Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 322: simple past

(Haha, seeing Ximachimo's enthusiastic support, I thought about how to make a small explosion today. It's hard work, the third chapter is finally out, and I can sleep)

Her face was cold for a long time, but she couldn't hold it anymore, and even sprayed a spaghetti smile on other people's faces. Cheng Yi had no face to face Shen Huai again. Don't laugh so loudly.

Xiao Wuzhuan laughed under the table for a long time, but couldn't stop laughing and climbed up.

Fortunately, on the third day of the Lunar New Year, there were not many customers in this western restaurant, and the funny scene in the corner did not cause much disturbance.

Although the waiter fell, it was no big deal. He stood up and looked at the sauce on Shen Huai's face, and his pretty face turned red. He couldn't help but wanted to laugh, but he was afraid of losing his temper. He walked away, but came back quickly, took a small square towel and handed it to Shen Huai to wipe his face.

Seeing that Xiao Wu and Cheng Yi both laughed out of shape, Shen Huai got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face and wipe off the sauce on his collar.

Walking back, seeing that Xiao Wu finally held his face and stopped smiling, Cheng Yi still didn't dare to look at his face, for fear that he would burst into laughter if he couldn't hold on, and then fell to the table again, Shen Huai said to Xiao Wu with a smile: "Yes, you can live on this joke for the rest of your life..."

At this time, the waiter also cooperated and handed over a bowl of white rice and a pair of chopsticks, and said, "Sir, the white rice and chopsticks you want..."

Seeing Shen Huai taking the white rice and chopsticks from the waiter, Xiao Wu suddenly burst into laughter again, Fen Fist smashed over, and said in a coquettish anger, "If sister Cheng Yi and I laugh, you will be responsible. what!"

Xiao Wu's pink fist is soft and weak, and it hits her shoulder like a tickling, but seeing her blushing, biting her lips and holding back her smile, there is a strange charm in her beauty, which is not seen before.

Shen Huai deliberately took chopsticks to pick up the chopped steak, Xiao Wu smiled and grabbed his chopsticks, not letting him have another chance to play tricks, he almost hung up on him, this moment was innocent and lively, men and women had no taboos, Also half a distance.

Cheng Yi raised her head, but when she saw the bowl of white rice in front of Shen Huai's table, she couldn't take it anymore. She just buried her face on the table, and wrapped her arms around her head, preventing Shen Huai from seeing her ears that were red. Pretty face:

She should have been disgusted by this person in front of her, but at this time, the disgust in her heart was like a glass droplet, slipping to and fro, but it was difficult to condense. She was even more afraid of accidentally spraying saliva on Shen Huai's face. .

It was hard to stop laughing, Xiao Wu propped up the table with his hands, and said to Shen Huai with his cheeks puffed up: "Sister Cheng Yi said that you don't do anything abroad, and you know that you can make girls happy. I didn't believe it at first. , and kept explaining to you, saying that you are not that kind of person; now I believe it..."

"Don't, I'm really not that kind of person, I was so simple back then," Shen Huai said with a smile, "If you don't believe me, then I'll tell you about the time. I still remember the second year I entered school, I like a girl who goes to the same school and is studying law. Every day I go to the library to read books with others. It took about half a year before and after, and I made up my mind for about half a month before I plucked up the courage to strike up a conversation. That girl I'm studying law, so you can probably guess what the first thing I wanted to say to her was?"

"Sister Cheng Yi is also studying law. She must be often accosted in school." Xiao Wu took Cheng Yi's arm and said, "Come and guess."

Cheng Yi didn't believe that Shen Huai could be pure when he was studying, but at this time, he was embarrassed to face Shen Huai again, so he casually took it as a joke to resolve the embarrassment just now, and said, "What can a boy say to a conversation? , it's nothing more than 'you studied law, will you become a lawyer after graduation, it's not worth it for a girl to be a lawyer', etc., there is no nutrition."

Shen Huai snapped his fingers and said, "We still have a common language. I rehearsed this sentence for about half a month, but when I really mustered up the courage to walk up to that girl, I wanted to talk to her. When I said a sentence, my head 'boomed' and it went blank. I remember that I told her the second half of the sentence: 'Will you become a mage after graduation'..."

Seeing that Cheng Yi was still holding on to her face without smiling, Shen Huai looked at her face and asked, "Will you become a mage after graduation?"

Cheng Yi couldn't hold back her face, she buried her face on the table, her shoulders wiggled like an electric drill bit, it was really a flowery branch, and her neck stems were all red; Huai: "And then."

Shen Huai said to her, "It's the real thing, and then there's no more - I won't have the courage to appear in front of that girl in the future, and I won't even have the courage to go to the school library."

Inexplicably, hearing some sadness from Shen Huai's words, Xiao Wu looked at his face and asked, "Is it the real thing?"

"You listen to his nonsense," Cheng Yi said. "The Negokaya Business School he studied in France didn't have any law department at all. Where did he like girls from the same school who study law?"

Shen Huai laughed, and said to Cheng Yi, "So you really checked my household registration - did you find that I was of good roots and good character, so I obeyed my parents?"

Hearing what Shen Huai said, Cheng Yi felt a little embarrassed. After all, the elders insisted on getting married, and she couldn't feel any malice in Shen Huai, whether Shen Huai's character was good or not, and she was not qualified to point it out. Scratching or something.

"I thought it was true," Xiao Wu sighed in a rather melancholy sigh. Seeing the waiter who was wrestling Shen Huai just now looked at him frequently, he had obviously been listening to their conversation, and the corners of his mouth were still pursed. Laughing, Xiao Wu couldn't help but leaned into Shen Huai's ear and "snoticed", and said, "Look at you, you said you can't make other girls happy? That girl has been smiling at you for a long time. "

Shen Huai looked over, and the waitress turned away from his gaze.

In a high-end western restaurant near Wangfujing, the waiters are all carefully selected girls. They are dignified and well-proportioned. Wearing dark red uniforms, they look clean and neat - this girl has curly hair, a standard oval face, and fair skin. Ruyu, Yao nose and eyes, looks more outstanding.

The face looked familiar, but Shen Huai couldn't remember where he had seen this girl: he merged the memories of two people, and some vague and vague memories would inevitably become more blurred, so that it was not clear whether it was his memory. , or belongs to the memory of the previous "Shen Huai".

Shen Huai just thought that this girl was a passerby she had seen before, she just left some fragmented and vague impressions because of her outstanding appearance, and "eavesdropped" on the girl standing not far away with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "eavesdropping" on their conversation, I don't mind either—he's just trying to make two girls happy today, and he wouldn't mind making one more girl happy.

The next meal process was much more harmonious, but Xiao Wu strictly prohibited Shen Huai from telling jokes of any nature, and his stomach would cramp if he laughed again.

Shen Huai said that he planned to leave Beijing and return to Donghua tomorrow, but that was just an excuse.

He went back to Beijing for the Spring Festival this time. In addition to related matters, he talked with his aunt and Song Hongjun about Meigang, and also met with researchers from the General Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

The General Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy is affiliated to the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry. Although its three affiliated institutes are not comparable to similar foreign institutions for the time being, they are the most authoritative research institutions in metallurgical engineering in China.

The second-hand steelmaking line of West Youmings, although Huaihai Provincial Institute of Metals gave Meigang a preliminary plan for planning and reform, but Shen Huai, Zhao Dong, Xu Xiting, Pan Cheng and others have repeatedly studied it, and felt that it was in the province. On the basis of the scheme of the Metal Institute, there is still potential to be tapped.

Meigang contacted the General Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy a few years ago, hoping to get better advice from the mine management side, so as to get the highest priority plan when the technical transformation is actually carried out.

Due to the tight work schedule of the researchers of the General Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Meigang is only a third-rate steel company in China, and it is not enough to be the top researcher of the General Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Put down other research work at hand, and make a special trip abroad to Birmingham a trip.

The researchers of the General Institute of Mining and Metallurgy did not have time to go abroad to directly inspect the situation of the steelmaking line in West Youmings. Even if Meigang had passed on all relevant materials, it would still be difficult for the General Institute of Mining and Metallurgy to learn from the existing materials. The materials were thoroughly understood by this steel-making line—Zhao Dong was busy with infrastructure construction, and the Spring Festival did not stop, so Shen Huai took the opportunity to return to Beijing for the Spring Festival, and let him communicate with the engineering researchers of mining and metallurgy.

Shen Huai and the others are the only ones who can fully understand the West Youmings steelmaking line. He can't be lazy if he wants to.

Shen Huai looked at the time and only came at one o'clock in the afternoon. He wanted to send Xiao Wu and Cheng Yi back. He just had time to visit Zhao Gong's house in the General Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. If an iron and steel enterprise wants to rise up, it must have fangs and fierce aggressiveness towards its competitors and the harsh environment that suppresses the development of Meishan Iron and Steel, but in the face of cooperation, it should also lower its stance and show respect to others.

Shen Huai beckoned the waitress who was constantly looking at him to pay the bill. Seeing that she was still staring at his face, he asked her with a smile, "Why, you really don't recognize me?"

The girl covered her mouth, stared at Shen Huai in disbelief, and said, "Ah, I thought you didn't recognize me? I didn't expect you to be able to pretend, you haven't changed much over the years, and I've changed quite a bit. Great, I didn't expect you to recognize me."

Shen Huai was a little confused. He just said that, thinking about teasing the girl before leaving, but he didn't expect that it was an old acquaintance.

"Actually, you bullied me and pushed me down the river. I had nothing but a cold for a few days. Later, I thought that I was wrong. I shouldn't talk about your mother. But wait for me. The cold is cured. I want to apologize to you when I go back to school. You have already changed schools. No one knows where you have been these years. Just a few years ago, our classmates went back to the 87th High School for a meeting and mentioned you, but no one was there. Knowing where you went, no one even knows where your family originally lived, thinking about you is really mysterious."

It was as if he was covered with a layer of skin to punch a hole through the bullet, and the memory of this girl suddenly poured out from the hole. Shen Huai remembered that the girl was a classmate who was boarding school at No. 87 High School before "he" went to France. Hu Mei.

At that time, because of some small disputes, "he" with a good temper pushed Hu Mei into the frozen river in public.

Because of this incident, Hu Mei was seriously ill at the time, and he was sent to France - the thin and weak yellow-haired girl at that time suddenly grew and grew tall and graceful, and she really couldn't recognize it.

Neither Cheng Yi nor Xiao Wu thought that Shen Huai would meet with their former classmates, and they were also witnesses and victims of Shen Huai's previous misdeeds, but listening to the girl's tone, it seemed that they were justifiable to bully Shen Huai back then— Cheng Yi just wanted to get away, otherwise with Shen Huai, she always had a weird and awkward look, and said, "Okay, it's rare for you old classmates to meet each other, so Tan Jun and I will go back first; thank you for hosting today..." Go out after Xiaowu... (83 Chinese website)

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