Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 329: Investment workshop

Shihezi Town in Daxing County is located in the southeast of Yanjiao, almost next to Langfang.

In the mid-to-early 1990s, the industrial belt in the suburbs of Beijing did not have a strong impact on Daxing County. Although Shihezi has the reputation of the capital, except for some good infrastructure, the economic foundation is actually very poor. Driving along the road, you can also see There are some dilapidated adobe houses in the countryside.

Shihezi Town Equipment Manufacturing Factory is located in the southeast corner of the town.

It's the holiday season, and there's no one in the factory. The doorman was a little old man in his fifties. He saw a car stopped in front of the factory gate. He didn't know what was going on. He slipped out of the access control room to see what happened.

When he saw Hu Chujun from the sales department getting out of the car, the little old man smiled and said, "It turned out to be Chief Hu. I also said that some big man came over, which surprised me..." The probe looked over, and Zhang Hao bought it The second-hand Buick commercial vehicle that supported the scene was nothing. The Cadillac used by Song Hongjun in Beijing was really eye-catching. The little old man was very vigilant. He pulled Hu Chujun aside and asked in a low voice, "Are they here to see the factory?"

The factory's profitability was not good, and it suffered losses for three consecutive years. It was no secret that the town wanted to contract out the factory.

Hu Chujun couldn't say for a while that he wanted to contract the factory, so he said, "My friends came to Shihezi to eat roast lamb chops, and I'll take them to the factory on the way to see; who is on duty in the factory today?"

"It was Director Tian, ​​he just went out for something."

Even if he wasn't there, he didn't have to explain anything. Knowing that Shen Huai and Song Hongjun had no intention of contacting anyone in the factory or town, Hu Chujun asked Old Man Zhao to open the iron gate and let them in.

The factory is not big, with only about 30 acres of land. In the early years, it was a communal and brigade enterprise. Now, it has only 60 or 70 workers, and the annual output value is only about 5 million or 6 million. It is not very large.

In the workshop, the equipment such as winding machine, wire splitting machine, wire stripping machine, wire scraping machine, handcuff box, soldering furnace, dipping varnish, mold frame and other equipment is not very advanced, but it is quite complete, which can almost make the transformer production line stand. Hold up.

Hu Chujun himself is from Shihezi Town. After graduating from high school, he joined the factory as a worker in the workshop, and later transferred to the sales department to run the market. Currently, he is in charge of the sales department in the factory, but he is also under the leadership of a deputy factory director.

Although the efficiency of the factory is not good, there are many factors. Hu Chujun has been in the market for three or four years, and the demand for the domestic transformer market is still clear. Hu Chujun wants to contract the factory, but he is not proficient in technology and production management. Thinking of pulling Gu Ziqiang to join the team and do it together.

Gu Ziqiang has been here several times before, and he has felt the equipment and production situation. After entering the factory, he introduced to Shen Huai, Song Hongjun, Chen Bing, and Sun Yalin that he discussed with Hu Chujun about the almost mature production preparation and market development. Program.

In addition to Gu Ziqiang and Hu Chujun, Bozhong also had three engineers to pull out for Gu Ziqiang to work together.

Although the factory is not big, it takes two hours to walk and talk, and it takes two hours to walk in a circle. Song Tong shouted that he was bored, bent over and touched his calf and shouted tired: "I knew it would be so hard to eat Shen Huai's roast lamb chops, I would Went home to catch up on sleep."

"Let's go, let's go, let's rush to the restaurant first, my stomach is almost starving..." Song Hongjun greeted everyone to get on the bus and rush to the restaurant to eat Shen Huai's roast lamb chops.

It could be seen that Song Hongjun had no interest in the factory at all. Gu Ziqiang and Hu Chujun looked at each other and knew that such a small factory in a township would be difficult to get into the eyes of a character like Song Hongjun.

They didn't expect to get support from people like Song Hongjun at the beginning, but Shen Huai pulled Song Hongjun to come to see the factory, and they couldn't help but look forward to it——

They also know that starting a business is difficult, otherwise they would not have hesitated for so long to make up their minds. To contract a factory, to pay a security deposit to the town, and to have production and transportation funds, it is almost necessary to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars.

For a small group of people, a few hundred thousand is nothing, but for a few of them, in addition to taking out their own capital, they have to borrow a lot of foreign debts, which is almost a long life in the future. All bets up - how could they not want a little more encouragement and support?

Of course, Song Hongjun didn't make any promises to them at the beginning. He originally came to eat lamb chops and drop by to see the factory - but seeing that Song Hongjun had no interest in the factory at all, Gu Ziqiang and Hu Chujun felt somewhat disappointed at this time.

Shihezi Town is one of the few places on the outskirts of Beijing that is famous for producing goats, and grilled lamb chops are also a must.

Song Hongjun, who is used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas, also praised him a lot, saying that he was born and raised in Yanjing, but he didn't know that Shihezi Town's roast lamb chops were so famous.

Hu Chujun insisted on paying the bill; Song Hongjun also made an appointment to meet in the afternoon, and he would return to the city after dinner.

While waiting for the waiter to check out, Song Hongjun looked at his watch and asked Shen Huai, "I have an appointment with the boss of Xinlian's Beijing company for tea in the afternoon. Would you like to chat with me?"

"No, Lao Chen and I usually don't have the chance to meet. I'll go back to the Donghua Hotel with Lao Chen later; if you are free at night, come to the Donghua Hotel for a drink at night?" Shen Huai said.

Shen Huai thought to himself that the boss of Xinlian's Beijing company might be the noble son of another company, but his time in Beijing is limited. Instead of joining Song Hongjun in the circle of young masters, he might as well sit down and chat with Chen Bing when he has time.

Chen Bing was also willing to get close to Shen Huai, and asked, "There are also some officials from Donghua in the ministries and commissions. Would you like to make an appointment to chat..."

The matter of officialdom is, in the final analysis, the accumulation of contacts. One of Chen Bing's important tasks in Beijing is to maintain the network of contacts with fellow villagers and to keep in touch with each other.

When people like Tan Qiping, Gao Tianhe, Liang Xiaolin and others go to Yanjing, they ask Chen Bing to organize one or two sorority meetings every year. They eat, drink and drink, and send some small gifts that are not very valuable, but they are not shameful. Get in touch with your feelings. In this way, if Donghua City wants to do something in Beijing, it will be possible to achieve twice the result with half the effort, and it will not be difficult for Donghua City to find the way.

With Shen Huai's identity and level, it was naturally inappropriate for Chen Bing to organize a large-scale sorority party in the name of the Beijing Office, but to invite some local officials with whom he was familiar with, to meet Shen Huai, could be regarded as helping Shen Huai to save money. network.

"I was very drunk yesterday, and it will take several days to recover. Today I really don't dare to drink," Shen Huai declined Chen Bing's kindness because he couldn't drink, and said, "I really want to find a chance to talk to the old man. Chen, have a good chat, I also want to know about Xinpu Port..."

"Xinpu Port?" Chen Bing shook his head and said, "When I was in Xiapu, I established the Xinpu Development Zone, but the development was too slow. In two years, the 0.5 square kilometers starting area was not filled. Xinpu built a large port. There's no point in the plan at all - if the city lets you go to Xiapu to serve as the county magistrate, like Meixi Town, for two or three years, Xinpu may be able to build a port."

"I also asked, do you have any materials from Xinpu Port on hand?" Shen Huai asked.

"Yes, but yes," Chen Bing said, "but now Tao Jixing and Ge Yongqiu should have given up on this idea completely. Basically, no one in the county cares about this matter anymore. I ran a few times to the Ministry of Communications for this matter, and it can be said that there is no drama at all... …”

Song Hongjun is now quite familiar with Donghua's situation. Hearing Shen Huai's conversation with Chen Bing, he said with a smile, "You are so wild now that Meigang's new project has not yet been laid, so your mind will turn to other things. The matter has gone up; I have convinced you..."

Song Hongjun wanted to take the outer expressway from the southern line to the west of Beijing to meet people, so he would not go with Shen Huai and the others. After walking out of the hotel, seeing that Gu Ziqiang and Hu Chujun were also very calm, Song Hongjun patted Gu Ziqiang on the shoulder and asked, "Do you want me to ask Geng Jianhua out for you?"

Gu Ziqiang thought that Song Hongjun was trying to persuade him to go back to Bozhong and stay well, and asked Geng Jianhua to come out and take over for him, as if yesterday's resignation didn't exist in the past...

Zhang Hao couldn't help but ask for Gu Ziqiang and Hu Chujun: "Mr. Song's world is bigger than us, and he must be more accurate than us in looking at the problem - can this factory really not do it?"

"If you want me to tell the truth," Song Hongjun said with a smile, "this factory is bigger than the workshop, but as for whether it can be done, you are asking the wrong person. If I give you any pointers, Shen Huai, he The kid will definitely lose his teeth from laughing when he stands next to him..."

Hearing Song Hongjun say this, Zhang Hao, Gu Ziqiang, and Hu Chujun were completely at a loss. They looked at Shen Huai suspiciously, not understanding what Song Hongjun meant.

Shen Huai usually gets along with Gu Ziqiang and Hu Chujun, and they don't deliberately hide anything, but if they don't introduce it deliberately, no one will believe that he manages a steel enterprise with an annual profit of 60 to 70 million yuan, and is preparing to build a total investment of 70 million yuan. The 600 million new steel Shen Huai was not able to explain it to Gu Ziqiang and the others for a while, but smiled with Song Hongjun: "If you want me to tell, that's fine; you ask Geng Jianhua out at night, Bo The relationship between the public cannot be broken; then, Hongji takes 10 million to toss, and it should not only be lost."

"I can't be fooled by you. I really want to contribute 10 million yuan, Hongji will contribute 5 million, and Zhongxin will also contribute 5 million, so that I can be sure that you will not cheat me. You can put me with Sun Yalin. If you hang out together, you can count yourself as a kind," Song Hongjun smiled, looked at his watch, and said, "I really want to go, being late for a meeting is not my style; since you think it's okay, then I'll go to you at night. Let’s talk; I’ll also invite Geng Jianhua from Bozhong…”

Gu Ziqiang and Hu Chujun are completely confused now:

First, they didn't understand why Song Hongjun paid so much attention to Shen Huai's opinion?

Second, the few of them planned to collect 400,000 to 500,000 yuan, and take over the factory to talk about it. They never thought about operating tens of millions of capital all at once.

They looked at Shen Huai and Song Hongjun again, thinking more that Shen Huai and Song Hongjun were joking about them, they smiled awkwardly, and they couldn't say anything. (83 Chinese Network)

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