Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1238: The fuel of "lights" (22)

At the same time, hundreds of kilometers away.

This is a town without a name in the border area of ​​the Kingdom of Chil. At around two in the morning, the town without street lights was completely shrouded in the night, and the faint cold light of the stars in the sky would only make him more like a lifeless ruin.

On the edge of the town, in a group of connected houses, the breeze moved the curtains, and only a little white light of the lime lamp could be seen occasionally. Outside the building is a low orchard, attached to a large arched soil bag. Several people walked around in the orchard without speaking. Sometimes they would reach out into the shadow of the fruit tree and pick a fruit to eat. It's just that the taste is really much worse than the things grown in the place where you live.

At this time, a dull gunshot broke the silence without a worm, and several dark shadows immediately hid, and only then relaxed the body when an explanation came from the communicator.

"It's Lord Grant, we continue to watch our surroundings." Someone whispered in the dark.

That piece of house is connected to a small warehouse. It is not the season for receiving goods. The empty space is filled with more than a dozen armored vehicles. In the corner of the warehouse, seven or eight lime lamps illuminate an area. The three people were hung on the iron chains fixed to the steel beams on the roof. The blood pooled together and flowed from their toes, almost full of the large steel basins placed directly under the three people for blood collection.

One of them had a bullet hole in his head, and two members were opening the body bag and putting him down, ready to take him to the orchard for disposal. The other two are about to lose their breath, their eyes are still moving slightly, and they seem to be able to support them for a while.

"You go on, even if you die, in short, don't expect to ask anything from them." A man was wiping the blood on his hands.

"Master Grant, there is a communication coming from the main team." The correspondent came to the warehouse from the room and said to the man, "Master Willard ordered it to be transmitted." He said and placed the communicator in his hand.

With an impatient look on Grant's face, he walked over, and the correspondent hurried over and handed the communicator.

"Master Grant, Master Willard said,..." There was a copy of Willard's original words and the details of the team led by Trovro were attached. "I hope you can get to that team as soon as possible. To collect the necessary information."

"Okay, I see." Very helpless, but with a happy tone. Grant turned off the communicator, looked at the people around him, and asked, "Which of your team leader is Trovro?"

"Master Grant, you are in my team." A man stepped forward immediately and answered.

"That's all, I'll give you half an hour. I want Trovro and all the details of the members who are with him on the mission." After speaking, Grant pointed to the two who were still hanging up, "Together Move out and dispose of it, notify everyone, and leave in an hour and a half. By the way, after half an hour, all the captain-level people will come to the lobby and there will be a small meeting. Osiris, I will need your information later. Reference, there is no problem for half an hour, right?"

"I think fifteen minutes is enough." Osiris replied respectfully. Grant nodded in satisfaction. He turned around and threw the communicator to the correspondent, "Help me connect to Lord Willard, there are some things you want to report to him. You prepare, I will go to the communication machine in five minutes side."

With that said, Grant walked towards the room, remembered something at the door, turned around and drew a small-caliber pistol, fired several shots at each of the remaining two people, and then went back to the resting room with satisfaction.

After entering the room, Grant sighed fiercely, picked up the wine on the table and poured a few sips in, "I really don't know what the tribe thinks, why they sent Willard over. This time from a At the beginning, it was stated that I was responsible, but when we set off, I suddenly added him in."

A soft voice sounded from the side, like comforting, "It should be that the upper level of the tribe has received some news from the lighting organization. The strength value of the **** team and the staffing are different, so Willard The adults joined in temporarily as a layer of protection. After all, in addition to the **** team of the light organization, people from other tribes behind us followed, all want to take this opportunity to get some secrets of the light organization."

"Of course I know. I heard that the **** team of the lighting organization is a four-stage character leading the team. But I don't believe they will take action. At best, it is the same as the conflict between the tribes. It only works." Grant sighed. This time it should have been a task he used to earn his own merits, but Willard joined in, and the results will change a lot.

In some more time, all the large and medium-sized tribes in the Flame Alliance will all participate in the priestly rituals held by the priests. I have received some news. It is said that if the ritual is successful, it will be a sacred activity that can produce great changes. As one of the major tribes in the Flame Alliance, the Thunder Wolf tribe will certainly not be absent. The tribe is now preparing for it, almost trying its best to find people who meet the conditions.

Regrettably, Grant, who originally had great confidence in him, failed to make the list in his own absolute accident. Talent and strength, background power, and various tasks and actual results obtained in hunting do not play any role in detection and evaluation. It's just that many people like him ended up like this, Grant slowly accepted.

But it still gave Grant a lot of pressure from all sides. The recently squeezed and reduced resource delivery made Grant feel a little nervous and had to make some changes. Grant knew that when the sacrificial ritual started, until the end of, there would be imbalances and unexpected changes within the tribes. During this period of time, if you don't strive for something as much as possible, and then think about it later, perhaps the price paid at that time will show a multiple increase.

"The times may have begun to change, my lord." The soft voice thought for a while before he said carefully.

Grant looked over and said nothing. After a while, he answered, and nodded, "The red star has come, and the sea and forest have become more lively recently. Perhaps you are right. The times have begun to change, and we can't keep up."

Half an hour later, in the spacious hall at the junction of the room, Osiris brought all the detailed information of Trovro and Belinda, together with the assessments of the mercenaries and bounty hunters who accompanied them, and the data of those armored vehicles. , Weapon configuration, etc., are all listed.

A map is spread out on several tables joined together, and several red lines are distributed on the map. One person took out a pen and drew a cross on Trofro's team route. After dozens of people had browsed the information, the voice of discussion rang in the hall.

After an hour and a half, all traces here were cleaned up. Armored vehicles covered the shells of the extended limousines and drove out of the warehouse in an orderly manner, and set off at about four in the morning.

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