Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1354: Uranium, Destiny and the Great God Declaration (middle)

The latest website: "The lighting project can be said to be the belief of many members of the organization, because from there, we have seen real hope." Professor Mosier went on to say, "Soriatu, do you think the reason why the three giant countries What is the reason for being a ruler on the post-phase continent?"

What is it? A question that he thought he could answer at once, but when he really needed to say it, Cassia found that his head suddenly became empty. Looking back now, Cassia realized that he had never thought about the capital and comparative aspects of the game between the two on a national level.

Because it is strong? This will definitely be an important reason, but it seems too superficial.

A fleet of airships in the Empire has the power to fight against an entire small country. Like the Chil Kingdom, it is difficult to imagine how they can respond to the firepower and defense of military airships. Combat aircraft? Or tanks running on land, or weapons such as artillery and shells that can attack targets in the sky.

It's not very good. In a simple comparison, Cassia directly gave a negative answer. It will only remain passive forever, and the defense system of military airships will never give these weapons a chance to get close. When attacking, a shell from the airship’s secondary main gun can directly blow a fortification into ruins. Not to mention the red tube aircraft carried on the airship, the ultra-high cruising speed that can be maintained all the time is a problem that the Chil Kingdom cannot solve.

Cassia knows the basic data of some red tube planes, and the minimum driving requirements must be the latter stage of the second stage of the operation. In fact, all the pilots who can actually participate in the battle are surgeons from the beginning of the third stage. People in the second stage can only be regarded as trainers and alternates. On a red tube aircraft with a normal cruising speed of 1.5 times the speed of sound, once a battle is carried out, the cumbersome operations and the interactive effects of acceleration will greatly affect the pilots. Without excellent physical strength, it is impossible to control this aerial killing machine known as the mechanical dragon.

The military power gap that cannot be cross-domain can certainly become one of the important reasons. Cassia thought, the second is the gap between the number and quality of surgeons, and finally, it should be the resource gap caused by the huge land area. Thinking about these things clearly, Cassia said them one by one. In the future, I will also add things that cannot be forgotten such as the operation and analysis machine.

But Mosier laughed, this can be said to be the expected answer.

"If the comparison target is the three giant countries and a group of small countries, these reasons can not find any rebuttal. Some small countries with poor comprehensive strength are not even comparable to some of the large and medium power families in the three giant countries. Listen. Going up, this does make people feel uncomfortable many times. How much area and population does a country have? But the fact is that the gap between the two foundations and starting points is too big."

"But what if the comparison object is replaced by the three giant countries themselves?" Professor Mosier asked, "Take the example in front of you-the Empire of Saint Dorag. Every time a war breaks out, its enemies are the common seas. The two countries of the Kingdom and the Flame Alliance, as well as the Far Sea Common Nations and the Flame Alliance, are supported by the super countries on the left and right continents. However, after a thousand years, the Saint Dorag Empire has never been destroyed, and its strength There is also a tendency to gradually increase. For such a long time, if the countries on the left and right continents transport a large number of troops to the back phase continent at the right time, and cooperate with the common ocean nations and the flame alliance to attack the empire, Even if such a war will last for a long, long time, so that both sides will suffer huge losses in this war, but as a result, the final defeat of the Saint Dorag Empire will never make any mistakes."

"In just a thousand years, this assumption has never been established."

"And compared with the independence of the St. Dorag Empire, the other two giant countries are completely incomparable." Bennett added other information. "The Common Ocean Country and the Flame Alliance say they are supported by the other two continents. In reality, it is restricted by other super-states, or even said to be monitored. They are similar to these small countries, they are suppressed by higher powers, and they are afraid of such powers. The difference is that small countries have no resistance at all. Opportunities, but they still retain possibilities."

"However, why did the Mano Kingdom, which had a predecessor similar to that of small countries, have been able to grow safely to this point? Why did the hypothesis we talked about didn't hold for a thousand years?" Professor Mosier kept asking questions, but he Don't expect Cassia to answer. Some things, if there is no one to guide, you will not know the specific situation until death.

"During the growth stage of the empire, or going back in time, when the empire at that time was not the current empire, there should always be a chance to destroy it in one fell swoop? I have never looked for such an opportunity, nor have I grasped such an opportunity. . Is it because other things are dragging down the other two continents, or is there something in the Saint Dorag Empire that the two super countries are also afraid of?"

Seeing the brighter light in the eyes of the four Professor Ke Mosier, Cassia was very serious. Later, the key points should be involved. He has a hunch that some of the information may already be known to him, but the key part is not clear.

Having said this, Professor Mosier stopped, his voice became plain and majestic: "Soriatu, the next words will give you a new understanding of the world. But before, there is one thing that must be realized. After knowing some information, many things will have a relationship with you. Even if you are only the dust in this maelstrom, you will only fall to the ground if you are burned again."

Seeing Cassia nodded, Professor Mosier smiled, and once again sorted out what had been said for more than ten years in his head.

"On the post-phase continent the Saint Dorag Empire is special. I don't know if it should be said that it was lucky after its establishment, or it should be said that the war and the backwardness, and the weak power are the most capable of catalyzing miracles. Hotbed. In short, it can stand to this day. Even though the reasons you mentioned are the pillars that supported him, there must be the strongest foundation under the pillars to bear the weight."

"And that foundation, within the organization, has become the star of destruction by us. Like a meteor that flashes in the night sky from time to time, the flashing light is fleeting. But at that moment, it can bring absolute destruction."

"In the St. Dorag Empire, they called it the'Great God Declaration'! It means that it can penetrate and destroy anything it hits, and it will hit a hundred shots. Even the ultimate metal, under certain circumstances, will be melted! Its name There are too many good symbols and bad descriptions. There are very few records in history. However, these names all refer to the same thing."

"Uranium bomb!"

"It will only bring destruction, but for us, for organizations, and for small countries, it can give birth to hope and nurture an ideal peaceful paradise! Just like the first-born sun, it brings light. But, on our sky There is no sun anymore, so we have to make something comparable to the sun and let his light shine on us. And the meaning of the'Lighting Project' lies in this."

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