

"Well, I must study more," Su Kaiwen nodded and said yes, "Yuan Hong? Yuan Hongjun is outside."

"Okay, you let him in." Tan Qiping said.

Yuan Hongjun stood anxiously in the aisle outside the living room, watching Su Kaiwen open the door and motioning him to go in to see Tan Qiping, his heart pounding. He also took a big gamble today. If his behavior today fails to please Tan Qiping and others, he will be completely isolated in Meixi Town in the future.

It's just that he's not happy.

Before Hetang Township was withdrawn, he was the Secretary of the Party Committee of Hetang Township.

Hetang Town withdrew to Meixi Town. He didn't fight with Shen Huai, but in Meixi Town he couldn't even compete with He Qingshe and Li Feng. How could he feel comfortable?

Shen Huai was about to leave the place, and the last chance to push everyone in Meixi to the top, He Qingshe and Li Feng got good seats, not to mention, Huang Xinliang actually passed him and became the mayor, he was forgotten in the corner again, how could he It's hard to be content.

Yuan Hongjun didn't dare to go against Shen Huai directly, but Shen Huai would be completely separated from the place sooner or later, why would he embrace the people in Meixi and fight against Su Kaiwen and the others in order to understand the current affairs?

"Secretary Tan..." Yuan Hongjun walked into the living room and saw that Tan Qiping had deep bags under his eyes and looked exhausted. He greeted him cautiously.

"Meixi Town's work performance this year is very good, and the city and district are looking forward to it. But this is not an individual's achievement, it should be the result of your entire party and government team leading the people in Meixi Town," Tan Qiping said. , "So ensuring the unity of the party and government groups is an important prerequisite for achieving results. At present, there are discordant voices in the party and government groups in Meixi Town, but there are also cadres like you who have the courage to stand up and take responsibility when they see problems. happiness……"

Listening to Tan Qiping's words, Yuan Hongjun became furious. Isn't it because of Tan Qiping's words that he stood up today?


Du Jian pushed open the glass door of the teahouse, and heard Du Gui hid in the box on the right, calling him a reminder of "hush hush hush".

Du Jian came here by bicycle, entered the box, took off his gloves, put them on the table, frowned and said, "You asked me to say hello, the last time Pan Shigui committed suicide by jumping into the lake, you went in yourself. After living here for half a year, why haven't we made enough noise? Do you think the officials of the Tan Department will soften if you make such a fuss? What kind of waves do you think you can find?"

"I don't want to either," Du Gui said with a sad face, "I borrowed 500,000 yuan before and after, and the two and a half cents of interest were all deposited on those street shops. I used to think that Shen Huai was an inauthentic person. , but thinking about it now, he is generally fair. Su Kaiwen is the one who eats meat and does not spit out bones. The shop on Xuetang Street can sell six or seven thousand per square meter. Who can be convinced? If I really want to tell him to do this, I will pay for everything. After this, I have a debt of 500,000 to 600,000 yuan, how can I live? Since I have no way to survive, why can't I do it? Are you restless together?"

"Is there anyone else behind you?" Du Jian narrowed his eyes and looked at Du Gui.

"Don't ask this, I don't want to involve you," Du Gui said.

"Is it too late for you to say this now?" Du Jian said angrily and hilariously.

"..." Du Gui didn't directly say who it was, but asked his cousin Du Jian, "Pan Shigui died in a strange way back then. Is this really what happened?"

Du Jian sighed softly, the saying that birds feed on death and people make wealth is really not bad at all.

At first, Pan Shigui wanted to rely on Pan Shihua's power to extort high compensation for the reconstruction of the Xiamei Highway, and spend several million to buy shops. If calculated at the current price, these shops would have increased in value by no less than millions or tens of millions.

Whether the money can be obtained enough, and who will take it, are still very problematic.

The deputy director of the county planning committee's salary is only more than 500 a month. In the face of millions or tens of millions of wealth, who will easily stop?

"Pan Shigui died in a strange way. After his death, several factories in front of him were also controlled by others. We have some materials in our hands, but they are not enough. Can these materials be handed over to Shen Huai?" Du Gui asked.

"Why does Shen Huai help you? He wants to bring down Pan Shihua and needs to borrow your hands?" Du Jian shook his head and said, "Some things are just guesses, how can guesses count?"

Du Jian didn't want to get involved too deeply, so the topic stopped there, and he didn't ask any further questions, because Du Gui and the others were messing around behind the scenes.


Shen Huai got up early the next day and accompanied his aunt to continue discussing power cooperation with Vice Governor Luo Chenghui and others.

At noon, everyone had a banquet directly in Pengyue. After the banquet, Luo Chenghui, under the arrangement of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, will continue to inspect the power production of Donghua. Song Wenhui and other senior executives of Donghua have other schedules and leave Donghua directly .

At noon, Shen Huai received a call from Cheng Yi. She had already arrived in Xucheng by plane. Unexpectedly, Shen Huai heard Xie Zhi's voice on the phone.

Maybe it happened to be on the same flight, but when she thought of Cheng Yi and Xie Zhi together, Shen Huai felt an inexplicable headache.

Sending my sister-in-law back to the city from the ferry, I received a call from Shao Zheng halfway through, and I generally figured out that Du Gui was behind the scenes when the merchants blocked the governor's convoy yesterday. However, both Tangzha District and Xiapu County Public Security Bureau were dispatched, and no one of Du Gui was caught, so it is not clear whether other people planned this incident with Du Gui.

Shen Huai said he knew about it and hung up the phone.

People die for wealth and birds die for food. For Du Gui, a riot can cost hundreds of thousands or millions. Naturally, if he doesn't care about this, it will make Tan Qiping, the secretary of the municipal party committee, look ugly.

Shen Huai didn't go home until two o'clock in the morning last night. He woke up early again today. He didn't get enough sleep. He had a bad appetite at noon, and he hardly ate much.

At this moment, the others relaxed and felt hungry. Seeing that it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, they turned the steering wheel and turned to the Siyi Pastry Shop in Changqiao.

Shen Huai ordered a bowl of shepherd's purse ravioli and a few kinds of cakes downstairs, and took the tray upstairs to find a seat.

In 1995, Donghua didn't have KFC, McDonald's and other foreign fast food. At this point, only the century-old Siyi Pastry Shop in Donghua could have something to fill their stomachs, and there were also men and women who had been shopping hard to rest here. Although it was three o'clock in the afternoon, there were almost no empty seats upstairs and downstairs.

Shen Huai saw Xiong Dini sitting by the window with a young man, and saw Xiong Dini also seeing him, just wanted to say hello, but seeing Xiong Dini's eyes fluttered away.

It just so happened that there was an empty booth next to Dini Xiong, so Shen Huai sat down with the tray. He noticed that Dini Xiong's beautiful face was "blush" red, from the tip of her nose to the base of her neck was red, as if she wanted to It seemed to ooze blood, and it also revealed the charming charm of a young woman.

The young man sitting opposite Xiong Dini looked back at Shen Huai and saw that Shen Huai was holding a spoon and was blowing the hot soup with his head down. He didn't see anything unusual, so he asked Xiong Dini, "Are you shy when you see strangers... …”


Shen Huai looked up at Xiong Dini, and saw that she wanted to bury her head in her chest. After listening to them talk for a while, she realized that the young man was the blind date that Bai Sumei asked for Xiong Dini. Under the active invitation of the young man and the urging of his family, this was their second meeting.

Thinking about how fast time flies, Xiong Dini and Zhou Ming have been divorced for almost ten months.

With Shen Huai by her side, Xiong Dini fidgeted and chatted perfunctorily for a while before going downstairs with the young man. Shen Huai watched from the window as Xiong Dini separated from the young man by the roadside.

After the young man crossed the road, Dini Xiong turned around and went upstairs.

Seeing Xiong Dini come upstairs again, Shen Huai smiled and said, "Hey, I thought Lao Xiong had an illegitimate daughter outside, but I don't know him."

"What nonsense, do you think my dad is like Xiong Dini ran into Shen Huai on a date with a blind date, she always felt a little embarrassed, and explained, "My mother forced me to come out on a blind date, I am Second marriage, with children, they are afraid that I am a leftover..."

"The young man is very nice, but he is too eager. The second time we met, he started planning to get married and live. He was a little too real." Shen Huai said with a smile.

"How did you come here?" Xiong Dini asked curiously.

"I didn't eat much at noon. Where else can I eat at this point?" Shen Huai asked, "You don't have to go to work today? Or did you come over for a date?"

"Today's rest day," Xiong Dini said, "I originally wanted to have a good rest for a day, and let my mother rush over to meet with others. The pain is killing me."

"By the way, our goddaughter is at home at this time? I haven't seen her for a long time as godfather." Shen Huai asked.

"My mother should be at home with Yueting." Xiong Dini said.

After Xiong Dini gave birth to Yueting, Bai Sumei retired to take care of the children at home, while Xiong Dini went to work as usual. (83 Chinese Network)

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