Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 392: Political thinking

(One update today, sitting all day these days, my back hurts a lot, I want to ask for leave to take a break)

Tan Qiping, accompanied by Vice Governor Luo Chenghui, sat in the car with an ugly face, watching the crowd who opened the banners and surrounded the car to protest the forced demolition.

Fortunately, the police car that cleared the way responded quickly enough. More than a dozen police officers came down to isolate the crowd, preventing the crowd from directly impacting Luo Chenghui's car.

Luo Chenghui sat in the car and looked at everything outside the car calmly, as if he was not blocking the road.

Zhou Qibao was sitting in a car behind, watching that there was a problem at the intersection, but Su Kaiwen went out to persuade him to no avail, so he could only bite the bullet and get out of the car, stood in front of the convoy, stared at these people, and shouted sharply. repelling:

"What are you going to do? Do you know that it is illegal to stop a car and stop the road? Do you have any problems? You can't communicate with the town, and you can't react with the district. You must do this kind of illegal behavior?"

"What's illegal or not? We only give 1,500 to 1,000 square meters of street shops in the town. If we don't agree, we will forcibly demolish it. We ordinary people have no way to live, so why don't you care if you violate the law or not?" There were indignant shouts in the crowd. When he came out, Zhou Qibao, the deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, showed no respect at all.

"Whoever doesn't agree to demolish the house, there are hooligans coming to make trouble all day long, and the police station doesn't pay attention, so why isn't it illegal? When Su Kaiwen came to Meixi, he was so angry that he didn't ask him about the violation. Isn't it illegal?"

"We want Secretary Tan to give us an explanation."

"We want Governor Luo to give us an explanation."

Zhou Qibao's repeated persuasion and intimidation had no effect, and once the road was blocked, a considerable number of onlookers would soon gather, which would only make Tan Qiping and Luo Chenghui even more unhappy.

Zhou Qibao returned to the temporary wall of people lined up by the police, and Su Kaiwen said to him, "Robi can bring people over immediately, the pioneers will disperse, and let the team go over and talk about it..."

Huang Xinliang directly objected and said: "It's not good to do this. It's all old people who cut the road and force them to drive them away. In case of broken bones or something, the impact will be even worse, and you should be careful."

Zhou Qibao looked at the crowd in front of the convoy. There were seventy or eighty people, most of them were elderly people in their seventies and eighties. It was true that they could not be driven away violently. He became more and more unhappy, and he was so anxious to blame Su Kaiwen: "How did you guys do your work before, why didn't you hear the rumors, so let them organize trouble?"

Su Kaiwen didn't have a place to complain to anyone, and he didn't expect to encounter this.

He originally suspected that Shen Huai was behind the scenes, but today Luo Chenghui came to Donghua for the Meixi Electric Power Company's shipping ceremony. There was no need for Shen Huai to choose this time to make trouble.

Another, the originally arranged route was to meet directly at the Pengyue International Hotel, take a small rest, and then take Zhuxi Avenue to go directly to Meixi Power Plant.

The police and security personnel sent by the town to maintain order were concentrated on both sides of Zhuxi Avenue, with dozens of people. If the convoy is walking along Zhuxi Avenue and sees signs of something wrong, it can be stopped immediately, and there will be no chance for so many people to rush up to block the convoy.

At this time, Yuan Hongjun rushed back from the south, panting, and said, "Mr. Shen and Mr. Song of Dongdian, stop at the intersection ahead and wait for us..."

Zhou Qibao knew that it was impossible for Shen Huai to stand up and solve problems for Su Kaiwen.

Shen Huai currently holds the position of the district standing committee member, and he is considered to have left the upper half of the local area. If they expect Shen Huai to stand up to solve this matter, Su Kaiwen, the district, and even Tan Qiping will have no place to show their face.

Zhou Qibao looked at the many cadres in Meixi Town who were standing behind Su Kaiwen and asked, "What can you do?" They knew that they needed to solve the current predicament. Su Kaiwen was not familiar with the local situation, so he couldn't count on him, he could only count on the right The local situation is familiar, and the old man with prestige.

Huang Xin, Guo Quan, Yang Chengming and the others looked at each other and remained silent.

Seeing that the old people in Meixi Town were silent, and Zhou Qibao was sweating on his forehead, he had noticed that Tan Qiping was looking at them with dissatisfaction through the car window.

"District Chief Zhou, is this possible?" Yuan Hongjun suddenly made up his mind and stepped forward and said.

Huang Xinliang and others looked at Yuan Hongjun in surprise, but didn't say anything...


"The compensation standard for demolition and resettlement in Meixi was formulated by a group of people I led two years ago. The changes in farmland and residential areas are not very big, and the biggest dispute is the demolition of shops along the street. Two years ago, Meixi Town was still It’s just a backward town, and shops with complete procedures along the street cost about 1,455 per square meter, so the monetary compensation standard formulated at that time was set at this level.”

Shen Huai didn't bother to interfere with Su Kaiwen's mess, and asked Yuan Hongjun to go back first. He sat in the car and waited for Tan Qiping and Su Kaiwen to solve the problem and meet up. By the way, he introduced the recent situation in Meixi Town to his aunt in the car.

"Meixi Town has developed rapidly in the past two years, and the commercial and service industries have developed rapidly. The rent of commercial shops in the township has risen sharply, which has also driven the price of shops and land to rise. The price of commercial land at Pailoukou, an old street, can be sold for one mu per mu. With the high price of 1.2 million, there are people rushing to ask for it for 6,000 or 7,000, so the monetary compensation previously formulated is low. However, in the old compensation method, there are two options: replacement and relocation. For the demolition households For example, it was not cost-effective to take monetary compensation, so he chose street shop replacement and relocation, so there was no big problem. After Su Kai heard about Meixi Town, he first adjusted the compensation standard, and the farmland and houses were all replaced and resettled, and the street shops were all paid for in currency. The demolition, just monetary demolition, still follows the old standards, and the contradiction intensifies all of a sudden. The demolition cannot be discussed, and Su Kaiwen is eager to start the project again. The only way is to use coercive means and invite four demolition companies from the city to carry it out in sections. , the scene is a bit big..."

TEPCO undertakes the construction of thermal power and hydropower projects at the local level. Although it is only the constructor and is not responsible for the local land acquisition and demolition, it often entangles the landless farmers. Song Wenhui also knows a thing or two about this kind of thing, so it's hard to say who is right and who is unreasonable.

Although local governments must protect construction and adopt a one-size-fits-all high-pressure policy on such disputes, the different local handling capacities have resulted in great differences in the degree of rebound of the demolished people.

In this situation today, if the vice governor came down to inspect and block the road, it would be considered a serious problem.

"You were blocked once in Meixi Town, is that the project?" Song Wenhui asked, still having some impression of Shen Huai being besieged by the town government.

"It's the same project," Shen Huai said leisurely, leaning his head against the back of the chair, "although this matter has nothing to do with me, we can't hide behind our backs and say that Su Kaiwen is not. He mainly wants to take commercial land. The price difference is used to make up for the lack of funds for the reconstruction of Xiamei Highway. The Xiamei Highway is currently full of potholes, dilapidated, and inconvenient transportation. The value of the shops along the street has been suppressed and has not risen too high. The expected increase in the value of street shops after the renovation is completed is relatively high. However, this value-added process is closely related to the reconstruction of Xiamei Highway. Owners and merchants all hope to enjoy the dividends of street shop value-added, but they feel that they are not satisfied with the reconstruction of Xiamei Highway. They should not be obligated, and the demolition companies, construction companies, and investment companies that follow them all want to eat meat from them, which will cause a series of conflicts that are difficult to resolve. After the economic development, such conflicts will become more and more. , this problem has nothing to do with the people’s unhappiness, but more about the unbalanced distribution of interests. Whether it can be alleviated depends mainly on the level of local governance.”

Song Wenhui asked: "Jiangdong, Liangzhe, Guangnan and other provinces and cities have developed rapidly in the past two years, and demolition problems are common. What kind of thinking do you think local governments should have in order to better handle this problem? ?"

"Little aunt, are you testing me?" Shen Huai asked with a smile.

"Forget it," Song Wenhui said, "Now that party members and cadres want to go up, the key is to see the level of governance. When it comes to the level of governance, courage is one aspect, but courage alone is not enough; the main thing is to have a clear political thinking. Over the years, there has been a struggle, and in the final analysis, it’s a battle of lines.”

Seeing that my sister-in-law was so in-depth to discuss political issues with herself, Shen Huai asked with a smile, "Auntie, do you think there is still some hope for me to continue as an official?"

"Don't be an official all day long, you've become an official fan?" Song Wenhui scolded with a smile, "Hong Jun also complained about you, clinging to the official hat."

"Our old Song family, who go to sea to do business and get rich, only one or two people is enough," Shen Huai said with a smile, "As the saying goes, fighting for power is not for money, and fighting for guns is not for power. The truth is very simple, that is, money can't fight for power, and power can't fight with guns. If all of our juniors sharpen their heads to make money, it will do harm to the Song family and not benefit at all."

Song Wenhui nodded, knowing that Shen Huai was thinking deeply, she turned back to the topic just now, and asked, "Don't go so far, you haven't said that if this matter is on you, how will you deal with it."

Shen Huai continued:

"As far as Meixi Town is concerned, we must see that it is the development of industrial industrialization that directly promotes the rise of urban commerce and service industries, enriches local finances, and then promotes the construction of new towns. This order cannot be reversed. Shen Huai said, "The city came up with the framework plan of Meixi New District and the detailed preparatory work rules. After Su Kai heard about Meixi Town, he was eager to open up the situation. The focus of work was shifted to the construction of new towns, and the order was reversed. Out of this big order, it doesn’t make much sense to talk about small means.”

"When the framework plan for Meixi New District was first started, you advocated building bridges at the mouth of the Meixi River and connecting the highways along the river first," Song Wenhui asked, "Is that what you said about industrialization driving urbanization development? ideas?"

Shen Huai nodded and said, "Without the great development of industrialization, China's population of 1.2 billion will have to live a prosperous life. Who will help you produce so many materials? However, the scope of Meixi New Area is still small, so let Su If Kaiwen continues, he should have some ability to pull some resources from the outside to build the new district into a decent shape. So if he does this, he probably won't have any major problems in the initial stage, and his political achievements may be very good. But just like you just now What I said, having the courage to do a good job on the surface is actually not enough. Is there really no one above who understands? I can't get in, so I just stand and watch; let them work on the municipal infrastructure of Meixi Town. It's okay, it's not impossible..."

Song Wenhui nodded and said: "Below the prefectures and cities, the development space is relatively open, and there is not much cruel competition, so you really want to develop within the system, sometimes it is good to let it go, and it will help you develop in the future. Open up a wider road. At least at this time, the central leadership team is still clear in their hearts."

"Second Uncle was defeated here?" Shen Huai asked.

Song Wenhui nodded, but she didn't want to say anything to Shen Huai about the second brother and Tian Jiageng, feeling that this matter was still a little far away for him.

Shen Huai also felt that the second uncle Song Qiao was born in the central government for too long, his appearance was not grounded, and his thinking on local governance was unclear.

Shen Huai thought again, the little aunt said this to him at this time, probably because she had higher expectations for him, he couldn't help but smiled wryly at the little aunt Song Wenhui, and said, "I don't want to think about twenty or even thirty years from now. Don't expect so much from me; otherwise, you will suffocate me to death."

"You," Song Wenhui was both angry and funny, to say that Shen Huai is not smart, he can understand what other people mean without saying a few words; to say that he is smart, it's obvious that he doesn't want to change his temper. There is a problem with life style, and he said angrily, "Be kind to a donkey, I'm too lazy to care about you."

"By the way, what does the old man think of Tan Qiping?" Shen Huai asked again.

"The issues involved are very complicated, and the old man can't just think about it from the Song family's standpoint," Song Wenhui said. "If you go back to Yanjing this Spring Festival, talk to the old man yourself."

Shen Huai said: "It's not clear yet, but the Spring Festival is the most critical moment for the trial operation of the new plant. I may not be able to return to Beijing for the Spring Festival this year."

"Let's talk about it then," Song Wenhui said. "Since you are halfway out of the place, there is no need to worry about it." (83中文网)

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