Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1361: The beginning of the turmoil (part 2)

Latest URL: Li Suman was visibly stunned for a while, then put down the communicator, not knowing what to do for a while. She got up and went to the cupboard to get the fine wine, poured a full glass, and checked the time by the way. Then she took the communicator and sat down by the window to let the sun shine on herself.

When there was less than a half of the drink left, the communicator shook as she expected.

"In your eyes, I don't seem to be that scary, am I?"

"No, I just remembered something bad temporarily, and cut off the connection when I thought about it." McGerry said, as if nothing had happened, "What's important? I just talked for a long time not long ago. The head of the regiment was also nearby. Speaking of which, what the head of the regiment explained, did you and the holy emperor pass through the gulf? The level of attention was a little more than I expected, and you also know the information revealed at the time of the team battle. This time maybe six red stars will come, and the source of the news is still unclear, but in such a general direction, I think the head of the group has the absolute right to speak, and it should not be wrong to act according to her will."

"I contacted after I came back that day. The Emperor said that he would send a professional team to lead this matter in the past, so I can rest assured. In addition, I told the Saint Emperor about the Red Star, he will definitely do something next, what is it? I don’t know.” Li Suman answered McGerry’s questions one by one, “I will definitely pay attention to this matter. I don’t want to be targeted by your head because of something.”

"In fact, the team leader is usually very gentle." McGerry wanted to explain something.

"It has nothing to do with me." Li Suman said, drank all the wine in the glass in one breath, "Recently, there is an important thing that needs your help. After completion, I will get the corresponding payment. The payment list is for me. I’ve seen it. Compared to the content, it’s definitely a good deal."

"Let's talk about the content first." McGerry didn't even listen to the following words.

"Hunt and kill a mid-stage five-stage surgeon." Li Suman thought for a while and said, "You know that I will have to take a team to the newly discovered graveyard soon, and there will be no time for this. It involves a very important plan, so you can't wait any longer. You have a lot of high-level combat power in your hand, so just pick a few out and go out. It's a simple matter, right?"

"It's not easy." McGerry said, "It's definitely not as easy as you said. There may be protection personnel of equal strength around the target, or other situations will occur. You and I have both fought with surgeons of equal strength too. Many times, I know that I want to kill a five-stage surgeon, except for the absolute suppression in strength and number. Otherwise, if the enemy wants to escape, the chance of keeping it is really small. Furthermore, even if it can be hit in the end To kill the target, the time spent tracking in the middle will definitely not be less."

Li Suman did not speak, and listened quietly to McGerry's analysis. She knew this very well in her heart, otherwise she would not contact Hongmang Edmila immediately after calling. For ordinary things, Li Suman directly finds General Pullman, and he can handle them completely.

"What's the position of a five-stage surgeon in the powers to which he belongs? Needless to say." McGree knew what Li Suman's silence represented, "By the way, the plan you just mentioned was not long ago. Which one told me?"

"I think that apart from this plan, there is nothing that can cause me to take the initiative to find a five-stage surgeon who I don't know."

"Send me the remuneration list." McGerry did not continue what he had just said, and resumed his usual tone without emotional fluctuations.

"If you can lead the team to help, there will be no other risks in this matter." Li Suman started the communication machine to send the list through the encrypted band, and said, "Your friends are much more than me. Find a few people. It's much easier. Unlike me, there is nothing but you. The enemy is standing there."

"But aren't you still alive? It seems that there are not many people in the empire who can kill you alone. When you think about it, there are only a few. I really don't know how you who were in the seminary became today. In this way, remember that you had a very wide network of contacts at the beginning. Even if you were born in a small family, you are more popular than the dazzling figures in those big families. I want to become allies with you. The sudden war has changed. Everything has changed too much."

"Who knows, when I looked back, I found this too. Most of the people around me died due to various reasons. People who thought they would take over an important position in the family ended up breaking away from the predetermined trajectory. It was other unknown characters who came out one by one and began to show their talents in an era. Fortunately, they joined the Holy Emperor’s Hall and received a layer of protection before they have come to this day. I dare not do anything to me. It's just..."

The topic was completely off the track, Li Suman and McGerry didn't seem to notice, and continued the conversation full of memories and emotions. In their period, or centered on them, people in the same period before and after the period seemed to have been strictly and cruelly screened by a subsequent war, no matter how they were born or how they performed in school. Dazzling, the final judgment standard has an important premise, knowing how to survive in an unpredictable situation.

The more dazzling people seem to die faster, and quite a big thing happens, it always smells like the capable person is at the forefront. The fact is also true. A large number of elites melted away from each other in the war. It is true that there are not many people who can survive on strength and brains like McGerry.

"It's just not that much. A year ago, I notified you to participate in the twelve round table knights assessment. In the end, I didn't follow my advice. Is it your own wish or the decision of the Holy Emperor?"

"The holy emperor’s suggestion is the same as yours. His head seems to be much smarter than you, and he gave me a detailed analysis. You know I am not worried about the result, and I will definitely have a place in the end. But suddenly I don’t want to go anymore, women, they always become more willful at important moments, as explained in the book. I prefer to call it intuition. Perhaps a year ago, a bunch of people walked from various places via radio. When I got together, I just waited for my name to appear on the list of people participating in the assessment. That's the reason why I didn't go there." Li Suman said with no regrets, she also knew that if she became a knight of the round table, The danger will not be closer to oneself, but farther away, "It’s fine now. After this war, I went back to the ice field to continue guarding. I will come back forty to fifty years later and look at the changes within the empire. Like an unknown recorder. Maybe I could pretend to be a teacher to teach Imperial history."

"I hope it can be as you There is a heartfelt expectation in McGree's words, "The list is over... Are you sure the other party can provide these things? "

"I'm sure, they probably won't, and they don't dare to lie to me. It's trouble everywhere I go, such an important thing, if they don't investigate clearly, no matter what the final result is, they deserve it."

"Half an hour." After speaking, McGerry severed the connection. Listening to the "sizzling" sound in the communicator, Li Suman stood still for a while before putting down the communicator and filling herself with a glass of wine. Taste no longer feels about wine since a long time ago. Perhaps it is the instruction of the spirit and will to the taste. Drinking wine into the stomach is like replenishing basic water.

Li Suman lay back on the bed, picked up the magazine that he bought during the last mission, and continued to read it, killing the next half an hour. At the same time, he was thinking about the "exposure" that "Red Mang" Edmila said.

To say that Li Suman was not smart, it would definitely not be the case, otherwise it would be impossible to live in the rear during the war. Perhaps reason does not prevail in most cases. Many people have conducted detailed investigations and analyses on her, and they have come to such a conclusion.

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