Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 78 The Skill Is Lost And The War Begins

Zhao Yumu's face was horrified: "Ancestor Ziyun, a great master of illusion!"

I didn’t expect that this Yuanying boss was guarding the sect!

Illusion has the advantage of overpowering low-level enemies, and there is basically no possibility of fighting beyond the level!


At this time, Zhao Yumu no longer expected Mu Dun to be able to escape the perception of the Nascent Soul Ancestor, because he was powerful in illusions and was already good at spiritual consciousness.

He directly took a picture of the Heavenly Star Vajra Talisman, which was of higher quality than the Earthly Star Vajra Talisman, and a golden halo enveloped him in it.

Then he activated the space teleportation talisman without hesitation!

The Earth God Sect's mountain-protecting formation protects against the outside but not the inside. He can use the space teleportation talisman to leave, and it only takes two breaths!

And this talisman can last at least ten breaths!

The moment he crushed the talisman, white light enveloped his body, making his body appear transparent!

"Want to escape? Dreaming!"

Ancestor Ziyun instantly passed through the cave formation, landed on Zhao Yumu's head, and threw down a wooden staff.

The wooden staff instantly enlarged, like an ancient sacred tree, slaying the devil with overwhelming power!


The wooden staff collided with the Tianchen Vajra Talisman, bursting out with immeasurable light. The Vajra cover's light quickly faded at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Zhao Yumu was shocked: "How can it be so strong! Hold on!"

Ancestor Ziyun is more powerful than he imagined!

Let alone ten breaths at this time, even three breaths is enough!

Before he could think about it, Patriarch Ziyun struck down with another stick!

The diamond shield made an overwhelming sound of shattering, and was completely shattered in Zhao Yumu's horrified eyes.

A huge wooden staff hit Zhao Yumu hard.

However, at this moment, the white light teleported part of Zhao Yumu's body out at the last moment!

Ancestor Ziyun looked shocked and angry: "Don't leave!"

But there was a hint of smile in his eyes. He glanced approvingly at Han Yuan, who was hiding his merit and fame in the corner, and then he rose into the sky and followed towards the outside of the sect.

Han Yuan watched the two people disappear one after another, and was about to turn around and go back to rest. Suddenly he noticed that where Zhao Yumu had just disappeared, a section of his body had recovered from a transparent state. Then Han Yuan noticed that a ring was on the ground. The amputated finger is looming.

"Is this a storage ring?" Han Yuan was surprised.

He burst out with astonishing speed and pocketed the ring at lightning speed.

Then he walked back to Cangming Tower as if nothing had happened.

Chang Chun rushed over and was at a loss when he saw the holes on the third floor and the broken arms and legs that fell on the ground.

Han Yuan said to him: "Don't rush to clean up! Protect the crime scene."

"Oh, okay! Okay!" Chang Chun quickly agreed as if he had just woken up from a dream.

He was worried. He heard it right. It seemed that a thief had sneaked into the cave to steal things. Will he, the housekeeper, be punished?

Outside the Earth God Sect.

The old man hiding in the tree hole suddenly looked solemn and looked forward.

A figure staggered out of the space fluctuations.

One hand, one foot and half of Zhao Yumu's body were missing, his face was like gold paper, and his breath was sluggish.

However, when his eyes fell on Zhao Yumu's other hand, a look of surprise immediately appeared in his eyes!

"It's done, it's successful! Elder, run!"

Zhao Yumu handed over the slate and said quickly.


The old man did not catch the stone slab, but quickly fed a precious elixir into Zhao Yumu's mouth, then supported his body and left quickly.

Under the amazing effect of that pill, Zhao Yumu's broken body was recovering at an extremely fast speed, and his hands and feet were rapidly growing back.

"Where to go?"

The purple cloud light on the horizon quickly approached.

The old man looked serious and said to Zhao Yumu: "Wait while I hold Ziyun down and you find a chance to escape. Whether the Yunyang Sect can rise or not depends entirely on you!"

Zhao Yumu clutched the stone slab tightly and said seriously: "Disciple understands!"

The old man nodded and led him to escape quickly towards the mountains.

The purple sea of ​​clouds behind is approaching quickly.

The old man threw out a flying boat, threw Zhao Yumu on top, and then slapped the flying boat.

The flying boat shot out quickly.

Zhao Yumu endured the pain, with a pale face, and controlled the flying boat to continue flying forward.

The old man turned around and faced Ancestor Ziyun.

A Nascent Soul battle broke out quickly.

Ancestor Ziyun was naturally delayed by the old man.

Later, Patriarch Ziyun issued an order, and a large number of Jindan monks emerged from the Earth God Sect to follow Zhao Yumu's escape.

When the old man saw the situation in the distance, he didn't have much trouble in his heart, because he had already prepared a backup plan for today!

After those Jindan Masters chased him, Lin Zizhong even had Jindan Masters rush out and intercept the way of the Earth God Sect Jindan Masters.

As a result, chaos immediately broke out outside the Earth God Sect.

Ancestor Ziyun was so angry that he gritted his teeth and immediately showed his true skills, dealing crazy damage to Ancestor Yunyang Sect Yuanying.

The old man was beaten back and forth, and he was horrified that Ziyun's strength was unexpectedly strong!

Thinking that the delay was almost up, he retreated while fighting, and said to his own people: "Retreat!"

The Jindan Masters of Yunyang Sect also immediately fought and retreated.

A chase lasted for a long time.

In the end, the old man escaped.

However, Master Jindan of the Yunyang Sect left behind a total of nine corpses.

But Patriarch Ziyun’s face was “very ugly”!

He roared at those Jindan Daoist people: "What do you do for food? You don't even know that the enemy has sneaked into the sect? Do you know what they stole? A Yuan Shen Kung Fu! Are you idiots? Isn't it a thousand years of comfort? , did you get pig shit in your head?”

Ancestor Ziyun cursed wildly at all the Jindan Daoist people. When they heard the words of Ziyun Daoist, each Jindan Daoist turned pale with shock.

"What? The soul technique is lost?"

"What the hell is going on!"

“That was the Yunyang Sect’s Zhufeng Ancestor just now?”

"how so!"

Fu Changqing and Yue Mingxiong looked at each other, their faces turned pale. They realized that the person who stole was probably the person they missed just now. They... were in big trouble.

A quarter of an hour later.

The main hall of the Earth God Sect.

More than eighty Jindan masters have already arrived.

Ancestor Ziyun sat on the main seat with a gloomy expression.

The leader, Feng Jianming, stood outside the gate with a nervous expression. He still doesn't know what happened.

Ancestor Ziyun said to everyone: "Just now, Yunyang Sect Zhao Yumu sneaked into the sect and stole a Yuan Shen Kung Fu. After discussions between me and several other ancestors, we decided to launch a war to exterminate the sect. ! The target is the Yunyang Sect! Attack the entire sect at all costs! Kill the disciples and take back the inheritance!

He looked at everyone coldly: "No rejection!"


All the real people looked solemn.

A sudden war is about to break out!

At this time, Han Yuan was hiding in the training room, pondering over the ring in his hand.

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