Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 975: The name of the lone wolf (24)

Russell and Villani turned around, not letting their bodies suffer the damage from the broken scales. Villani’s situation is much better, except that most of his back is embedded with scales, and Russell’s distance from the lizard is less than ten meters away. His entire back is blurred, and the blood-frozen ice layer quickly covers it. Got there.

The footsteps did not dare to stop at the slightest. On the crushed skin of the back, Russell's muscles all over his body could be seen squirming and tightening. While touching a small part of the broken scales, while providing huge power, the footsteps could gain faster explosive power and speed. It's just that he was locked in by the big lizard, his two raised eyes stared at Russell, and a popping sound was expected. Russell didn't look back, relying on the subtle changes in the temperature perception image to judge the lizard's attack.

Russell dodges the almost fatal attack before rushing to the side for a while. Without feeling any joy, Russell jumped up on the spot at the moment he stepped firmly after avoiding, and the afterimage swept by the tail of the big lizard just cut off the snow there.

Russell's legs were slightly bent in midair, and under the split skin, they could be seen completely twisted together, forming tight muscles like steel cables. As long as his feet touch the ice layer, the accumulated power can be released in an instant, helping him move more than ten meters in a short instant. Villani was also pulling out his pistol at this time, trying to pin the lizard on the side to give Russell a little time to delay. Because she saw the center of the big lizard's slightly squinted eyes, Russell's figure was clearly reflected.

"Boom!" The air around the big lizard's mouth exploded, and the air wave squeezed the snow below ten centimeters deep. Russell's feet landed at the same time, but a pale pink phantom had appeared behind him. The open mouth failed to roar in the end, only the blood that flowed out and frozen.

"Chuck,,," exclaimed with excitement, the big lizard spit out half of Russell's corpse in his mouth, looked around and ran to Villani in a cloud of smoke. The body suddenly chased forward, and on the wrinkled tan skin, thorns began to slowly emerge. After twenty seconds, it will be another hard scale covering the body.

Cassia knows that Villani will do this in the end. It is impossible for one person to deal with the big lizard. Unless there is a corresponding surgical development that can defend against the explosive power of scales, and an efficient attack method, it will only rely on the consumption of power to compare from the size. , Most examiners are at an absolute disadvantage. Early on, he walked through the snow, and circled towards Klester.

But Villani still caught a little movement. Seeing her shooting with a gun, Cassia no longer hides, leaping out of the snow, and running towards Kleist. Villani went around a larger circle, leading the lizard towards Cassija at full speed.

It's just that Cassia's face didn't arouse the interest of the big lizard, or comparing the priority between the two, Villani is the prey it wants to crush the most.

The irregular serpentine route made all the bullets rushing over behind him missed, feeling that Villani and the big lizard were getting closer to him behind him. At this moment, Cassia speeded up suddenly, pulling the distance between the two in the blink of an eye, and rushed in. In front of the smoke, most of it dissipated.

A kick kicked Klester, who was covered in snow, and Cassia ran over to catch him a few steps and clamped it under his waist. The figure immediately turned back and rushed out the smoke from the side, looking at the big lizard and Villani who were approaching him at a speed of speed from a distance of 100 meters.

"Mr. Craster," as he said, Cassia slapped Klester's face with his hands, allowing him to recover briefly from his semi-coma, "your teammate has come to pick you up."

"I,,, absolutely,, no,,," the hoarse words appeared intermittent, before finishing a sentence, Cassia threw it into the air and threw it towards the lizard.

Cassia imitated the same "guckling" sound and drew out the revolver while running to the side. Perception is fully opened at this moment, and in the sound with increasing frequency, the distance between Kleist and the lizard is calculated very accurately through the detection of eyes and sound.

One of the big lizard's eyes turned around, took a look at Cassia, and the next moment he was attracted by Kleist who was throwing down. Cassia also got directly into the snow at this moment, approaching the place where the two would meet. Villani, who was not locked tightly anymore, glanced to the side and kept the scene there in his eyes. I had already thought of Cassia’s next plan to do this in her head. There was a very short stop in her footsteps. Finally, she turned decisively and ran in the other direction. After tens of meters, she also learned Cassia’s appearance and got into the snow. In, then disappeared.

Six bursts of gunfire were connected together, followed by a huge explosion, covering all the sounds. A pale pink tongue flickered in mid-air, and was about to stick to the prey at an extremely fast speed and retract it into his mouth. Six long-awaited bullets were connected in a line and penetrated neatly.

"Gluck!" The big lizard screamed, and its two front claws were shaped like humans and wanted to hold the tongue that had exploded six big fuzzy holes into its mouth.

The six large holes exploded by the blue silver bullets exploded almost three-quarters of the width of the tongue, and the remaining involved tissues could not provide any retraction force at all. A large sarcoma on the front of the tongue began to frost in the cold. The mucus first lost its effect, and Klester's body fell down. He hasn't died yet, but in the cold and deep coma death is only a matter of time.

The skin on the throat moved quickly, and the big lizard screamed in pain and anger, and the two raised eyeballs also turned extremely fast, searching every area of ​​the body. The tongue that fell in the snow was being eroded by the cold at a visible speed, and the two front paws of the big lizard also accelerated the speed of holding one bit into the mouth.

A sword flew out of the snow in a timely manner, with a vibrato that penetrated the air, directly inserted in the middle of the tongue, and the color of the sword body immediately began to turn red, and a burst of white smoke emerged from the sound of "sizzling". After throwing a pneumatic sword, Cassia rushed out of the snow, and rushed to Klester's side in a few steps, grabbing him and blocking him in front of him.

At the same time, the big lizard wailed, stepped back a few steps, and stood up. The scales that had just grown exploded. After feeling the impact from Kleist's body, Cassia used a gun against his body and shot the lizard. After six rounds of bullets were hit, he threw Klester away and ran out, only to see pain in the eyes of the big lizard, and the cross pupils also shrank sharply. Its upper and lower jaws closed fiercely, and it snapped off its exposed tongue.

Ignoring Cassia's attack, the big lizard only paid attention to avoiding the bullet that hit his eye, turned around and brought out the turbulent snow, and ran away on his hind legs.

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