Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 327: drunk endgame

(The title of the book is only temporarily changed, it will be changed back in a few days)

When Shen Huai regained consciousness, he felt that his left wrist was cold. He had a needle and a medical hose inserted, and he was hanging on an IV. He hadn't recovered from the drunkenness. He got up and asked, "In the hospital, what time is it?"

"Your brain is not broken!" Sun Yalin sneered at the side, "Would you like to ask for forgiveness for three more cups?"

Shen Huai was inexplicable. He had no memory of what happened after the third cup of liquor. His mind was blank. Hearing Song Tong laughing out of conscience next to him, he knew that he was drunk and said some nonsense.

"Are you awake?" Hu Mei looked shyly and looked over with concern.

Shen Huai sat up and leaned against the head of the bed. Only then did he see that they were in a double ward. Gu Ziqiang was sleeping soundly on the bed next to him, and he was also wearing drips; except for Hu Mei, Song Tong, and Sun Yalin Accompanying them in the ward, Cheng Yue, Hu Chujun, and Zhang Hao all slept in chairs with headrests beside the bed.

Shen Huai looked at his watch, it was three o'clock in the morning.

They went to the Donghua Hotel for a drink earlier. The table was opened at six o'clock, and they drank in a hurry. They hung up before eight o'clock. Once they were drunk, they could be considered to have a full sleep. The lack of sleep made up for it a little; except for some drunken weakness and discomfort, there was nothing serious.

Seeing Cheng Yue raised her head sleepily, Shen Huai said with a smile, "Okay, it's better for us to hang up and toss you all miserably, right?"

"Nothing. As soon as you got drunk, your girlfriend called. Then she came by car. The hotel also sent a car to take you to the hospital," Cheng Yue said. "We have already contacted the hospital. Now, we will accompany you for a trip, there is no toss..."

Shen Huai took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and there really was a call from Cheng Yi. He gave Sun Yalin a puzzled look, and didn't understand why Cheng Yi called him, but anyway, it was four o'clock in the morning, and it was inconvenient for him to call Cheng Yi at this time.

At this time, Hu Chujun and Zhang Hao also woke up.

When he came over, Hu Chujun said, "Manager Chen Bing of the hotel insisted that he would not let us pay the bill; he also stayed with us until almost eleven o'clock, and we will go back after you are asleep..."

"Chen Bing and I are an old buddy. I was afraid that he would be exempt from the bill, so I didn't look for him in the hotel. I didn't expect to recognize him." Shen Huai lightly exposed his relationship with Chen Bing, and asked again, "It's all right with you. Bar?"

"I was also a little drunk. I fell asleep beside the bed, but I woke up." Hu Chujun said.

"Today," Zhang Hao said dryly, pouting, "I didn't do this properly, I'm sorry."

Shen Huai raised his head and glanced at Zhang Hao. Seeing his embarrassed face, he did not hide his sincerity. He smiled and said, "Just remember to owe me three glasses of wine. Next time, wait for me to get you down!"

Hearing that Shen Huai was so generous and didn't mind, Zhang Hao became more and more ashamed. Even if he is a sophisticated person in the society, he doesn't know what to say; Hu Chujun, haha, put his arms around his shoulder and said, "Okay, when you come back to Beijing next time, we will meet again and have a good drink--for now. Only when you are with old classmates can you let go of drinking.”

"How dare you drink it," Song Tong exaggeratedly stared at Shen Huai and asked, "Do you know what my mother's face looked like when she heard that you drank almost three bottles of white wine? If it wasn't for Hu Mei's presence, my mother would be able to tell her on the spot. Biao."

My sister-in-law, Song Wenhui, has a very unassuming personality in the Song family, like a housewife who cares trivially about Shen Huai, but as the executive vice president of Dongdian Group, she has a very strong personality and a very aggressive style - Shen Huai is not difficult to imagine The little aunt looked angry on the spot, but he did not expect that the little aunt would recognize Hu Mei, and asked suspiciously, "Does your mother recognize Hu Mei?"

"Cut," Song Tong said disdainfully, "Who do you think you did in those days to clean up the mess for you? Hu Mei's hospital bed is next door, do you want me to show you the way?"

Listening to Song Tong's thorny words, Shen Huai didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but felt relieved - in the past, the little aunt's family carefully avoided mentioning the past for fear of irritating him. This is obviously not a normal family relationship.

Just like Song Hongjun, when he treats him affectionately, he should be able to see Meigang's achievements and the prospects of new projects, but he never dared to invest heavily in new projects. It is the contradiction between Shen Huai and Tan Qiping, but there is no real understanding of Shen Huai's character change, Shen Huai's "prodigal son", Shen Huai's "makeover" and "refreshing".

Shen Huai could understand that Auntie would be very angry when he knew that he drank more than two kilograms of white wine, but he also understood why Auntie calmed down after seeing Hu Mei—after all, it was Auntie who thought that he had done something wrong before, and that some mistakes must have to be done. He takes it upon himself. Only by taking the responsibility can it be regarded as a real correcting of mistakes.

"My mother asked you to wake up and call her to answer the order; I doubt whether I was born to her, and I have never seen her so nervous about me..." Song Tong said with jealousy.

Shen Huai tapped Song Tong on the head, and leaned against the bedside to call the little aunt.

The phone rang twice, and it was connected. Listening to my aunt's voice, Shen Huai whispered, "Little aunt..."

"Sober up?"

"Well, I'm still a little dizzy, so I'm sober up."

"Do you drink so much next time?" My aunt asked accusingly on the other end of the phone, "You young people just don't know how to cherish your body, what should you do if you drink your body down? You have to control the amount of drinking in the future, do you understand?"

Listening to the aunt's concern, Shen Huai felt a warm feeling in his heart, and said, "I see, I will drink later and ask my aunt for instructions..."

"Gouzui," the little aunt scolded and laughed softly, "I don't need to say more, I'm going to bed too, and I have to catch a plane when I wake up..."

"Wait," Song Tong quickly grabbed the phone and wanted to talk to her mother, "Mom, I want to go to Donghua with Shen Huai and Yalin to play, so I won't go back to Jiangning with you, okay?"

Shen Huai listened to his sister-in-law answering Song Tong's words "as you" on the phone, and hung up the phone.

Song Tong took a long vacation and broke up with her ex-boyfriend. She was going to go back to Jiangning with her parents at noon today. At this time, she wanted to go to Donghua for a few days, and Shen Huai also let her go.

Hu Mei was seriously ill after falling into the water that year. The previous "Shen Huai" was indifferent and did not care, so he went abroad directly. He didn't know that it was his aunt who helped him deal with the aftermath, and he didn't know that Hu Mei was hospitalized in this hospital.

Shen Huai looked at Hu Mei beside him and said, "I was really sorry for you back then..."

"It's been a long time, so don't mention it," Hu Mei said shyly, "You're drunk and say a lot of drunken things, your girlfriend may have some misunderstandings, you remember to explain to her..."

"Well..." Shen Huai touched his head and smiled, and was embarrassed to ask Zuisha what he said, but he didn't think there was anything that needed to be explained to Cheng Yi.

After a while, Gu Ziqiang also woke up.

Gu Ziqiang had a small amount of alcohol, and after drinking four glasses of white wine, he was so drunk that he didn't know anything about his affairs. He had no memory of everything that happened after that, and his mind was blank. When he saw lying in the hospital, he said, "After I drank, did you treat me? What are you doing to hurt God?"

Everyone laughed, and Hu Chujun joked: "You think you are your Cheng Yue..."

Cheng Yue smiled and threw something at Hu Chujun—Shen Huai also laughed, thinking that Cheng Yue was the school flower in 1987, and there were many people who missed her.

It was only three o'clock in the morning, and it was inappropriate for so many people to remain in the hospital.

Hu Chujun and Zhang Hao's cars were still left outside the Donghua Hotel, and two other classmates who drank too much but were not serious enough to be sent to the hospital directly opened a room at the Donghua Hotel and slept - Shen Huai and the others He left the hospital directly and drove back to the Donghua Hotel.

Shen Huai rushed to the Donghua Hotel, and Chen Bing was also waiting for him at the customer department.

Shen Huai was very embarrassed: "I've been drunk for a while, but I have tossed you so hard..." Only then did he officially introduce Chen Bing, Gu Ziqiang, Zhang Hao, and Hu Chujun.

Cheng Yue, Hu Mei, Sun Yalin, Song Tong and the other women were not very secure in the hospital, so they went straight into the room to sleep when they arrived at the hotel-Shen Huai and Gu Ziqiang woke up in the hospital, and their weakness passed away at first, and people collapsed. When I got up, I chatted casually in the room.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Song Hongjun called to ask him if he was sober; Shen Huai said that they were at the Donghua Hotel, and Song Hongjun said he would come over to have breakfast together.

Song Tong, Sun Yalin and the others were far from getting enough sleep, so Shen Huai asked Song Hongjun to come directly to his room - Song Hongjun pushed open the door and walked into the room, Gu Ziqiang stood up in surprise, and asked Shen Huai in a low voice: "Hongji's Song Sir, what does it have to do with you?"

Song Hongjun had pointed ears, took off his coat, sat over and asked with a smile, "Do you recognize me?"

"I'm Gu Ziqiang from the Bozhong Company of the Fourth Academy of Machinery." Gu Ziqiang got drunk the first time yesterday and had absolutely no idea what happened next. Seeing Song Hongjun walking over with a smile, he subconsciously leaned forward and wanted to stand up, "In December, I told Our President Geng, have you met President Song?"

"Oh, you're Lao Geng's buddy, I said you look familiar," Song Hongjun laughed and put his hand on Gu Ziqiang's shoulder, asking him to sit down and talk, "I didn't even know you and Shen Huai were classmates. , Yesterday in the hospital, I heard that they were complimenting you on your honesty in drinking; I'm Shen Huai's cousin," and explained to Shen Huai about Bozhong's relationship, "Bozhong is a company specializing in power generation equipment under the third and his subordinates. Enterprise..." He added, "Bozhong's Geng Jianhua, I am also an old friend. I called him and asked him to come and invite us to breakfast."

Among the juniors, Song Hongjun was the eldest, Song Hongqi was the third, and Shen Huai was the ninth.

Song Hongjun and Chen Bing met, and they shook hands casually. When he took out his mobile phone, he was about to call Bozhong's Geng Jianhua - Shen Huai looked at the embarrassed look on Gu Ziqiang's face and felt strange:

Song Hongjun doesn't recognize Gu Ziqiang. After all, Gu Ziqiang has no status in Bozhong, but is only an anonymous follower in front of the leader. This is also in line with the current status of state-owned enterprises. Now Gu Ziqiang has just graduated for more than two years. No matter how high the professional level is, you can only get qualifications first.

Song Hongjun asked Mr. Geng from Bozhong to come out at this time, out of goodwill, to help Gu Ziqiang identify that he and the sons of the Song family were middle school classmates. With this kind of relationship, Gu Ziqiang can also have some connections with the capital's son-in-law circle, and can be taken care of to some extent - this is also the way that the son-in-law circle usually gathers Under normal circumstances, even if Gu Ziqiang is ambitious, Nor should such a well-intentioned arrangement be rejected.

Shen Huai asked Song Hongjun not to rush to make a phone call, and asked Gu Ziqiang with a smile, "Why, you won't have anything to do with Mr. Geng of your company, will you?"

"..." Gu Ziqiang touched his nose embarrassedly, glanced at his girlfriend Cheng Yue with a guilty conscience, and said bravely, "Didn't I go to the company leader's house for the wedding room at noon yesterday? The gift was not sent out, I Chong Chong said some ugly things and resigned on the spot, thinking about waiting for the Spring Festival to tell Cheng Yue about it..."

"You really resigned?" Cheng Yue and Hu Chujun asked Gu Ziqiang in surprise.

Listening to Cheng Yue and Hu Chujun's tone, he should have known Gu Ziqiang's plan to resign earlier. The rejection of the gift yesterday should be a wedge, not a spur of the moment; Shen Huai took a closer look at Cheng Yue and Hu Chujun's expressions, and Cheng Yue should not be very much. I agree with Gu Ziqiang's resignation from the state-owned enterprise, but Hu Chujun is quite happy...

Yesterday, everyone met suddenly, and it was also mixed with some old resentments. Some words were not released. Knowing that Gu Ziqiang and the others still have stories to tell... (83中文网)

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