Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1037: The Fallen Nobles of the Sub-Frontier (14)

Next is the time for each to introduce the quantity and quality of the personnel dispatched this time. At the table, Novus listened to other people's words and smiled.

"Sure enough, it's all just doing things, after seeing this information." I can't help but feel a little ridiculous. Of course, when the order is his turn, the original team of 200 people suddenly dropped to 80 people. , And on his own side, Cooper and Lieutenant Dennis would have led the team, and now only Cooper is left.

"A noble young master who ran to Tussini to avoid the trouble caused by the family?" Novus shook his glass and thought, the food on the table in front of him couldn't arouse his appetite at all. Among the things eaten at each meeting, maybe only the various kinds of wine brought by each person in turn can make him feel better. After all, these things are high-end goods bought from Amotan City. As for the Tussini area, apart from the various types of workpieces processed by many factories, and there are some expensive things among them, there is no special feature.

At ten o'clock in the evening, all the talents dispersed from the hotel. When the limousines left the parking lot or the roadside one by one, Delya walked out of the restaurant opposite. Wearing a very ordinary dress, the attire on her face will not make her beautiful face too attractive to the eyes.

"Deputy commander." A middle-aged man came from the side, his hair was mostly white, and he was also wearing thick clothes. "The style and details of the vehicle, as well as the license plate, are all written down. Their driver or housekeeper, I also took photos from a hidden place, and within a few hours after I returned, I could make a complete information sheet."

"Thanks, you go back first, here is the end. I have other places to go and see, so I won't be with you." Delya nodded to the middle-aged man, "Also, don't forget The thing about the factory here, that is the current focus."

"Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, please rest assured, the deputy head." The middle-aged man smiled and quickly disappeared under the street light.

Delya then glanced at the time, and it was more than half an hour before eleven. She looked around and walked about three to four hundred meters down the street before she came to a clothing store that had not yet closed. With interest, she saw that this place did not keep up with the new clothes of other prosperous regions.


"Waters, how's it going." Hesley gently placed the tonnage weight in his hand on the ground, wiping the sweat on his bare upper body with a towel, and asked while adjusting his breathing, "Look. Your appearance does not seem to be very smooth."

Waters didn't answer immediately, and quietly walked to the table and sat down, took the glass there and offered himself a drink. His face was full of worries. Compared with the smile of the previous two months, this face, which had become healthier, grew older in a short period of time.

Waters is very eager to make satisfactory results in the Kingdom of Chil. It has been almost a year since he came here. A long period of time before was definitely gratifying to many people. At least in the weapons business, relying on quality and prices with very little profit, they quickly grabbed part of the inherent market. Afterwards, he set up a local factory to imitate the technology of the Weber Arms Company, plus relying on a few powerful and powerful local noble forces. Although there was a time difference from the original plan, the original goal was basically the same. Realized one by one.

Of course, the process was not very good. A small number of people were killed, and they were often attacked by competitors. It is also common to be constantly pressed by buyers. Of course, arrears in the cost of weapons and ammunition stated in the agreement, offset by some worthless things, have all become Waters' daily routine.

This situation quickly improved after Hesley drove here alone from the empire. The way to deal with troubles is completely different from Waters. Hesley always chooses the simple method. Of course, the premise will determine from Waters whether the goal has any remaining value. Pursue different things, Hesley himself also likes to use these items in daily exercise to make himself not forget some important things.

Waters shook his head at this time, not knowing how to explain to Hesley: "How do I say..." Waters drank the rest of the wine in one sip, "It's not that things are not going well, this time I signed I have placed a large order for weapons and ammunition, and half of the reservation fee has been paid on the spot. This is definitely not a situation before. And there is another important thing. Today, those people actually said to me that they are willing to provide funds and help We will build a few more factories to accelerate the production of artillery and imitation armored vehicles."

"Unusual behavior."

"It was indeed an abnormal behavior. After the discussion, I immediately contacted the people who gathered intelligence everywhere. The side that initiated the mutiny seemed to have received the support of the neighboring country, and was gathering strength to prepare for real action against the king's family. It's war."

"This is not better. There will be a huge consumption of weapons, especially weapons and ammunition. We are also one of the main suppliers of weapons and ammunition for the royal family. On the eve of preparing for war, the more these things, the better. And If possible, I would suggest that you can remind them on the side that you have the ability to smuggle some high-quality heavy firepower from the empire to provide them. That will provide us with huge profits, although with some risks."

"I don't mean that, I mean other things."

Hesley put the towel on the back of the chair, walked over to fill Waters with wine, then took out another cup, and poured himself a glass: "Waters, in the Steam Knights, you and Delya is the deputy commander and I am the knight commander. With the commander, there are four people in total. Although Delya said that the Knights had been disbanded not long ago, the relationship is still here. Remember, we On the one hand, we are doing things for our own survival, on the other hand, we are also doing things for the knights and the captain. This is all mutual, and only in this way, no matter where it is, can we build a structure stronger."

"You are worried that the king's family will fail under the attack of the rebel forces." Hesley said, "I don't think this is necessary at all. The purpose of our coming here has always been as smugglers, relying on Make a considerable amount of money at a stage of cheap and higher quality products, nothing more. If you are worried that the rebels will attack us after the King’s family fails, then don’t think about it. Because it’s for sure You know very well in your heart that it was when we completely withdrew from the Kingdom of Chil. We were merchants, merchants in arms and ammunition, and we didn’t see much sunlight, so we couldn’t control what our long-term customers would do. That's it. It has nothing to do with us. It's a big deal to look for it elsewhere."

Waters shook his head, his expression still not soothing.

"It's a lot of energy and effort here, but a lot of things are like this, there is no way. What we can do, only hope that next time we will be lucky, the customers we find are like rebel forces." Hesley said, "One more thing, deputy head of Waters, keep your eyes on the farther. Merchants do business. Wherever there is a we are there. Don’t have guilt in your heart, we make Our weapons and ammunition will kill a lot of people. But here, you can deceive yourself a little bit. Perhaps one day, the weapons and ammunition we made will end the war. Wouldn't it mean that more people will be saved?"

"The commander will need more and more help in the future, Waters, you and I have to keep up. You know my identity. At the beginning, in the family, I had the opportunity to get in touch with some materials about the last war. . In my opinion, the so-called war in the Chil Kingdom is completely a small encounter compared with the Empire. The military power here is not worth mentioning before the real war machine. The Empire An ordinary cruiser-class airship formation with a full configuration and ammunition can blast all military targets and heavy firepower areas in the Kingdom of Chir into ruins in a few days, without even sending ground troops. Clean up."

Hesley finished drinking and put down the cup: "Delya said that the regiment commander has graduated from military school. You are not very clear about some things, but here I can tell you one thing. This is what the regiment commander will face in the future. Things, those airship formations, the regular army, and the team of surgeons that we don’t have the ability to handle. The development is still far, our current situation, at best, is a private person with inherited qualifications among the four forces. The power is nothing."

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