Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 380: I see

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Yang Lili was sitting on the sofa watching TV with a bag of potato chips in her arms. When she realized that the door was opened from the outside, she realized that she was wearing underwear in the room, jumped up from the sofa, and grabbed the coffee table. The glass was smashed.

With a "bang", the glass slammed on the door, and then fell to the ground with a "pop" and smashed into pieces. The glass **** splashed around his feet. Shen Huai turned his head to look at the white mark on the glass behind the door. , It was almost so, that he won the lottery today.

Shen Huai turned around again and pointed to Yang Lili, who was naked, covering her chest, wearing purple cotton underwear, showing her snow-white slender legs: "Why are you hitting me with a cup?"

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Kou Xuan ran out of the bedroom to ask when she heard the movement in the living room. When she saw Shen Huai standing at the door, she realized that she was only wearing a camisole, and the bamboo shoots pushed up the front. , showing a slight blushing, and wearing only a pair of white cotton underwear on the lower body, almost half-naked, told her to scream and hide in the room.

Shen Huai spread out his hands, this girl was so bold that she stripped herself naked in front of him before, but now she screams like this in a halter top, a woman is really hypocritical.

"Why did you come in without knocking on the door? I thought it was a burglar." Yang Lili turned her back, slipped into the bedroom with bare legs and got dressed, and asked Shen Huai across the bedroom door.

"I have the key, why should I knock on the door?"

Shen Huai folded his arms around his chest and looked at Yang Lili's flawless beautiful back leisurely.

Yang Lili turned around and hugged her chest with both hands, and asked her shoulder blades to stretch out slightly, but it didn't feel jagged, her texture was crystal clear and plump. When she entered the door, she turned slightly to the side, revealing the outer edge of her full breasts, a woman who made people feel darkly mature, really more attractive than a little girl.

But looking at the glass **** on the ground again, Shen Huai was afraid after thinking about it. He thought that he would not come in like this if he had a good look, but he would not come in like this after peeking. Yang Lili: "Where is Sun Yalin?"

"I'm taking a nap, you can't call me if I have anything." Sun Yalin opened the door, looked at Shen Huai gloatingly, and said, "It's a pity I didn't smash your face today. I enjoyed watching it just now. Do not"

Sun Yalin wore a small tube top on her upper body, her towering chest bulging up, revealing her charming belly button, wearing black shorts, and standing barefoot on the floor. She didn't mind showing Shen Huai anything.

"How do I know that you are all naked in the room?" Shen Huai said innocently.

"Come on, you haven't used this trick in Paris. In summer, you men can be shirtless in the house. We have to wrap up tightly in the house. Why are you pretending to be innocent?" Sun Yalin said disdainfully. .

After piercing Sun Yalin, Shen Huai's old face could only change the topic there, saying, "What time is it, why are you still taking a nap?"

"I don't have to deal with Xie Zhi's vicious bitches. I have nothing to do. Apart from sleeping and beauty, what else can I do?" Sun Yalin asked, "Why are you coming back?"

"You really don't know." Shen Huai stared at Sun Yalin's eyes.

"Do you know what? Is it possible that you suddenly know about the 30 million dollar bond investment, and you can use it as an excuse to spy on the door?" Sun Yalin asked Shen Huai's eyes with a sullen face, but she couldn't hold back in an instant. With a smirk, he leaned over and asked, "Come and tell me, how did Xie Zhi run on you when he saw you?

--0---0---Small--says---this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading: Superman in the Marvel World

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How did Yao Ronghua slap her in the face after the phone call?"

"I knew it was you who was playing tricks," Shen Huai asked. "You knew that there would be 30 million dollars in receipt, so why didn't you go to the city together in the afternoon?"

"You think my sister and I are running around in Paris and Hong Kong these days, just jumping around without any gain." Sun Yalin smiled complacently and said, "However, if I go to the city with you this afternoon, Xie Zhi is in In front of me, can we run against you arrogantly? We must first hold her up high, how can we beat her down?"

Probably imagining Xie Zhi's embarrassed look at Shen Huai's counterattack, Sun Yalin couldn't help laughing until she rolled.

After coming out of the meeting room of the Municipal Party Committee, Shen Huai drove directly back to Wenshan Garden, and he knew that this matter had nothing to do with Sun Yalin. He is not an extraordinary person either. These days, he has really suffered from financing matters. He almost gave Xie Zhi a run in the conference room to get out of the stage. Of course, he knows that there are 30 million US dollars in bond investment. Come in, and immediately clear the biggest difficulty in front of his eyes, how can he not be excited

His excitement has not yet passed, and he doesn't care that Sun Yalin has been hiding from him for a while, and he still wants to watch the good show he ran on Xie Zhi. When Sun Yalin came out, he was so excited that he reached out to hug her and said: "It's a pity you weren't there"

"Hey, hey," Sun Yalin said, raising her knees against Shen Huai's lower abdomen, preventing him from hugging him, "Speaking, talking, you take the opportunity to take advantage of me, be careful that my knees will ruin you."

Shen Huai smiled, sat on the sofa, and asked Sun Yalin, "How did you convince the investors that they didn't come to Meigang for inspection, and if the $30 million is invested, they will invest."

Even though Sun Yalin has complete materials for the new project of Meishan Iron and Steel, the investor made such a big investment decision without coming to investigate on the spot, which is inconceivable to Shen Huai.

"I can't be charming." Sun Yalin sat on the other end of the sofa with her legs curled up, raised her chin slightly and looked at Shen Huai, she even fluffed her loose hair and put on a charming pose, "Don't you think I'm attractive enough? Is it big?"

"30 million US dollars, even if you sell yourself, you won't be able to get this money. If you can have this kind of wealth, you can't be obsessed with beauty," Shen Huai certainly didn't believe Sun Yalin's words. Nonsense, leaning over, trying to get the truth out of Sun Yalin's mouth, seeing her pursed lips and still smiling, she asked, "You won't kidnap your mother and extort it from your father. Thirty million dollars"

Shen Huai really couldn't think of anyone in the Sun family who could bypass the Evergreen Group and give out 30 million US dollars at once.

"If anyone can kidnap my mother, my dad may give the kidnapper 30 million, and let him tear up my mother directly."

"Who is that"

"You have to know that in the report to the board of directors of the group, my second uncle gave several crosses to the prospect assessment of the new project of Meishan Steel. The old bottom is thrown into your bottomless pit," Sun Yalin said.

"" Of course Shen Huai is not stupid. Hearing what Sun Yalin said, he was stunned and asked, "When did my grandfather come to Donghua?"

"My aunt and grandpa have actually been to Donghua more than once." Sun Yalin said.

"Hey" Shen Huai sighed softly and sat quietly on the sofa, for a while there was something in his heart that he couldn't spit out.

This should have been an emotion that had nothing to do with him, or it was an uncontrollable emotion flowing out of his heart, making him understand that he was going to take on the lives of two people after all, the burdens and emotions of two lives, and other good and bad things. of.

Although "he" committed

-0--0--small--say--this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading: Superman in the Marvel World

--0--0---Small--says---this is gorgeous dividing line-

It was a big mistake that was irreparable. The Shen Shan couple sadly cut off relations with "him", deprived "him" of the right of inheritance, and resolutely drove "he" back to China and never saw each other again, but they never thought of "he". He" was thrown away.

Sun Yalin looked at Shen Huai's hurt Qi Jing's face, and an indescribable tenderness poured out in her heart. She told her that she was not used to it, and told her to indulge in it. She reached out and touched the beard on Shen Huai's chin and said, "Grandpa In the past two years, I didn’t manage much, and I couldn’t get so much money for a while, so I used their share in the family fund to trade with my dad. After all, my dad couldn’t bear to see the private house money I saved over the years in Meigang City. After all the losses, everyone managed to scrape together 30 million US dollars. If you fail in this new Meishan Iron and Steel plant, you will be implicated in the loss of your grandfather and grandma and even the pension money.”

The Sun family claims to be a big family. In addition to the shares held by the Evergreen Group, it has also accumulated a considerable amount of investment in properties and other fields in Paris and other places for more than half a century. The entire family fund has a scale of more than one billion US dollars.

However, the reason why the family fund was established was to prevent the children from being unworthy and squandering their money. Under normal circumstances, everyone can receive living expenses from the family fund on a monthly basis, but cannot directly cash out a large amount of funds. Generally, large-scale investments are usually carried out through the Evergreen Group controlled by family funds.

Of course, as long as those who work for the family business usually have a high salary that is acceptable, plus the share received from the family fund, it is also a considerable amount accumulated every year.

As long as he is not too playful, extravagant, and has an investment mind, it is easy for the Sun family to accumulate some private money outside the family fund. Like Sun Yalin, his father is good at investing and owns a number of private companies in private.

In contrast, the Shen Shan couple only settled overseas in the 1980s, and they were old at that time, and could only hold idle positions such as consultants and supervisors in family-related Although they are in the family fund The share is larger, but when it comes to private housing money, it is far less rich than Sun Yalin, his father, his second uncle and other three generations of financially minded children.

If the Shen Shan couple wanted to raise this money, they could only use their share of the family fund to trade with others; to put it simply, they would give up their inheritance rights to the family fund to cash out.

It can't be said that Sun Yalin's father is a real philistine. Western society has a tradition of low human affection, not to mention that the children of the Sun family have been fighting in the cruel sea of ​​commerce for so many years, and the hot blood will become cold. Even if the Shenshan couple is willing to inherit the family fund It is not uncommon for others to let go out for cash. Who doesn't want to invest 30 million dollars in cash in their own hands? It's not good to have the inheritance rights of the family fund that is subject to so many conditions.

After all, Sun Yalin's father, still couldn't bear to see his daughter in trouble, before agreeing to this deal, of course, Sun Yalin's hard lobbying was also involved.

Shen Huai did not expect the origin of the 30 million US dollars. It seems simple, but in reality there are many twists and turns.

Yang Lili came over after changing her clothes, swept away the glass scum, and avoided Shen Huai's eyes.

Shen Huai couldn't tell her directly, Sun Yalin also likes women. If you are naked in front of her, I don't know how much it will be cheaper for her.

At this time, Song Hongjun called in: "Where are you kid, show me quickly, if you don't tell me what's going on with the 30 million dollars, I'll be annoying you today. You don't even know you left. Afterwards, their faces are so wonderful."

Shen Huai asked Song Hongjun to come directly to Wenshan Court by car; Sun Yalin didn't mind wearing cool clothes in front of Shen Huai, and when Song Hongjun was about to go, she went back to the house and added another coat. 00 Novel Network collects and organizes, and the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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