Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 334: smash adultery

Seeing Xiong Dailing's eyes, Zhou Yu's heart almost jumped out of his throat. Fortunately, when the taxi stopped, the front of the car turned over and the lights hit the side wall of the adjacent residential building, calling Zhou Yu and the others. Side fell back into the dark, hiding in the dark.

Although Xiong Dailing hesitated, her sister Xiong Daini seemed to be anxious about something, and dragged Xiong Dailing to the residential building in front of her. But the taxi driver saw the situation in the car here, and before turning around and leaving, he even took a double turn. Jumping the lights didn't mean to come to disturb the pair of wild mandarin ducks.

"If Xiong Wenbin's daughter came over, I would even have the heart to die. If I had known that being with you **** would have nothing good," Zhou Yu said with lingering fears, clutching his thumping chest, "Scared me to death. Now, my heart is about to jump out." She bent over in the carriage and lifted up her panties, cotton wool pants, and cashmere fitness pants, but she was also startled when she touched the oily pool of water on her buttocks. Jumping, Shen Huai was not comfortable, the water was naturally flowing out of her, she never thought that she could flow so much, and she was too embarrassed to go to the front seat to get a tissue, so she could only put up her pants pretending to be confused. I feel like my **** are soaking through.

"What are you afraid of, if this girl dares to come over, we will kill her and silence her," Shen Huai didn't know Zhou Yu's reaction, she put her hand on her chest, and said, "I feel it, I can't dance. sharp?"

Zhou Yu heard Shen Huai say that he wanted to touch her heartbeat, but he held her jade rabbit in his hand, pinched it twice, and opened his hand angrily and funny: "You heartless bastard, it's going to be revealed. Now, you don't have to admit it when you lift your pants, I can only go to the Meixi River. You still have the face to joke, hurry up and put away your ugly things." Looking at the pegs under Shen Huai, he was still stunned. He was standing there, not frightened, he couldn't help laughing, "This is also a daring thing.

! "

"Who's bold? It's also so frightened that it jumps up and down. You can feel it." Shen Huai said, and poked himself in front of Zhou Yu.

"Damn it, put on your pants!" Zhou Yu saw that Shen Huai still dared to make a fuss, patted on the hard object, and reached out to help him lift his pants, but it seemed that the hard object was sticking up like a pestle. The stick was thick and long, the rhizome would be half a foot long, and a huge mushroom head stood up majestically to help Shen Huai lift up his boxer panties, and half of the mushroom head was exposed, and he secretly cried out, darling, No wonder it was so "uncomfortable" just now that I almost "killed" this thing.

Zhou Yu helped Shen Huai lift up his underwear, so he stopped helping him and said, "You ugly thing may have been seen by others..."

"It doesn't matter, it's not terrible to disappear, as long as you don't show your face." Shen Huai said with a thick-skinned smile.

When the taxi light came on, he knelt on the back seat and wanted to stab the thing in Zhou Yu's face, thinking that if Xiong Dailing saw anything, he would only see his bare ass, and He won't see his face, and he doesn't have to worry about anything.

However, Shen Huai also knew that given such a fright, the "timid as a mouse" Zhou Yu would definitely not let him agree, so he had to tidy up his clothes, get back into the front row, and put the seat on the back. return.

Seeing that there was no flaw in each other, Zhou Yucai calmed down a little, turned the steering wheel, drove out of the dark place, and couldn't help asking Shen Huai: "Xiong Wenbin's two daughters, why are you rushing here in the middle of the night?"

"How do I know, I'm not the roundworm in their stomach? As long as I don't come to catch our traitor." Shen Huai's little brother calmed down at this moment, but he didn't want to, and there was always a fire in his heart that didn't let out. , and can't suggest Zhou Yu to change the battlefield with him, he doesn't care what the Xiong sisters are doing in the middle of the night.

"Xiong Wenbin's two daughters are so beautiful, I don't believe you don't want to put bugs in their stomachs? By the way, does Xiong Wenbin's eldest daughter live here?" Yu became gossipy again, parked the car after the Xiong sisters walked up to the residential building, and did not leave in a hurry, but was concerned about why the Xiong sisters suddenly came by taxi.

"Zhou Ming should still live in Xinjiayuan, right? This is not Xinjiayuan." Shen Huai said, he was in a hurry to find a dark place to have an affair with Zhou Yu. He wasn't sure which neighborhood this was, but he was sure that it wasn't Xinjiayuan. Jiayuan.

Speaking of catching the traitor, Shen Huai's mind also moved, and he looked up through the car window in doubt.

There are no lights at the entrance of the dark corridor, but there are not many people who have lights on in this half of the residential building. Just when Shen Huai and Zhou Yu guessed which door Xiong Dailing and Xiong Daini would go to, they heard a loud bang. The black thing smashed the window on the fourth floor and fell straight down.

The silent night was suddenly broken, and then I heard Xiong Dini burst out crying and scolding like crazy: "Zhou Ming, you beast, why am I sorry for you, I have such a big belly at home every day, very It's someone else's bastard, you have the face to lie on top of this old bitch? Your mother's conscience was eaten by the dog, why am I sorry for you, you are messing with this old **** behind my back!"

Shen Huai and Zhou Yu peeped face to face. He didn't expect that such a night would be so exciting, and he didn't expect him to be able to make a prophecy. Xiong Dailing really accompanied her sister to come here to catch the rape?

Then I heard the door slamming, and then I heard the thumping footsteps in the stairway. Fortunately, Zhou Yu reacted quickly and reversed the car in time to watch Xiong Dailing help her sister downstairs.

Zhou Ming chased after him, wearing a coat, but looking at his bare calf and bare feet, he knew that he had nothing in the coat; Zhou Ming also scratched a few blood marks on his face.

"Dani, listen to my explanation..." Zhou Ming's adultery was broken, and he explained without choosing words.

"Okay, I'll listen to your explanation. You said that what I saw just now was that Dailing and I were blinded, and all I saw were hallucinations," Xiong Dini stopped angrily, staring at Zhou Ming with a big belly, tears brushing away. It fell down, "Would you like to poke me and Dai Ling's eyes out now?"

Seeing Xiong Dini's face burst into tears and heartbroken, Zhou Yu couldn't bear to see it, and complained to Shen Huai: "You men really don't have a good thing."

Shen Huai sat aggrieved and didn't dare to say a word, for fear that Zhou Yu would "feel remorse" and tell him to take advantage of it in the future...

Seeing that Zhou Ming was speechless, Xiong Daini turned her head in anger and left; Xiong Dailing also gave Zhou Ming a look of disgust from the bottom of her heart and chased her sister.

Zhou Ming finally felt guilty and did not chase after him any more. He stood there blankly at a loss, but some people who were awakened came out to watch the fun: "Brother, did you catch a **** for your wife?"

Zhou Ming was standing there, and Zhou Yu didn't dare to drive over, for fear of telling Zhou Ming to watch her hide with Shen Huai to watch the fun.

Then she saw He Yuelian dressed neatly and dragged Zhou Ming upstairs, but her face was red and swollen, probably hit Dini Xiong with something just now.

"It's her?" Zhou Yu glanced at Shen Huai in surprise, and then asked Shen Huai, "You don't have an affair with her, do you?"

"What kind of person do you think I am? Do you think I'm in heat when I see a woman?" Shen Huai hit Zhou Yu lightly and said, "I really like you, that's why I'm with you..."

"The ghosts believe you, you men are not all that eloquent; anyway, there are many people you like." Zhou Yu said so, and he felt sweet in his heart, starting the car and preparing to leave this troubled place, only when they never Did not see this scene.

Shen Huai was surprised when Zhou Ming and He Yuelian got together, but also felt normal. Didn't He Yuelian just want to tie Zhou Ming to make a fortune?

When I was about to drive to the gate of the community, I saw Xiong Dailing and her sister walking in front. Zhou Yu was afraid of being recognized, so he didn't dare to drive past him, so he followed from a distance—seeing that Xiong Daini Xu was crouched, she suddenly sat on the ground with her big belly as soon as she walked out of the gate of the community, Xiong Dailing leaned down anxiously and followed her. Her sister speaks.

Shen Huai was startled, thinking that Xiong Dini will be nine months pregnant. Suddenly encountering such a thing, it is normal to have a stimulated miscarriage and premature birth. He said to Zhou Yu, "You drive back first..." Pulled away The door is about to go down.

"You drive my car, I'll take a taxi back." Zhou Yu said. Although she also cares about Dini Xiong, she and Shen Huai have not returned late at night. The only thing she can do is to give Shen Huai the car and let Shen Huai drive Dini Xiong to the hospital. She can't help much by herself. busy.

Zhou Yu pushed the door and got off the car and walked in the opposite direction to the community, wanting to go out from the south gate of the community to avoid being recognized by the Xiong sisters.

At this time, Xiong Dailing anxiously shouted at the guard: "My sister is pregnant and may have a premature birth, help me, call an ambulance..." At this time, she also saw a car parked in the gate of the community, slipping away She also ran over, she didn't understand why the woman in the beige coat was hiding her face and walked into the But she saw a person sitting in the passenger seat, came over and patted the window She shouted, "Sir, sir, please, can you drive me to the hospital with me?" Seeing the car window falling down, revealing Shen Huai's face, she was startled first, then overjoyed, and said, " Shen Huai, it's great that you are here, my sister may be stimulated to give birth prematurely..."

In her panic, Xiong Dailing didn't think much, pulled Shen Huai out of the car, and walked to her sister in three steps.

Shen Huai saw that Xiong Dini's face was deformed by pain, she closed her eyes and didn't forget to instruct her sister: "Don't call Zhou Ming this beast, even if I die, I won't see him again..." Shen Huai came to help him, and she even pinched him hard. He gave him a shot, "Don't you help me with this beast!"

Shen Huai saw that Xiong Dini's crotch was soaked. He didn't know about obstetrics, and he knew that it was a sign of premature or miscarriage. He couldn't believe the efficiency of the hospital ambulance and didn't dare to delay. Xiong Dini carefully carried it to the car and ran directly to the nearest Donghua Medical University Hospital.

After Xiong Dailing got into the car, her hand slipped on the greasy pool of water, and everyone almost fell into the car. However, Xiong Dailing couldn't describe what it was like to think about what this pool of water was. She didn't allow her to think too much. She sat in first, then carefully hugged her sister in her arms, and urged Shen Huai to drive to the hospital quickly. (83 Chinese Network)

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