Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2422: short break (below)

Principal Stedanros looked at Macquarie and waved his hand to say hello, "I'm not interested in the structure of the four forces in the empire. It has lasted for thousands of years. Changing the flavor might have far better results than expected. Every school in the Imperial Military Department There are a lot of enrollment places in this year, and this has to be admitted. But most of the places carry the shadow of the Quartet forces, and most of the students who enter the school have backgrounds of the Quartet forces, which is not good."

"The population base of the empire is extremely huge, so huge that you can select the desired personnel at will. But what I want to emphasize is that based on the population base of the empire, the number of students enrolled in military schools is completely insufficient. More wild ones are needed. Students, while keeping them wild, accept the school’s absolute standard and formal education, and the combined product may bring surprises in a relatively short time.”

"Principal Sterdan Ross, Cassia is not a suitable example." Macquarie was cautious and cautious.

What got was laughter, Principal Sterdan Rose said with a smile, "Of course I know he is an exception, but does the exception exist in any way? You have to admit that it is not exactly. According to the information exchanged between me and Miss Hilda Intelligence, Cassia's uniqueness lies only in his physique. Other aspects, such as combat awareness and instinct, are all his own. It has a strong taste of military school templates, but he has indeed found the one that suits him best Way."

"Moreover, there is one more thing that you have to admit. Compared with the students from various big family forces, compared to complete killing machines, and their feelings gradually disappearing, Cassia's sincerity and honesty are amazing. It has always brought him countless hidden benefits."

"The established mechanization template of the military school will bring no advantages the further it goes. But the students entering the military school, except those who have the right to choose, are either war orphans or hired The children raised by the army are naturally lacking in growth. As for the students selected by the big family from among their own clansmen, which one has not been in a competitive game since childhood, stepping on the corpses of other members of "mass production" ?”

"I think there should be some changes. It has been the same taste for hundreds of years, and it will be boring."

Hilda nodded aside, showing her approval.

"I've already told you that as long as you find Cassia and briefly explain the content of the plan, he will naturally help you do the work of Mr. Perkinz and Mr. Grote. Not to mention the organizations of the small countries, Kasia If West Asia asks them, there is absolutely no reason to refuse. The families and forces in the alliance are in a state that you can persuade yourself."

Seeing that Macquarie was still thinking, Hilda continued, "If you still think that the strength is not enough, your old friend Li Suman, she can join in at any time. For this kind of new thing, you can create a lot Fun plan, she definitely has great interest. In addition, the high priest of the Flame Alliance can also help, especially with various materials for the surgeon—not only dragon tissues, but also tissues of various powerful second-type creatures The structure is the best thing in the hands of the high priest."

"Of course, Principal Sterdan Rose here..." She paused and passed the follow-up of the words to the principal.

Principal Stedanros spread his hands, "The two chiefs of the Imperial Council are also old friends. No matter how many conflicts there are with each other, they are definitely willing to help in the current environment. There is no need to mention the principal of the seminary. He is also in favor of it. As for the military school, while I am still the principal and will not change another principal in recent years, establishing a branch school and expanding the number of students again is just a process."

"At that time, after your plan is implemented and people are screened out, the quota for the expansion of the military school will be used. All will be reserved for them."

"In the end, I agree with Hilda's idea. There is only this one chance. Taking advantage of Cassia's plan to promote operators to actively contact with pollution, many things are put into it, and the assistance received is absolutely unimaginable. With Pei Jin As Cassia's support, Mr. Zi and Mr. Grote are doomed to Cassia, who was just a dangerous vortex in the past. At this moment, the vortex around him can finally let a large wave of ships around him drive faster and farther away gone."

McQuarrie sighed, spitting out the scorching air that was stuffed in his chest, "Okay, I will devote some of my energy to thinking about this matter from Mr. Defoney's support operation, the King of Steel."

"You can devote more energy to supporting operations. People who can organize and implement them. Among the big family forces in the alliance, there are a lot of candidates. The previous patriarchs who are still alive may be as strong as It’s not as good as the Knights of the Round Table, UU Reading But organizing and directing an operation is only considered very difficult and stressful for them, not impossible.” Hilda smiled.

"Principal Sterdan Rose and I will help you with this. Li Suman just happened to be going back to the empire. After seeing the old man of the Holy Emperor, she took a third of the holy gun and went around the various families. After she comes back, you will find that there are still so many personnel resources that have not been used. You can take this feeling as a surprise. The four forces compete with each other to restrict each other. A family has no real strength, no smart and practical brain No matter what the treaty restricts, it can't stop it from becoming food, and it will be eaten up immediately."


"You don't need to thank us. Among the fun in the past, there is the fun of watching how Cassia grows. Now, Cassia has grown to the point where it is no longer fun. After forging lights, no one will treat him as fun anymore. So,,, we need some new interesting things to maintain our mood."

"The way to enjoy the fun is to participate in it." Principal Sterdan Ross answered, "Okay, the negotiation is going well. Let's take a good rest for the short journey to Mr. Perkins' place. This is a rare leisure time Afterwards, in the Far Sea Commonwealth, it will not be as easy as this operation. That is the time when we really need to fight the enemy."


"The airship is ready, sailing in the dark blue domain." Seeing Cassia enter the room, Hilary searched on the desk, took out a stack of documents and threw them over, "For information on the dark blue domain, read more Look. There is only an invisible barrier away from the starry sky, and the crew has been informed that they will fly at the slowest speed, so that you will have the opportunity to get closer to the six red stars that are approaching."

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