Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 363: join

Zhao Zhimin, as a top figure in metallurgical process research in China, is much more sought-after than it looks on the surface. At least in terms of scale, among the iron and steel enterprises that invited Zhao Zhimin to join, Mei Steel must not be considered conspicuous.

Shen Huai didn't have great expectations for Zhao Zhimin's promise to join Meigang. He even only hoped that Zhao Zhimin could recommend suitable candidates to form and preside over the research institute for Meigang.

Hearing that Zhao Zhimin agreed, Shen Huai was really happy, and he didn't let go of his hand for a long time.

Zhao Zhimin joined Meigang. In addition to his own professional and management skills, he can greatly improve Meigang and make up for the lack of research. Perhaps more importantly, in the domestic steel and related industries, Zhao Zhimin is more than Zhao Zhimin. Dong, Xu Xiting and others have a broader vision.

Although Meigang has made some achievements in the past two years, it is not well-known in the whole country. With only 200,000 tons of steel production capacity, it has no influence in the steel industry. This has caused great damage in many aspects. of inconvenience.

Since last year, Shen Huai has considered the issue of reserve force for the future of Meishan Iron and Steel. At this stage, it is mainly to select those outstanding graduates who have passed the test from Donghua, and attract them to Meishan Iron and Steel for employment, develop.

Due to historical reasons, Donghua's basic education development level and human resources are in the middle and upper reaches of the province. In 1994, the admission rate of Donghua College Entrance Examination was as high as 8%, and there were nearly 50,000 people with university degrees in the city. If Mei Gang wants to supplement grass-roots management and technical strength, it is enough to select the best graduates from Donghua universities.

However, in order for Meigang to develop into a world-class iron and steel complex, it needs talents who can push Meigang to go higher and farther in the future. It is far Not enough - and in this regard, Meishan Steel clearly does not have any advantages at present.

People go to high places, water flows to low places, Meishan Iron and Steel can offer high salaries, and private steel companies in Jiangsu and Zhejiang can also offer high salaries. In terms of employment, life and future development prospects, Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions are obviously more expensive than Donghua. have an advantage.

Meixi Town is well built, but after all, it is still a small town. On the whole, Donghua lags far behind the developed cities in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and it is not comparable to first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

With the same annual salary of 100,008,000,000 doctoral students like Han Wenji and some outstanding talents who have returned from overseas studies will not give Donghua a single glance.

Only when Zhao Zhimin joins Meigang, it is possible for Meigang to attract his students and research leaders to consider Meigang to develop through him.

Although Zhao Zhimin agreed to join Meigang, he first had to complete the technical transformation cooperation with Meigang. In addition, he didn't know whether the mine would be willing to let people go.

Shen Huai was somewhat impatient.

Mining and metallurgy is subordinate to the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, and the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry is somewhat panicked because the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry may be abolished by the State Council.

Shen Huai considered whether or not he could persuade Mining and Metallurgy to agree to release the people first, so that the new Meishan Iron and Steel Plant could appoint Zhao Zhimin as the chief engineer. In addition to continuing to be responsible for the technical transformation projects in cooperation with Mining and Metallurgy, he could also coordinate the construction of the new plant. technology global.

Shen Huai called his sister-in-law Song Wenhui and Song Hongjun immediately. He didn't know who he could pass through. He could tell the General Institute of Mining and Metallurgy to release the person happily, and he would not be in the neck of Camel Steel in the personnel transfer.

After half an hour, my sister-in-law Song Wenhui called him and replied: "As long as Zhao Zhimin is willing to give up the benefits given to him by the General Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, they are still willing to release people..."

"Little auntie goes out, one of the two tops." Shen Huai laughed.

During this time, he felt more deeply the lack of talents.

The production line of the old factory must ensure efficient and safe operation, and the construction speed of the new factory cannot be slowed down. If a person like Zhao Zhimin can join, why does he need to run around outside for a whole month, and why does Zhao Dong need to spend all day Sleeping on the jobsite?

Meigang has long drawn up the treatment standard for the introduction of special talents.

For Zhao Zhimin, an annual salary of 150,000 yuan—even considering the benefits that he will give up in Minezhi, Shen Huai finds that he will directly share a western-style house from Zhuyuan as compensation—is not very attractive. But he still agreed.

Even if the cross-shareholding work with Huaineng Group is completed, Meigang is still considered a public-owned enterprise as a whole, and it is difficult to make a great breakthrough in the salary issue at once. Including Zhao Dong and others, the salaries officially received from Meigang are not high. Their main income comes from equity appreciation, which is closely related to the growth of Meigang.

Although Shen Huai promised that the new Meishan Iron and Steel Plant would allow Zhao Zhimin to invest in private equity, the new Meishan Iron and Steel Plant itself is in urgent need of fundraising, and the new Meishan Iron and Steel Plant seems to be a very risky project at present, so this cannot be regarded as a gift for Zhao Zhimin. perks.

The next day, Shen Huai convened a management meeting of Meishan Iron and Steel to inform him of the results of his trip to England and the preparations for the establishment of the Huaineng Group. Zhao Zhimin was also invited to attend.

At this meeting, Zhao Zhimin was able to see Shen Huai's plan for the future development of Meigang more comprehensively:

Meigang is only a core part of Shenhuai's industrial layout. If Huaineng Group is to truly develop, the prospects are limitless. At the same time, Pengyue and Hongji are responsible for opening the channels for scrap steel import and steel export with Western Europe. Let Meishan Iron and Steel have a broader market space for future development.


Zhao Zhimin resigned from Miningzhi and the job handover went smoothly without any hindrance. In late April, he officially took over as the chief engineer of the new plant and the general manager of the research institute at Meishan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. At the same time, he was responsible for the General Administration of Engineering and Technology and the research institute for the construction of the new plant of Meishan Iron and Steel. of the preparatory work.

At the same time, the students who accompanied Zhao Zhimin to Meigang were Han Wenji, a student who had just defended his doctoral dissertation, and Liu Tao, his main assistant in the Fourth Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

Since Han Wenji, Liu Tao and others are all members of the team responsible for the technical transformation project of Meishan Iron and Steel's new plant, they have started construction of the new plant many years ago and are very familiar with the situation of Meishan Iron and Steel.

They joined Meigang with Zhao Zhimin. In addition to continuing to be in charge of the technical transformation project, they were also able to immediately share the enormous pressure on Shen Huai, Zhao Dong and Pan Cheng at this time.

Under the leadership of Nobuo Yamazaki and Zhou Ming, the construction of the joint venture was not slow.

The joint venture plant also completely copied Fuji Steel's steelmaking plant in Kimitsu, Japan as the template, and quickly completed the preliminary preparations. In mid-April, the groundbreaking ceremony was also held at the construction site, and the construction was in full swing. Three months late - the city is eager, of course, understandable, but it can also be seen that Fuji Steel is eager to complete the industrial layout in overseas markets.

At the same time, Huaineng Group Co., Ltd. was officially registered and established in Meixi Town.

Huaineng Group signed a series of cooperation agreements with Meigang, Meixi Industrial Investment Group, Meixi Town Government, Pengyue, Zhujiang Construction, etc., completed the cross-shareholding of Meixi Power Plant and Meigang, and completed the acquisition of Meixi Port Co., Ltd. The company's capital injection and shareholding, at the same time, registered and established two third-level enterprises such as Huaineng Real Estate and Huaineng Construction in Meixi Town to accept part of the business spun off by Dongdian Group.

At the same time, Huaineng decided to invest 20 million to build the headquarters building of Huaineng on the 60 acres of land allocated for free in Meixi Town opposite the Pengyue International Hotel.

Eleven municipal state-owned factories, including the municipal steel mill and the municipal forging plant, have also completed their restructuring work by the end of April.

The city steel factory was renamed Donghua Iron and Steel Group. However, the chairman and general manager, as usual, were concurrently held by Gu Tong, and no one could shake it. Tan Qiping is also afraid of affecting the overall situation of the joint venture factory construction, and has no intention to withdraw his docile Gu Tong for the time being.

The restructuring process of the municipal forging plant is more complicated.

Logically speaking, the city fully controls the city forging factory, and the city planning commission requires that all candidates for the board of directors be recommended by it, but in the end only Zhao Yicheng and other three people were recognized by the creditors. Under the final negotiation, five people were selected from the employees, and Yang Haipeng and other two creditors were selected as independent directors without voting rights to join the board of directors together.

Except for the board of directors, all the management of the city forging factory broke away from the city, and changed from appointment to employment. Only one deputy factory director and the planning department were transferred back to the city through the relationship and separated from the city forging factory.

Although Meishan Iron and Steel provided additional debt loans to Shi Forging Factory, from the fourth month onwards, in addition to maintaining its own operations, the Shi Forging Factory has to add an additional debt of 400,000 to 500,000 yuan each month, and the pressure is still not small.

The establishment of the City Forging Factory is no later than that of the City Steel Factory and Meishan Iron and Steel. In the early days, it was producing shaft forgings. When the Donghua steel industry began to scale in the mid-to-late 1980s, the main business of the city forging factory turned to the production of various types of non-standard steel structural parts for the steel factory.

The scale of the city's forging factory seems to be small. In recent years, there have been many difficulties and many factors. However, it is also directly related to the fact that the steel industry in Huaihai Province has not developed much in the past few years.

In a sense, it can be said that the city forging factory is not only the current supplier of Meishan Iron and Steel, but also a potential customer of Meishan Iron and Steel in the future. This is also the main reason for Shen Huai's strong involvement in the city's forging factory at the end of last year.

Shen Huai and Zhao Dong have studied the city forging factory under the leadership of Zhao Yicheng. Although it is seriously dragged down by the triangular debt, it has been difficult to turn losses into profits and expand its business. However, the production order after self-rectification is in the city. In so many state-owned factories, it should be considered good.

It was precisely Zhao Yicheng and others who fought through reporting and other means, united with the workers, and forcefully sent the severely corrupt former factory manager and others into prison. They did not have a harmonious relationship with the city, but they had more prestige among the workers— - These are all in line with Shen Huai's characteristics of selecting collaborators in Donghua.

Of course, considering the poor relationship between Mei Steel and the city, Shen Huai may face great resistance to directly acquiring a city-owned state-owned factory, so he detoured to the debt issue and forced the city to surrender.

In the early stage of the construction of Meishan Iron and Steel's new plant, the orders placed with the city forging factory exceeded its total business volume last year.

Giving some less important structural parts to the municipal forging factory for processing and production nearby can reduce the construction cost of the new Meishan Iron and Steel Plant, and more importantly, steel structural parts, especially the widely used steel structure, are in extremely strong market demand. For section steel products, most domestic and foreign iron and steel enterprises directly control the heavy industry enterprises that produce section steel products and expand their market share.

Shen Huai considers to restore the normal production order of the city forging factory first, directly through the debt-to-equity swap, to control it, focus on the development of standard steel products, and enrich the product line of Meishan Iron and Steel, so as to break through the current market only A single product landscape for supplying rebar. (83 Chinese Network)

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