Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 382: Businesses have attributes

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Although there are conditions for privatizing Meishan Iron and Steel, Shen Huai has no intention to limit the future development space of Meishan Iron and Steel because it is beneficial to him personally.

The current domestic reforms are mainly concentrated in the field of the economic system.

At least in 1995, adhering to the main body of the public economy has been emphasized again and again from zhngyāng to local governments; the development of the non-public economy is still in the exploratory stage, and all aspects are still very cautious.

Even in places where investment promotion is rampant, the development of the non-public economy is subject to various restrictions in terms of economic policies.

This kind of restriction is comprehensive. Even if Song Hongjun wants to develop domestically, he must be suppressed under the ceiling of the policy.

The province has limited approval authority for foreign-funded industrial projects worth hundreds or tens of millions of dollars. No matter how large the scale is, it basically has to pass the approval of the State Council and the State Planning Commission.

Many projects are often abruptly cut off due to concerns about "related to national security".

Evergreen Group and Haifeng Industrial jointly want to enter the domestic securities market this time. Even if they have the relationship with the Song family, the amount of investment is strictly limited. The amount of securities investment approved for the pilot program is only 20 million US dollars. The funds can only be invested in local real industries.

At the national level, it is necessary to consider the overall affordability of the domestic securities market. It is impossible to say that it will tolerate foreign businessmen entering the market with billions of dollars all at once, causing the newly developed securities market to become bloody.

Heavy industry, real estate and many other industries are currently not very open to foreign and private capital.

Oil exploration, refining, railways and other industries that are the lifeblood of the domestic economy, not to mention at present, may not allow foreign and private capital to enter for a long time in the future.

Although Meigang has undergone shareholding restructuring, it belongs to a mixed-ownership enterprise in terms of political attributes, but the collective shares held by the Meixi Town Government and the state-owned shares held by Dongdian Huaineng are both public-owned and still occupy the dominant position. The private equity held by Pengyue, Zhongxin, Zhujiang Construction and the management is non-public and in a subordinate position, so they can enjoy the treatment of public enterprises in terms of project approval, loans, market operation, etc.

Some places have stricter restrictions on the proportion of public shares in mixed enterprises, and even require that the proportion of public shares exceeds 66.6 absolute majority in order to enjoy the treatment of public enterprises, not simply holding public shares.

Once Shen Huai chooses to privatize Meigang at this time, so that the non-public shareholding ratio exceeds 50, the nature of Meigang's enterprise will undergo a fundamental change. At that time, Tan Qiping will directly suppress Meigang's local development, and he will not The place makes sense.

This has nothing to do with factionalism, it is mainly determined by the current political climate.

It can be said that once Shen Huai privatizes Meishan Iron and Steel, before the new economic policy makes a breakthrough, his further development of Meishan Iron and Steel will be severely restricted, which is not what he wants to see.

Shen Huai told Sun Yalin and Song Hongjun his thoughts.

"A steel company with a direct annual production capacity of 800,000 tons of steel, and an industrial chain group with a total annual output value of related enterprises that may exceed 4 billion, can't satisfy you." Song Hongjun pouted, it was difficult to communicate with Shen Huai In a puzzled tone, he said, "How big is your ambition?"

"Fuji Steel wants to accelerate its overseas industrial layout through industrial integration in Japan, and achieve the goal of annual production capacity of 20 million tons within five years," Shen Huai said with a smile, "If you say that it will develop to this level in three to five years, then It's bragging; if our 20-year development plan doesn't dare to go beyond Fuji Steel, it's not really ambitious."

Song Hongjun smacked his lips, not knowing how to evaluate Shen Huai's "ambition":

With an annual output of 6 million tons of steel, Yanjing Iron and Steel is already a state-owned enterprise at the vice-ministerial level; the chairman of Yangang Group has a higher political status than ordinary officials at the vice-provincial and ministerial level.

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Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading: The Famous Doctor Woman

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, is the zhngyāng alternate member.

As long as Shen Huai maintains the main body of Meigang's public equity, as long as Shen Huai does not give up his party status, and as long as Meigang's production capacity, output value, and profit scale can continue to break through, Meigang can also be upgraded.

Seeing Song Hongjun smacking his lips, Shen Huai smiled and said, "Why, I dare not have such ambitions"

"You are so optimistic about the development prospects of the domestic steel industry, what basis do you have?" Song Hongjun asked.

"Europe, America, Japan, South Korea and other countries have almost completed industrialization, so in the process of industrialization, the country's total demand for steel can be estimated," Shen Huai said, "As long as China's industrialization process is not interrupted, until the industrialization is completed. At the moment, a total of 20 billion tons of steel needs to be consumed. If we want to complete the industrialization process in the next 50 years, then by the peak of domestic industrialization development, the domestic steel industry's production capacity must reach at least 400 million tons. It is said that the current domestic steel industry is still far from this goal.”

"This professional is different from our unprofessional one, and the depth of the problem is different." Song Hongjun turned around and said angrily to Sun Yalin.

At that time, the overall goal of the domestic steel industry was only to break through the annual output of 100 million tons. Few people said that the goal was directly set on the annual output of 400 million tons.

"It's you who are unprofessional," Sun Yalin said disdainfully. "Your little thought, you can still hide from others. After all, don't you have no confidence in China's rise?"

Song Hongjun told Sun Yalin to hit the key, and smiled.

In fact, it is not difficult to determine the long-term goals of the entire domestic economic development. As early as the beginning of the reform and opening up, the country put forward the policy of adhering to the policy of adhering to the primary stage of socialism for a hundred years. This is an estimate based on the main goal of completing industrial modernization, and is not a figure that the leaders of zhngyāng jumped out of their heads.

The current disagreement, one is that some people have confidence in achieving this goal, and some people do not. There is another disagreement on the route to achieve this goal: some people believe that shock therapy should be used, and some people insist on incremental reform.

Shen Huai first communicated with Song Hongjun and Sun Yalin, and then invited Zhou Zhibai, Yang Haipeng, Zhu Li, Chu Yiliang and others to Meigang in the evening to inform them and other senior officials at home and core cadres in Meixi Town.

The problem of financing difficulties is not only urgent for Shen Huai and Sun Yalin, but also Zhou Zhibai, Yang Haipeng, Zhu Li, Chu Yiliang, Zhao Dong, Wang Kangsheng and all the senior management of Meigang, as well as He Qingshe, Li Feng, Yuan Hongjun, Guo Quan, Huang Xinliang and others , all sleep and sleep for this matter.

However, the capital required for the construction of Meigang's new factory is huge. Pengyue, Zhujiang Construction, Ziluo Home Textiles, Penghai Trading and other enterprises are still in the early stage of development, and the funds that can be drawn to supply Meigang's new factory are limited. .

Peng Yue has the strongest strength, with total assets of nearly 200 million, but assets and funds are completely different concepts.

Pengyue provided a guarantee for the 40 million yuan construction fund of Zhuxi Avenue, and has no more money to continue to obtain loans from the bank, and can only inject the newly generated profits into the construction of the new Meishan Iron and Steel Plant, which is at most 2 to 3 million yuan per month. That's it. Compared with the huge amount of funds required for the construction of the new plant project, this is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket.

Of course, everyone is not pessimistic and disappointed, and they are even mentally prepared to delay the construction cycle for a year or more. For a steel plant with an annual production capacity of 600,000 tons, the one-year construction cycle is the goal proposed by Shen Huai. In fact, it is not too late to build a steel plant for two to three years.

It's just that the construction period of the new plant is prolonged, in addition to the financial cost will greatly increase, the profitability will be weakened, and there may be additional market risks. Absolute disadvantage.

It is difficult to bear additional risks and blows to ensure that new funds are continuously drawn from energy sources to ensure the smooth progress of new plant construction.

Shen Huai had chosen to back down before, but in fact, he had to avoid a more violent conflict with Tan Qiping, and avoid an additional blow to the construction of Meishan Iron and Steel's new plant.

To do business, you must have passion, but what is more important is resilience.

Whether Zhao Dong, Yang Haipeng, Qian Wenhui, and Wang Kangsheng are all people who have suffered setbacks, they have the enthusiasm for doing business and the tenacity to persevere.

But more or less, everyone's morale

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Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading: The Famous Doctor Woman

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also suffered some blows.

This time, Tan Qiping held a preparatory seminar for Meixi New District directly in the name of the municipal party committee, and even made a big push, making everyone feel even more depressed.

The rise of Meixi Town in the past two years was originally led by Shen Huai to do it together.

The foundation of Meixi New District is Meixi Town. Tan Qiping kicked them out of the preparation and construction of Meixi New District. He also made a lot of efforts for himself. How can Zhou Zhibai and others look at it?

The so-called mountains and rivers are exhausted, the so-called willows and dark flowers are no more than this.

Zhou Zhibai, Yang Haipeng, Zhu Li, Chu Yiliang, Zhao Dong, etc., when they heard Shen Huai say that Meigang would receive a bond investment totaling 30 million US dollars, the first reaction was that Shen Huai was developing Everyone was joking, unbelievable, and excited to scream.

Shen Huai briefly explained the source of this bond investment fund to everyone, saying: "I plan to split this bond investment fund into two parts, one part will be undertaken by the two platforms of Zhongxin and Zhujiang Investment, and then will be invested in equity. The method of injecting into the new plant project of Meishan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., part of which is directly injected into the new plant project of Meishan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. in the form of corporate bonds, ensures that the debt ratio of the entire project is at 50. This also facilitates the equity adjustment of the entire Meishan Iron and Steel Group after the completion of the new plant. , when merging, our voice can be increased. Another thing I want to say is that I will formally propose to the city tomorrow to resign from the posts of the town party secretary and the park party working committee secretary, so as to ensure that within half a year to a year this year , I can focus on the construction of the new factory.”

"Why do you still want to step back at this time?" Yang Haipeng was extremely puzzled. The biggest hurdle in the construction of Meigang's new plant has been overcome. Many people are staring at Meigang and Donghua in all aspects. The means of steel necking are very limited. He should be afraid of Shen Huai and Mei Gang. He asked, "The seat of the party working committee secretary of Meixi New Area should be yours, right?"

Shen Huai smiled and said, "If I were to be the secretary of the Party Working Committee of the new district, do you think that Tan Qiping would not be able to drag the new district down? Meixi Town used to be inconspicuous, and there was no threat: Meisteel's restructuring did not receive any resistance; Tang merged into Meixi River without any resistance; we applied for building a Jianggang Wharf, but we did not encounter any resistance; we borrowed a bank loan to build Zhuxi Avenue, but we did not encounter any resistance; we applied for a new factory project, but we did not encounter any resistance. Among so many things, if Tan Qiping directly stands up to set up obstacles, how likely is it that we can break through the obstacles and whether the preparation time for the new district is long or short, this can be controlled. Even if Tan Qiping can't block us outright, he is in Xipi District. Or build a new district in Beicheng District, or even directly request local financial to fully tilt towards the development zone. We can help him to know that if the new district is to develop, infrastructure such as roads must go first, but domestic Infrastructure investment has not yet been opened to foreign investment. If Donghua wants to take the lead in opening this opening, it must get the approval of Tan Qiping. Do we have the ability to drive Tan Qiping out of Donghua now?”

When he felt that Tan Qiping was already an obstacle, he should be brought down or driven out, but he had to admit that this goal was difficult to achieve in a short period of time.

However, Shen Huai continued to choose to back down when he clearly had a certain advantage, and everyone was somewhat depressed.

They still understand Shen Huai's thoughts: Shen Huai wants to exchange his personal concessions for the faster rise of Meixi New District. Even if the achievements of the rise of the new district are likely to be taken away by Tan Qiping, it is likely to greatly stabilize Tan Qiping's position in Donghua, and Shen Huai has no regrets.

On the way back to the hotel after leaving Meigang, Song Hongjun had to sigh with emotion: "To be honest, I don't have the kind of tolerance you have, if it were me, I wouldn't care if the local development would hold me back, I would kill the enemy first. important."

"Shen Huai wants to be with you. When Mei Gang is about to close, he should toss Mei Gang to himself," Sun Yalin stood in the back row of the car, dismissing Song Hongjun's remarks, and said, "Shen Huai really wants to follow suit. In your opinion, Meigang's production capacity can exceed 200,000 tons, and then continue to break through to 800,000 tons. If Meigang is privately owned by the Song family, Aunt Song would dare to use Dongdian's resources to help build a power plant in Meixi, and also Not to be bitten to death by political enemies”

Shen Huai and Song Hongjun smiled slightly, and said, "Everything has advantages and disadvantages, don't try to take all the advantages. Tan Qiping is the secretary of the municipal party committee and a red child. He can't kill me, he is depressed enough, you are also called He takes a breath." 00 Novel Network collects and organizes, and the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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