Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 998: The final winner (12)

..Steel steam and flame

After waiting for a few minutes, the gorilla did not fall from the top of the mountain. Cassia didn’t think it was waiting for the diffuse snow and fog to dissipate. The avalanche just cut the team’s number by more than half, but the remaining people still pose a great threat to it, and importantly, that group The second type creatures are also buried below. A wide field of vision is good for both, but in the current situation, the gorilla, as a single individual, facing dozens of other people, the field of vision brings more harm than good.

Cassia crawled out of the hiding place, moved towards the foot of the mountain, and stopped at a height of two to three hundred meters. If the orangutan did not choose to leave, then in Cassia's conjecture, at this moment, it is likely to hide underneath one step ahead of anyone. While the avalanche is falling, the fur that can change colors can really make it look like a huge block of ice without arousing anyone's suspicion.

I probably don't have the ability to sense temperature, but as an animal, my senses of smell and hearing are much sharper than those of the surgeon. After hiding in advance, it will be very relaxed to find that people who passed by later. Cassia didn't think of this way for a while, if it hadn't been for the gorilla's traces, it would not have occurred suddenly.

"Sure enough, a smart head has always been the biggest threat." Cassia said, the voice perception spread again, covering a large swath of snow and fog below. The three distributed teams appeared in the sight of Cassia, each forming a circle, guarding the surroundings. There was no movement for a long time, which also made them particularly alert.

Still not enough, Cassia said to herself, temperature perception probably has no effect on gorillas, unless there are other perception abilities, such as sound or vibration, or the flow of the atmosphere, or when the line of sight is restricted, so The surgeon in the environment has only a quantitative advantage.

The sound waves easily penetrated to a few meters below the mixture of ice and rocks, and there were so many interferences that Cassia could not find the location of the gorilla in a short time. At this moment, Cassia became more convinced that he had not made a mistake in guessing, but perhaps he had subconsciously identified one thing, and his subsequent thoughts would find a foothold for it from various angles.

What will it do? I don't know if there has been an unnoticeable change in my heart in time, and Cassia suddenly felt full of intense interest in this kind of thing. It was an uncontrollable feeling, which reminded him that he had just returned from work in the steam factory, opened the mail in front of the house, and saw the admission notice from the Imperial Heavy Industries School.

In the sound wave, there was little fluctuation until then. At the limit of sound wave detection, the gorilla gently removed the ice that covered him and put it aside. The large backpacks on his body had disappeared, and there seemed to be a weapon in the style of a big sword on his back. The only thing that could be described clearly with sound waves was the heavy machine guns hanging on both sides of its body.

The footsteps are light, the gorilla clearly knows the approximate location of the three teams, and the route is very clear in Cassia's eyes. Less than a kilometer apart, the gorilla quickly came to the middle of the two teams and buried something there. This is how its actions told Cassia.

"Bomb?" Cassia guessed, and at the same time thinking, if he was in this environment, how would he act to ensure his own safety while annihilating all three teams. I don’t know if it’s a long-term influence. Kassia’s mind suddenly appeared like Li and He. He thought this was not an illusion. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he had some understanding of what the two people were pursuing. . It is not power, power, or money. These are just auxiliary items. What they want may be just a sense of manipulation, or a strong desire to possess from the perspective of a third party.

At this time, the gorilla left the place where the bomb was planted, looked around in place, and then simultaneously raised the heavy machine guns on both sides of the body and aimed them at the two teams. Did not shoot immediately, still thinking about something.

"Through the restriction of sight to create infighting between the teams?" I don't think it will be successful. The dozens of people left have already shown the ciphers agreed between them to Cassia. Even if they are attacked, they can rely on the code in the next moment. react to. Unless the gorilla has learned to decipher some in the process of contact with this team.

The gorilla raised one foot at this time and grabbed the third gun that was put down when the bomb was planted. As flexible as an arm, with three guns aimed at three teams at the same time, Cassia also drew a revolver and aimed it at the gorilla's head. Only afterwards the muzzle was turned, and he pointed the muzzle at the team closest to him. When thinking, the sound wave of the bullet burst spread at an extremely fast speed.

There is no accurate aiming, just a simple and rude way to suppress the position of the three teams. The distance is only a few hundred meters away, and the bullet speed is completely faster than the sound. By the time Cassia noticed, dozens of people in the three teams had died under this sudden attack.

The reaction force cannot be said to be swift. The half-squatting people immediately fell down because they noticed the problem of the direction and risked hitting their teammates and did not immediately counterattack. When the password that was blown out sounded, the gorilla had stopped shooting, left the original position, and touched the team on the left. The ciphers for exchanging information are constantly exposing their own position. The sound of gunfire came from another location again. The accuracy of several clusters of bullets was much higher than before. Several people scattered along the serpentine route were also affected. The heavy machine gun fired densely in two sections.

The bullets in the other two directions shuttled through the snow and mist and shot a few shots, but for the size of the gorilla, it was not a problem at all. At the same time, it changed its position. The gorilla wanted to completely dismantle the three teams and defeat them one by one. It returned to the place where the explosives were buried, and after several shots, it moved away 30 meters away briskly, completely standing in its original position and no longer moving.

After fully understanding the perception abilities of these people, the three teams stopped shooting after a few breaths. The rest of the world is not connected to each other for a while, because the next moment when you are afraid of making a sound, you will be baptized by bullets. But there was a tacit agreement. The captains of the three teams ordered the people around them to spread a certain distance at the same time. Then they moved and started communicating with secret signals, hoping to avoid the gorilla's attack in this way.

The sound from several directions caused the gorilla who raised the gun to put down the weapon again, quietly waiting for the next opportunity. It's just that everyone below doesn't seem to know that there is another person on the mountain quietly watching them.

A captain had been locked at the gun, and Cassia was considering whether to shoot. The consumption between the two didn't seem to reach the maximum, telling himself that he could wait for a while, and then Cassia released the finger that pressed the trigger. He watched the three teams walking in the darkness created by the snow and fog, slowly gathering towards the place where the gorilla had buried the bomb.

On the other side, perhaps relying on perception to catch something, the gorilla slowly released a heavy machine gun and held the grip of the big knife on his back.


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