When Zhao Yumu walked into the fourth floor of the Sutra Pavilion, the faint smile on his face completely disappeared.

His face even turned a little dark.

The fourth floor of the large Sutra Collection Pavilion was completely empty, not even a stone platform or bookshelf for jade slips!

The invisible ridicule made his face crackle!

He worked so hard to break through the fourth-level formation, even spending a precious talisman, but he couldn't get even the slightest benefit!

Zhao Yumu suppressed his dissatisfaction and carefully explored the fourth floor a few more times. After confirming that there were no secret grids or hidden formations, his face became darker.

He came to the door of the fourth floor again, looked at the intact light curtain, and his face turned completely dark at the thought of spending another precious forbidden talisman!

"What's going on with this Lingwen Peak? There are no skill books on it, so why bother setting up a fourth-level formation? Doesn't it consume spiritual energy without using spiritual stones?"

Zhao Yumu typed the formation in annoyance, almost typing the formation incorrectly, triggering the restriction. He quickly stabilized his mind, and finally half an hour later, he opened a small hole with the forbidden talisman again and slipped out.

After returning all the way to the first floor, Qianyin picked him up again and walked out of the Sutra Pavilion smoothly.

"Go to Lingwen Ancient Stone Wall now!" Zhao Yumu transmitted a message to Qianyin.

"Yes, envoy!"

Qianyin responded immediately.

Next, Zhao Yumu relied on his status as a disciple of the Qianyin inner sect to visit several special places.

However, in all these places, he gained nothing.

Especially the Lingwen ancient stone wall has a good reputation, but it is really just a stone wall! If he stayed there for a while, he could really comprehend some spiritual texts, but obviously now was not the time.

After Qian Yin visited all the places he could go, he returned to the courtyard.

In the room, Zhao Yumu frowned and said nothing.

Qianyin next to her was cautious and didn't dare to say anything. She could guess that the operation was not going well, so she naturally didn't dare to get into trouble with Zhao Yumu.

"By the way, can you enter the caves of the three true legends?" Zhao Yumu suddenly asked.

Qianyin shook his head, suddenly thought of something, and immediately said: "Fu Zhenzhuan and Yuezhenzhuan both have family backgrounds, and their employees are all members of the family, but Han Zhenzhuan, who has just been registered, does not have a deep background, and also recruited some people with no background. The disciples went into the cave to do work. Although I didn’t go in, there are informants who have already entered the cave!”

"Oh?" Zhao Yumu nodded, "Go and try to contact that person and collect any information! I will come back to you after a while!"

"Yes!" Qianyin responded quickly.


Zhao Yumu did not pay much attention to this new true biography, but if he had the opportunity to collect information, he would naturally take a look.

He turned into a green light again, entered the spiritual tree in the courtyard, sensed a spiritual tree ten miles away, instantly crossed the ten-mile range, entered that spiritual tree, and used Wood Escape to explore the more important things. place.

He did not contact the informants in the Foundation Establishment realm, because the Base Establishment informants were too easily exposed.

He came all the way to the Lingwen Peak Hall, carefully used a special sensing method to sense it, and made sure that there was no one inside. He entered and walked around, but did not find anything good, which made Zhao Yumu's heart sink slightly.

He stood at the wall behind the main hall, feeling dissatisfied: "Is this Lingwen Peak so simple? Isn't it the custom of every sect to put a treasure house or treasure trove behind the main hall?"

Zhao Yumu became extremely irritable.

He left this place and went to check elsewhere again.

After exploring all the way, the feeling that Lingwen Peak gave him was one word - poor!

Not to mention precious treasures, even ordinary golden elixir treasures are rare to see!

No wonder it was the weakest of all the peaks. He began to wonder if he had made a mistake in choosing this peak!

Finally, he touched the location of the back mountain!

When he arrived here, he immediately became cautious, and the spiritual trees around his aura merged together.

During the movement, there is no longer an extreme distance to escape from, each escape is only one mile long at most.

When he saw more than a dozen small buildings, he knew that he had arrived at Elder Jindan's training place.

The concentration of spiritual energy in the air has reached the stratum level, and the concentration of spiritual energy in those small buildings is definitely higher!

He hid in a spiritual tree, observing the direction and circulation speed of spiritual energy, as well as the operation of the formation.

With his experience as a third-level array mage, he quickly determined some information.

"There are five small buildings that have been used before. Judging from the fluctuations of the Spirit Gathering Formation, there should be two in the early stage of the Golden Core, two in the middle stage of the Golden Core, and one that is at the peak of the middle stage of the Golden Core or has just entered the late stage of the Golden Core! "

Zhao Yumu touched his chin with a relaxed expression on his face: "It seems that there are a lot of golden elixirs going to the true inheritance competition. These people can't stop me!"

After observing the small buildings for a while, he finally discovered a deep cave entrance behind the small buildings.

There should be a direct connection to the earth's veins, and the spiritual energy should be more intense. It should be the location used to break through the barrier!

Zhao Yumu narrowed his eyes. He looked at the small buildings and then at the hole.

"Whether there really is a secret inheritance, the chances of it being hidden in it are definitely higher!"

After Zhao Yumu made his decision, he did not hesitate. In a blink of an eye, he escaped to a spiritual tree less than 500 meters away from the cave. Then he quietly returned to his original form and affixed an invisibility talisman of the late Golden Elixir on his body.

Then he slowly approached the cave.

During this process, he always paid attention to the Jindan Building and the inside of the cave. No one appeared until he came to the entrance of the cave.

Zhao Yumu breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he was a little worried. He was worried that this time his work would be in vain, and there would be nothing in it.

But since he was already here, he naturally wanted to search for it.

"There seems to be a formation waiting to be activated at the entrance of this cave."

Zhao Yumu observed it and immediately discovered that there was a combined formation of siege and attack. The power of the formation seemed not weak, but it was still inactive. If you weren't an array mage, you probably wouldn't be able to tell.

But he was experienced and discovered it right away!

This made his eyes light up!

If there is no formation guarding here, he feels worried. If there is a formation, then it will be worth exploring.

Moreover, while this formation is still inactive, it is still very easy to move.

Tens of breaths later.

While invisible, he made some tricks on the formation and then quietly entered the cave.

Inside is a straight passage that extends all the way underground.

And as it progresses, the spiritual energy becomes more and more intense.

When he advanced a thousand meters, a layer of light curtain appeared. If you look closely, you will find that this layer of light curtain also has the function of identification and defense, and can also gather spiritual energy and prevent the escape of spiritual energy.

Zhao Yumu had a smile on his face, and this light curtain couldn't stop him at all.

He used the same method, using the special wood pieces in his hands, and used the wood escape technique to pass through the light curtain.

After walking another thousand meters, I encountered a light curtain for the second time.

In this way, he passed through the light curtain five times in a row. At this time, the concentration of spiritual energy around him was comparable to that of heaven-level spiritual veins!

When he came to the depths of the cave, he could see that it was a small square surrounded by nine independent training room gates.

In the center of the square, he suddenly saw a special-shaped forbidden light pillar, and inside it, a stone slab with mysterious carvings was suspended in it!

Seeing those carvings, he couldn't take his eyes away.

"This, this is..."

Just seeing those carvings without feeling the real charm, he felt a sudden enlightenment. Some of the small doubts he had about the wood way cultivation and formation cultivation suddenly became enlightened!

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