Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 97: Talisman Making Insights Randomly Doubled

Gengchunfang City.

Zheng Liangjin, a foundation-building elder of the Yunyang Sect who is responsible for the management of casual cultivators, is checking the completion of tasks in the past few days with his brows furrowed.

The disciples below lowered their heads and did not dare to look at him.

"The mission completion rate is only 60%. What's going on?"

"Disciple, I just asked some casual cultivators. They said that the casual cultivators in Yunsheng City have a lot of powerful talismans in their hands. There are quite a lot of them. So although the casual cultivators here have eaten a lot, deficit."

"Amulets? Are there not enough talismans in the Military Merit Hall?"

"It is indeed not enough. Because we have to ensure the fighting needs of the disciples within our sect, the finished talismans distributed are very few, and most of them are raw materials. I found a talisman maker in the city to refine the talismans, but they can only barely satisfy the military merit. The palace is functioning.”

Zheng Liangjin rubbed his brows: "I have expected this situation before, but isn't it different with the Earth God Sect?"

"It seems that the Earth God Sect is also short of talismans, but they hired Master Xing to refine talismans. Master Xing had a large inventory of talismans and took out 150,000 talismans. Although they were all low-level talismans, their quality was All good, this meets the exchange needs of casual cultivators!”

Zheng Liangjin's face suddenly turned ugly. One hundred thousand talismans were not too many, and the inventory of the disciples in the sect exceeded one million, but they were not many. It was difficult to take them out at once.

He remained silent for a while and said, "I'll go to the real person to ask, and you can go and calm down the casual cultivators."


Zheng Liangjin came to the center of Fang City and asked to see the real Jin Dan.

Because it was a special period, he quickly met Zhao Qizhen, the real person of Jindan!

"Zhenmao, I am Liangjin, please report something urgent!"

"Say." Zhao Qizhen said.

"Zhenren, the casual cultivators have suffered a great loss. Because of the lack of finished talismans, they are at a disadvantage when fighting the casual cultivators in Yunshengfang City. If this continues, the casual cultivators may not accept our mission. Yes!" Zheng Liangjin said solemnly.

Zhao Qizhen's expression paused, and his consciousness immediately swept over the Sanxiu Hall to check the conversation and discussion of the Sanxiu. After listening for a while, he gradually frowned.

"Xingfu? Master Xing? Who is this?" Zhao Qizhen was confused.

"He should be a casual cultivator who makes talismans, but his ability to make talismans is not weak. He should have accumulated a large amount of inventory before, but now he has sold it all to the Earth God Sect." Zheng Liangjin also said depressedly, "Why doesn't this casual cultivator come to us? ?”

Zhao Qizhen was silent for a while and said: "His inventory has been released. It is meaningless to talk about this person anymore. I know what you mean. The casual cultivators cannot give up. Although they are generally not strong in strength, they are also part of the war power. I We will distribute 200,000 talismans from the sect's supplies to you, can you please stabilize the situation among the casual cultivators?"

Zheng Liangjin immediately said seriously: "Disciple will definitely complete the work."

Then he hesitated and said, "Will the transfer of talismans from the sect affect the frontal battlefield?"

"It has a little impact, but not much. Danxia Sect has joined forces with us, and the talismans are still sufficient." Zhao Qizhen waved his hand, "But you must also find a way to make up for the subsequent talismans."


Zheng Liangjin breathed a sigh of relief. With this batch of talismans, at least the casual cultivators were a little more stable.

the other side.

Han Yuan finally drew the last stroke. At this point, he had completed refining three to six times of all the more than 10,000 yellow-grade high-grade talismans in the talisman collection, and was thoroughly familiar with them one by one.

He closed his eyes and recalled every bit of insight he had gained from practicing the talismans during this period. A sense of understanding gradually rose in his heart. His familiarity with the Huangjie talismans had reached an extremely high level. Now any unfamiliar Huang The grade talisman was taken out for him to make, and he could make it with just one wave. He felt that he could call himself the master of the Huang grade talisman!

Just when he opened his eyes with satisfaction, he saw an unexpected dice spinning rapidly in mid-air!

The dice seemed to have been spinning for a while. When he looked over, the dice froze, and a medium-sized number appeared - "10".

[Random gain multiplier: 10]

[The effect of talisman making experience perception is increased by *10]

A much stronger feeling than before came to my mind.

When I just reviewed my experience in making talismans, I found that many things were unclear, many of my insights were specious, and many of them were just flashes of inspiration and not systematic.

However, at this moment, his understanding of making talismans became clearer many times and entered his mind in different categories. His understanding of the art of making talismans instantly reached the level of entering a room, and his mastery of the Huangjie Talisman reached an even higher level. Superb level!

After a long time.

Han Yuan's eyes regained clarity.

He looked at a talisman on the table again, and immediately discovered many flaws. He even saw some obvious flaws in some turning connections.

Although this yellow-level talisman is already a fine talisman in the eyes of others, for him now, it can only be said to be unsightly.

In his eyes, 99% of the Huang-level talisman has been analyzed.

He used to claim to be a Huang-level Talisman Master, but now he feels that he can be called a Yellow-level Talisman Master!

"The relationship between talismans, spiritual texts, and spells is extremely close, especially talismans and spells. The two can basically transform into each other. You can use talismans to understand spells, and you can also use spells to create new talismans!"

Han Yuan's harvest was very great.

Looking through the complete collection of talismans, he looked a little emotional. It turned out that the talisman seemed to be formed in one stroke, but in fact it was also a combination.

A low-grade yellow-grade talisman can be divided into nine fragments, and may be divided into twenty-seven fragments. A medium-grade yellow-grade talisman can be divided into up to fifty-four fragments. A high-grade yellow-grade talisman can be divided into up to eighty fragments. A fragment!

Each fragment has its own unique role.

He can now modify the original talismans, add some fragments that increase power, and reduce some talismans that are of little use. At the same time, he can also create new yellow-level talismans!

"I can transform these yellow-level talismans first, simplify the refining steps, and increase the power of the talismans. When all the talismans are transformed, I should be able to harvest a wave of insights again, and it will not be too late to create new talismans by then."

Han Yuan felt that he had to eat his food one bite at a time. After discovering the amazing effect of the random gain multiplier, he estimated that after transforming all the yellow-level talismans, he would definitely be able to obtain the blessing of a random gain multiplier again!

So, he recruited Chang Yixin again.

Chang Yixin came to the room quickly.

Han Yuan pointed to the finished talismans next to him and said, "Take these finished products and bring some raw materials."

Chang Yixin nodded, and then asked curiously: "Are we going to get the second-level low-grade materials?"

"No, go and get another batch of low-grade yellow-grade raw materials. The quantity should be three times the previous one." Han Yuan felt that the consumption of transformation research would definitely be more than simply replicating it.

Chang Yixin was stunned and couldn't understand what Elder Han was thinking, but she still said neatly: "I understand, I will get the raw materials as soon as possible!"

She was about to leave with the finished talisman.

Han Yuan stopped her: "Wait!"

Chang Yixin asked doubtfully: "Elder, what else can you do?"

"Well, take more talismans and put them on your body for self-defense. If you have money, buy a few more life-saving magic weapons." Han Yuan suddenly suggested.

Chang Yixin blinked, with confusion on his face, but still nodded: "Okay, disciple understands!"

After she left the room, Han Yuan shook his head and whispered: "You don't understand. You are the only one who knows Master Xing."

Obviously, Han Yuan's divine consciousness has enveloped Fangshi these days and he has heard of his new name.

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