Zhao Yumu used eight precious third-level spirit seeds in succession to block the Jindan Zhenren behind him and successfully opened up his position.

But at this time, Zhao Yumu, who originally planned to use the space teleportation talisman, immediately fell into a dilemma.

Should he run away immediately, or take the risk of staying in the Dishen Sect to find the inheritance of the skills?

Although he is now exposed, it is precisely because of his exposure that it is possible that the people of Lingwen Peak will be nervous and make actions similar to checking the location of the real inheritance of the skills.

And what he is most worried about is the Yuanying strongman. He naturally cannot confront the Yuanying ancestor head-on, but his wood escape technique is also very magical. If the Yuanying ancestor is not familiar with the wood escape technique, it will take several breaths to find him. In addition, there is a precious defensive talisman in his hand, which is enough to delay time for him to activate the space teleportation talisman!

Moreover, there may not be a Yuanying to take action!

He bets that these Jindan will not report the information to the Yuanying ancestor in the first time!

Because if you put yourself in his shoes, if there is an enemy in the early stage of Jindan in his sect, at this time, his realm is one or two small realms higher than the enemy, and there are several Jindans of the same realm to help him. In this case, it is a bit embarrassing to fail to catch the enemy. At worst, he can ask the Jindan elders from other peaks to help, which is considered a big loss of face. If he still has to ask the Yuanying ancestor to come forward, even if he kills this enemy, it will definitely make other hostile forces laugh and laugh at the incompetence of Jindan, and completely lose face!

"Don't run away, bandits!"

Yue Mingxiong was furious, his body turned into a knife light, flashed nine positions in the air, instantly passed through the entanglement of two spiritual plants, and waved his hand to make three talismans.

Three fire pythons emerged from the void and rushed towards Zhao Yumu in a show of force.

Zhao Yumu sneered: "Do you think I only know wood attribute spells?"

He also waved his hand, and hundreds of ice cones took shape instantly, whistling towards the fire python!

The two collided violently in the passage, and the strong fluctuation of mana stirred the passage. Although the fire python was still slightly better, Yue Mingxiong's face turned black.

The three elders next to him also looked at Yue Mingxiong speechlessly.

Because his fire python was used by talismans, the control was too rough, and the passage collapsed, the soil collapsed, and the flames formed a fire belt in front, which prevented them from moving forward quickly.

If they didn't know that Yue Mingxiong couldn't be an undercover, several elders would arrest Yue Mingxiong on the spot!


Yue Mingxiong was annoyed, and used the magic weapon to break through the front and open the passage again, but Zhao Yumu opened up a distance at this time.

They hurried and hurried, but still couldn't stop Zhao Yumu from breaking through the last layer of light curtain.

This is indeed a place to break through the pass, and there are no treasures, so the defensive formation left before is not too strong, but now it allows the enemy to escape quickly, which is very angry.

When Zhao Yumu rushed out of the cave, three magic weapons attacked him!

One of the swords was also a third-grade top-grade magic weapon!

Zhao Yumu's expression remained unchanged. He had already guessed this scene, and a sword was also sacrificed at the same time.

The sword blocked the top-grade sword.

For the remaining two magic weapons, Zhao Yumu also took out a stack of talismans and waved them out without saying a word.

A violent battle wave immediately broke out at the entrance of the cave, and the loud noise of the vibration spread in all directions!

Fu Changqing said coldly: "It turned out to be you, Zhao Yumu. You have just broken through the early stage of Jindan and have the combat power of the peak of the middle stage. You are worthy of being a special genius, but today we will make you come and go, so that Yunyang Sect can enjoy the pleasure of losing the genius."

Zhao Yumu sensed that Fu Changqing was only at the peak of the middle stage of Jindan, so he was even less panicked. The other two were only at the early stage of Jindan, and he didn't take them seriously at all.

He used magic weapons, spells, talismans, and spiritual seeds to fight the three of them back and forth, retreating while fighting.

But at this time, four Jindan Daoist people are about to rush out of the cave entrance. If seven people attack him, Zhao Yumu will be hated no matter how strong he is!

Fu Changqing shouted towards Yue Mingxiong and others: "Activate the formation! He can't escape!"


The Fifth Elder and the Ninth Elder played the formation at the same time and fell into the formation at the entrance of the cave. A large formation was quickly activated.

Everyone's faces showed determination to win.

However, when the formation rose, the corners of Zhao Yumu's mouth also turned upward.

I saw him rushing towards a certain formation.

There was a trace of ridicule on Fu Changqing's face, but before the ridicule spread to half of his face, Zhao Yumu easily passed through the formation interception like a stream of light.

Everyone was shocked. When they looked carefully, they saw that there was a hole as high as a man there. How could this be possible?

"Damn it, what's going on?" Fu Changqing shouted angrily, and immediately chased after him without thinking about the formation.

The others were stunned for a moment and then immediately came to their senses and chased after him.

Fu Changqing looked at the fleeing Zhao Yumu with cold eyes. Even if he escaped from the formation, it would be useless. Their numerical advantage was huge!

Sure enough, before Zhao Yumu could fly far, seven magic weapons attacked Zhao Yumu at the same time, followed by talismans, spells and even some disposable treasures.

Zhao Yumu's expression changed, and he hurriedly took out a third-level high-grade spiritual weapon shield, and guarded his surroundings with the sword.

boom! boom! boom!

The violent burst of spells submerged Zhao Yumu, and the terrifying power cut away a large section of the surrounding ground, raising a large amount of dust and mist.

However, a green figure staggered out of it.

The magic weapon shield he had just sacrificed was already broken, the magic weapon in his hand was dim, the magic robe on his body also had a hole, and even his arms were bleeding.

This look is extremely miserable.

However, he still survived under the siege of everyone.

However, Fu Changqing and others are very happy. The stronger the opponent is, and if they can kill or even capture him alive, the reward from the sect will naturally be huge!

However, before they could be happy, Zhao Yumu had already arrived near the first spiritual tree!

While they were stunned, Zhao Yumu transformed into green light, merged into the spiritual tree, and then left instantly with wood escape!

"This is... Mudun! Bi Qiqi, how could he have such magical powers!" Yue Mingxiong's eyes were about to burst!

"Calm down, so what if he possesses supernatural powers in advance? The power is definitely not as strong as in the Nascent Soul stage, and he can't escape very far at once. Moreover, he is injured, his treasures are damaged, and his combat power is greatly reduced. There is no way he can escape! Let's split up immediately!" Fu Changqing said.


The seven people were instantly divided into seven directions, and their spiritual consciousness spread out like a big net, passing through the spiritual trees!

After all, Zhao Yumu is only in the early stage of Jindan. The fluctuations of Mudun are weak, but it is not impossible. After careful inspection, clues can still be found. In addition, Zhao Yumu is in poor condition, and it is absolutely impossible to escape the roundup of everyone. If he catches just A matter of time!

Zhao Yumu, who was escaping, also knew that he didn't have much time. The wood escape technique was definitely a great escape technique in the forest, but here in Lingwen Peak, although there were many spiritual trees, their density was average, and most of them were not of high grade. It is difficult to cover up his spiritual power at the Golden Core level. Now he is racing against time to seize the last opportunity while taking advantage of the last moment.

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