Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 357: Apologize is worthless

As soon as Shen Huai got on the phone, Song Hongjun shouted: "Where have you gone, did you come back from London by plane? Why didn't you see anyone after getting off the plane for so long? The phone was also turned off when I called you, but now you are It's on, but where are you?"

"You picked me up at the airport?" Shen Huai asked.

"Yes, I'm still at the airport now." Song Hongjun said.

"I got off the plane and went to the pick-up hall, but I didn't see you?" Shen Huai asked curiously, Song Hongjun knew the flight he was taking, and there was a flight from London to Yanjing today, Song Hongjun could not have missed the flight time. Moreover, in the pick-up hall, Liu Fulong and Zhang Biqiang fought for several minutes. If there was such a big movement, if Song Hongjun was waiting for him in the pick-up hall, it was impossible not to notice.

"Who has nothing to do in the pick-up hall? I parked the car at the opening where you came out, and I haven't seen you come out for a long time..." Song Hongjun said.

Shen Huai smiled bitterly. This is also the drawback of Song Hongjun's abuse of privileges.

If Song Hongjun honestly entered the airport and waited for him, he would not miss it, but Song Hongjun drove the car directly to the outside of the airport and waited for the rabbit - they did not leave the airport, but went directly to the airport police station from the side, and then When I rushed from the police station to the city, of course I had to miss Song Hongjun.

Shen Huai couldn't explain the matter to Song Hongjun on the phone, so he directly asked him to drive to the Qinghe Hotel to meet them and talk about it, and he hung up the phone regardless of Song Hongjun's grievances on the phone.

Ji Chengxi smiled, he knew what kind of temperament Song Hongjun was, and being able to drive to the airport to pick up Shen Huai showed that Shen Huai's popularity in the Song family was not as bad as outsiders imagined.

He had to wait for Song Hongjun to arrive before eating. Ji Chengxi asked Shen Huai, Zhang Biqiang and Liu Fulong in detail about the conflict after flying back to China, and told Shen Huai about the situation of Liu Fulong's father and Liu Chuandong in Qinghe.

"Liu Chuandong used to be the organization minister of Qinghe Municipal Party Committee. He was the deputy secretary of the party and masses the year before last, in charge of publicity and organization; the mayor of Qinghe went to the provincial CPPCC at the beginning of the year, and Liu Chuandong was temporarily acting mayor... By the way, I remember Cheng Yi's hometown too. From Qinghe, Secretary Cheng should know more about Qinghe's situation."

In the Standing Committee of Donghua City, there is no overlapping of powers. If the Minister of Organization and the Minister of Propaganda are both members of the Standing Committee, there is no situation where the Deputy Secretary is in charge of the Organization Department and the Propaganda Department, which can effectively ensure the collective decision-making of the Standing Committee meeting. that power.

The deputy secretary of the party and masses in Qinghe is in charge of propaganda and organization, which means that the power of the Qinghe party committee is mainly concentrated in the secretary's office meeting. Ji Chengxi additionally added that Liu Chuandong served as the organization minister of the Qinghe Municipal Party Committee before serving as the party secretary, which naturally implies that Liu Chuandong's power in Qinghe is deeply rooted.

Qinghe City is a large city with a relatively strong economic foundation in Hebei Province. Although it is not a sub-provincial city or a city under separate state planning, the secretary of the Qinghe Municipal Party Committee is usually a member of the Standing Committee of Hebei Province.

Whether it is the actual power department in the province or the reserve cadres of the central government, the party and government positions in Qinghe City have always been watched by many people. Liu Chuandong, who was promoted from the prefecture and city organization minister, is not the best candidate for the mayor of Qinghe City. At this time, Hebei Province wants Liu Chuandong to take over as mayor. It means that Liu Chuandong is a strong help outside Qinghe City.

Shen Huai doesn't know the relationship between Liu Chuandong and Cheng Wenguang, but he can understand that Ji Chengxi will feel some pressure when facing a local snake like Liu Chuandong after he arrives there.

As for his conflict with Liu Fulong, Shen Huai doesn't have to worry about anything at all, he takes care of it, even if Liu Chuandong has a close relationship with Cheng Wenguang, it should be Liu Chuandong holding his unfavorable son and running over to apologize to him. , he may not be willing to answer.


Before Song Hongjun came from the airport, Shen Huai and Ji Chengxi were chatting, and the box door was pushed open from the outside. Xiao Yujie, director of the Beijing Office of Qinghe City, came in, greeted Ji Chengxi, and said, "Secretary Ji, Jingrui's President Yu I happened to be in Beijing, and wanted to come over to you and say hello to District Chief Shen..."

Xiao Yujie's qualifications in Qinghe's official circles are relatively shallow, but he was just promoted to the senior level. Ji Chengxi didn't take the attitude of the younger brother of the capital, and stood up and asked Xiao Yujie: "President Yu is also in Yanjing? Then please invite him over, I am just in time. I want to introduce District Chief Shen to him..."

Shen Huai was a guest, he and Cheng Yi sat still, facing the door diagonally, and could see a middle-aged man with a Chinese character standing behind Xiao Yujie, wearing light-colored metal glasses, he thought to himself, he is the so-called "Mr. Yu"?

Cheng Yi told him quietly: "Yu always Peili her father is the boss of a private enterprise in Qinghe..."

Shen Huai secretly said: Liu Fulong is the deputy secretary of the Qinghe Municipal Party Committee and the son of the acting mayor, and Yu Peili is the daughter of the CEO of a private enterprise in Qinghe City.

Yu Wenfei walked in with a smile on his face and bowed his hands to Ji Chengxi, saying, "Secretary Ji is here in Beijing. I only know it later, I'm really sorry, I'm sorry."

"Mr. Yu, you are a busy person in Qinghe. It's too outlandish for you to say that," Ji Chengxi smiled, inviting Yu Wenfei and Xiao Yujie to come in and introduce Shen Huai to them. , Jingrui Group contributes tens of millions of tax revenue to local governments every year. Before I went to Qinghe, I heard his name. District Chief Shen, you and President Yu should have a very common language. "

"Yu Wenfei, I will ask District Mayor Shen for more advice in the future." Yu Wenfei leaned forward and reached out.

Shen Huai stood up and shook hands with Yu Wenfei, but simply said, "Hello, it's a pleasure meeting." Looking at Yu Wenfei's eyes, a trace of doubt flashed, confirming that Yu Wenfei didn't know his specific identity, and reached out to ask Yu Wenfei to sit first. Down, glanced at Liu Fulong and Yu Peili who were still standing outside the door, but said nothing.

Yu Wenfei didn't sit down, bowed his body, and continued to say humbly: "What happened today is unpleasant. After Mayor Liu found out, he was very angry with Fulong's behavior, and he gave him a severe training on the phone, asking him to follow up with him. Peili, come here to apologize to you, Mayor Shen, and do a deep review; Mayor Liu also asked me to represent him and apologize to you, Mayor Shen."

"What a big thing, how can I still care about him?" Shen Huai didn't look at Liu Fulong outside the door, just smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Yu, sit down with Director Xiao, everyone should stand in the box, It's kind of weird."

Yu Wenfei winked at his daughter and Liu Fulong outside the door, asking them to come in and apologize to Shen Huai in person. Liu Fulong pushed open the door and came in. Seeing Shen Huai, he didn't even look up at him, his nostrils flared out of anger, but he had to apologize in a low voice: "Today, I am young, impulsive and ignorant, and District Chief Shen, you are a lot of adults. Punishment, I can bear it..."

Shen Huai still smiled at Yu Wenfei and said, "Mr. Yu, what a big thing you are talking about, how embarrassed it is for me to do this?"

Seeing Shen Huai's attitude, Yu Wenfei was helpless, so he had to let Liu Fulong and his daughter go out first and closed the box door.

Zhang Biqiang sat beside him, but his heart skipped a beat. He naturally hoped that everyone would laugh and laugh. When what happened today did not happen, it would be best for him, and he would no longer have to worry about the possibility of revenge against Liu Fulong.

However, Shen Huai didn't accept Liu Fulong's apology at all and ignored it, and Zhang Biqiang couldn't say anything.

Zhang Biqiang thought about it, Shen Huai didn't seem to suffer any loss today? I thought to myself, the big man was offended. If he didn't have a little gesture, he would be looked down upon instead, right?

When Cheng Yi was in the UK, she had a relatively close relationship with Yu Peili. After all, when she first arrived in the UK, there were not many people she could know and come into contact with. At this time, seeing Peili and Liu Fulong going out together, she felt somewhat uncomfortable with Shen Huai. Approaching people, but Shen Huai was offended today, there is indeed a reason why he is not approachable and arrogant.

Ji Chengxi was always observing Shen Huai. Before Xiao Yujie led Yu Wenfei into the box, he gave Shen Huai some hints, and deliberately did not give Yu Wenfei a detailed introduction to Shen Huai's specific identity and position. In the end, he was looking at Shen Huai enough. Not sensitive enough or not sensitive enough, quick enough to react, and whether you can handle it.

Seeing that Shen Huai ignored Liu Fulong's apology at all, Ji Chengxi laughed and said, "Don't mention the little things," and asked Shen Huai, "Wait when Brother Hongjun comes over, do you want to taste our Jihe wine? ?"

Shen Huai could see that Cheng Yi didn't seem to like his inhumanity, but he had to show this attitude-they had been sitting in the box for almost half an hour, and during this half hour, Liu Fulong should tell what happened. All reported to his father Liu Chuandong.

Liu Chuandong didn't contact Cheng Wenguang to apologize directly, and he didn't even know his specific identity at all. Shen Huai was almost certain that the relationship between Liu Chuandong and Cheng Wenguang was not particularly close.

When Ji Chengxi arrived in Beijing and stayed at the Qinghe Hotel, it was impossible for Yu Wen not to know.

Yu Wenfei didn't show up to say hello to Ji Chengxi before, mostly because he wanted to talk to Ji Chengxi in the Qinghe River, which is also a well and not offend the river.

From this point of view, Liu Chuandong's control over Qinghe City is quite reliable.

The Ji family asked Ji Chengxi to start as the secretary of the Jihe County Party Committee in Qinghe City, hoping that he could take root in Qinghe; Ji Chengxi and Liu Chuandong, the authorities in Qinghe, may not have violent conflicts in the future, but most of them will be difficult to reconcile. contradiction.

At this time, if Cheng Wenguang did not have an overly close relationship with Liu Chuandong, then he should take advantage of this conflict to decisively cut off the not so close relationship before. Assigned to kidnapping - after all, the Song clan should be at a higher level with the Ji clan, and their interests should be relatively consistent.

It's so powerful that Shen Huai can't tell Cheng Yi in detail, but Cheng Wenguang must know about the conflict that happened today. Naturally, he will not accept Liu Fulong's apology casually-Liu Fulong's apology is worth it How much?

Since everyone had something in their throats, after Song Hongjun came over, the banquet ended quickly.

Ji Chengxi arranged a separate rest chatted with Shen Huai and Song Hongjun, Yu Wenfei and Xiao Yujie said goodbye, and did not come over to disturb him again - listening to Shen Huai talking about the details of the airport conflict, Song Hongjun's attitude was more clear: " How much is his apology worth when a local Xiaoya has an unreasonable idea?"

Hearing Song Hongjun speak so bluntly, Shen Huai could only smile bitterly, this kid just wanted to keep the circle pure, so he had such a big opinion on Liu Fulong, but if Song Hongjun passed it on to Cheng Wenguang, it would basically be enough. Break the connection between the Song Dynasty and Liu Chuandong and other Qinghe local authorities.

Cheng Wenguang will definitely be happy in his heart, but Shen Huai doesn't know:

If Cheng Wenguang and Song Xian were of one mind, Shen Huai offended Liu Fulong for no reason today, and Liu Fulong had bad thoughts about Cheng Wenguang's daughter and decisively cut off contact with Liu Chuandong, so there shouldn't be any unpleasantness.

If Cheng Wenguang didn't want to be tied to the tree of the Song Dynasty wholeheartedly, then the local officials in Qinghe's hometown might recruit him for his own use in the future. disconnected.

Thinking of the complexity in officialdom, Shen Huai also felt a headache. (83 Chinese Network)

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