Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1011: The final winner (25)

Cassia walked through the three traces on the snow. Among the marks left along the way, Ernes explained that they would also choose a period of time to drive at night, and would leave some traps along the way, and would choose the terrain in advance to make sufficient preparations to deal with Iraq and Prisla. . Foreseeing that they will act during this time, the six decided to choose to hunt the ferocious creature one last time in the afternoon, attracting real prey at a time.

The traces no longer follow the footprints of Ounes and the others. Instead, they chose to walk a few hundred meters from the side when Yi, Prisla and the others left six bodies on the road again. Since then, they have been pursuing the distance between the two with all their strength, the traces of battle that appeared from time to time, and the footprints of those huge bears made them know that Ernes and others have also started a new hunting plan.

Without the obstacle of traps, they caught the faint gunfire from a distance after three hours. The team was silent, and suddenly completely dispersed at this moment. Yi and Prisla merged together. They simply looked at the surrounding terrain and chose a suitable route to approach the gunfire. Ninety-odd white figures seemed to have just climbed up a huge spider web, and now they were quietly advancing toward the center following the lines of the web, as if they were afraid of awakening the extremely sensitive spiders.

After walking more than a hundred meters away, Yi and Prisla looked back together and looked at Zero, who was left in place by the team.

"Mr. Zero?" Yi asked.

No. Zero looked over, only to be awakened from thinking. He nodded, moved physically, and followed a player who had already walked hundreds of meters in front.

I don't know when it started, Zero realized a sense of discomfort that conflicted with intuition. I can't say how it feels, I only know that it makes people uncomfortable. With his beast-like smell, he knew that this would not be a sign of good things.

"Something bad will happen." Muttering to himself, Number Zero easily caught up with the player, and the speed dropped immediately.

When the gunshots and the roar of wild beasts could be clearly captured, a wave-like high **** appeared in front of the team, almost completely separating the source of the sound from Yi and the others.

"Just in front, there is a familiar taste in it." Zero said at this time, Pulisla immediately let the teams join and divide into three teams, the first and second teams detoured to the left and right sides of the high slope. After Yi was sure that there were no traps around, the remaining third team synchronized with the other two, carefully advancing toward the gentle **** of 30 to 40 meters in front of him.

With all bowed, Prisla knew that this place would become a commanding height that could provide enough firepower, and had already ordered the third team not to move away from here unless it received a signal.

Just before reaching the summit of Gaopo, the members of the third team opened their backpacks. They are not individual combat weapons, they are all parts that can be freely disassembled and combined. After a few breaths, the two machine guns were combined, and the barrel of about one and a half meters long was buried in the snow. The two people dragged the machine body slowly toward the top of the high slope. In addition, four artillery launchers were also exposed to the air, and most of the snipers in the team were also concentrated in the third team.

Although judging by the sound, the battle area ahead is at least five or six hundred meters away from this high slope, but until now, all the members of the three teams have well hidden themselves under the snow, without allowing any of their own A corner is exposed in the area that can be detected from the front perspective.

Yi and Prisla simultaneously drew the tactical knife and leaned out the blade from under the snow. In the small picture photographed by the knife body, a giant bear five or six meters high is making its final struggle, and the white hair is mostly frozen blood clots. Several people are cooperating with the attack around to avoid the dangerous counterattack made by the giant bear.

When the sight passed to the two of them, the feeling of something wrong made them wary. One person is missing, it is Noviya. Although as an extremely good sniper, keeping a safe distance from the enemy is a matter of common sense. Ke Yi and Prisla have contacted Novia, and her strength is not just relying on a sniper rifle.

The two of them immediately faced the dangerous feeling brought by the image of the knife on the body, and their bodies pulled back a little in an instant. Nothing abnormal happened, Prisla and Yi looked at each other and did not speak. At this time, Yi pointed to the mechanical watch and shook his head. There was still about a minute left before the time of the attack. He was telling Prisla to be prepared and to find out the position of Novia as soon as possible during this time. In the previous operations, most of the team's casualties came from the sniper rifle that could break most of the ice that served as a shelter.

One minute is not long in the two senses. In the first few seconds before reaching the agreed time, the muzzle of the machine gun protruded with snow, and the angle of the gun’s firing tube was adjusted. Whether it was the muzzle of the blunderbuss or the snipers, their heads were exposed. A state where the target can be found and aimed at.

As the front end of the cannon's thick barrel spurted flames, a dozen-centimeter-long bullet was shot out, forming a twisted transparent cone in front of the warhead, which exploded in the blink of an eye near Ernes and others. Bullets in several directions followed it, gathering like rain in an area.

But their target is not an ordinary examiner. As one of the several powerful groups apart from the team where No. 0 is When the first bullet hits the ground, Ounes and others have already noticed it. Also make the most correct response in a very short time.

The giant bear was led to him by Ounes and others, but at this time it became the best cover for several people. While avoiding the giant bear's attack, several people moved backward as if retreating. The next moment suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and the five people almost disappeared at the same time. After a brief period of doubt, the sniper saw in the sniper scope where the giant bear was about to rush past. There seemed to be a hole in the sniper scope that could not be easily detected because of the viewing angle.

"In the pothole! The artillery immediately adjusted its angle and poured it directly into it!"

At this moment, at the end of the high slope, the vibration caused a snowy fog to rise, and five consecutive special sniper bullets formed a **** that was just parallel to the high slope. In an instant, the gentle side of the high **** was pushed directly from the head to the tail. It disappeared completely in the cold air, leaving only a fusion of air channels and the broken bodies of most of the third team on the high slope.

The steel bombs embedded in the ice exploded at the same time, and the dry snow was lifted and expanded immediately, blocking the view on the high slope. Yi and Prisla rushed to the source of the sniper bullet at a very fast speed, kicking the steel bomb with the unburned fuse left there. But there was only one trace of leaving, and Nuvia ran into the snow and mist and disappeared.

"This time it's not a hunting plan for ferocious creatures, but it's here specifically to deal with us." Yi slid to the middle of the high **** and said to Prisla. At this moment, the two looked aside as if remembering, the zero number was no longer there.

"Chichi" At this time, the unknown signal flare rose into the air from the snow and mist, dyeing a place red.


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