Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 7 One Stone Stirs Up A Thousand Waves!

Han Yuan looked calm and inserted the identity token into the groove.

Then, he felt a strange wave that was much more powerful than his spiritual consciousness, sweeping over his body, especially at his Dantian, which was scanned twice.

"Is that spiritual consciousness?" Han Yuan murmured in his heart. The fluctuation was similar to spiritual consciousness, but it was much more powerful than spiritual consciousness!

In front of that spiritual consciousness, it is impossible for monks in the Qi Refining Stage to hide their own cultivation.

A white light flashed, and a few lines of text appeared.

Han Yuan glanced at it casually, and then he was stunned on the spot.

Not only him, but Lei Jiuxiao who was observing from the side was even more surprised and said: "How is it possible?"

The disciples waiting in the stands or under the stage for inspection also widened their eyes one by one.

[Name: Han Yuan]

[Identity: Outer Disciple]

[Affiliated to: Dingzi No. 17 Courtyard]

[Realm cultivation level: the fourth level of Qi refining, lower and upper levels]

[Spiritual quality: medium to upper]

"Hiss! Fourth floor!"

Lei Jiuxiao looked at it twice more, and after confirming that he saw it correctly, he looked at Han Yuan with a look of amazement!

He never expected that a disciple in the middle stage of Qi refining would appear in the outer courtyard at the back of Ding No. 17! From the early stage of Qi refining to the middle stage of Qi refining, there is theoretically a small bottleneck that can hold the monks back for a long time!

Lei Jiuxiao took a deep breath and said loudly: "Congratulations! Han Yuan, your cultivation level is now at the fourth level of Qi Refining. You are the one with the highest cultivation level among the disciples who have been tested so far. According to the rules, on behalf of the sect, I will reward you. With five spirit-gathering pills and one Qi-condensing pill, you can choose any magic practice below the yellow level in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion! If you end up in the top ten, you can get the treatment of an inner disciple in advance! Accept the reward!"

Lei Jiuxiao's voice resounded throughout the square, and the disciples around him heard uproar as if they were waking up from a dream.

"Where did this disciple come from! He has actually broken through to the fourth level of Qi Refining! Isn't it too exaggerated?"

"If I remember correctly, no other disciple has reached the fourth level of Qi Refining yet. Doesn't it mean that Han Yuan can get the first place!"

Many disciples looked in the direction of the team in No. 1 Courtyard C. The twenty calm disciples there suddenly changed their expressions!

Yang Yuanyang's face was ugly, his brows were furrowed, and the flames on his body exploded.

The disciples in the First Academy of Outer Disciples this year had discussed in advance not to break through to the fourth level of Qi Refining in order to consolidate their realm, but he never expected that someone from other courtyards besides the First Academy would actually have broken through. After reaching the fourth level of Qi Refining, the key is to be in Dingzi No. 17 Courtyard, which is simply outrageous.

He took a deep look at Han Yuan on the stage, and then without saying a word, he sat cross-legged in the corner, took out a pill and swallowed it, clearly looking like he was about to break through on the spot!

Not only him, but another genius Nangong Zhuiyue also knew that the situation was not good. He also sat down cross-legged, took out a pale golden pill and swallowed it, and the aura on his body became stronger.

The other dozen or so disciples also had ugly expressions on their faces, and they all sat down and tried to break through.

Before, everyone was at the peak of the third level of Qi Refining, and it was still unclear who would be number one. Now, if we don’t break through to the fourth level of Qi Refining, let alone being number one, we don’t even know if the top three can compete!

The so-called agreement completely collapsed after Han Yuan showed his cultivation at the fourth level of Qi Refining!

In the stands, Liu Sixi was stunned when she saw Han Yuan's cultivation. She even pinched the arm of the junior sister next to her. Only after the junior sister burst into tears did she accept the fact.

"This kid... is a talent! He must be poached to raise spiritual beasts for us!" Liu Sixai muttered.

at this time.

Han Yuan accepted Lei Jiuxiao's reward in confusion.

Five spirit-gathering pills, worth fifty spirit stones.

A Qi Condensing Pill is worth fifty spiritual stones.

Yellow level high-grade spell exchange book, worth 400 spirit stones.

The total is 500 spiritual stones. Although things like spells must be empty, it is still a huge reward.

However, why did he test that his cultivation was at the fourth level of Qi Refining, when he was obviously at the third level of Qi Refining... Han Yuan suddenly realized something - random gain multiplier!

Three times the gain effect, the size of his Dantian is equivalent to two breakthroughs by others, and the spiritual power, in absolute terms, is equivalent to the initial stage of the fourth level of Qi Refining. From the surface, he is indeed the fourth level of Qi Refining. !

Unexpected and reasonable.

Han Yuan sighed in his heart and walked down the platform calmly.

Back in the queue, the outer disciples of Courtyard No. 17 all looked at him with complicated expressions.

Hu Yifan stood in the corner, lowering his head and looking at his toes, as if there was something good-looking on the ground. He did not raise his head to look at Han Yuan. He was really angry: What kind of bastard is this Han Yuan? He obviously has a high level of cultivation, but he hides it. So deep, you will die if you show your cultivation. What should I do? Will he take revenge on me...

Compared with Hu Yifan's worries, Zhao Donglai was jealous and annoyed. He was originally planning to teach Han Yuan a lesson after the test was over, but now this idea was dead.

As for Qin Feng, he only felt a burning pain on his face. Thinking of the harsh words he had said in front of Han Yuan before, he felt embarrassed. However, his mentality was good. He stepped forward and cupped his hands and said: "Congratulations to Senior Brother Han for breaking through the fourth level of Qi Refining." "Layer, it turns out that Senior Brother Han is the one who is hiding his secrets. Qin Feng feels ashamed of himself! I have offended him many times before. Please forgive me!"

Han Yuan was a little surprised when he responded. He smiled and said: "We are all disciples of the same sect. Some conflicts of spirit are nothing!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng showed a hey smile, completely losing his previous arrogance and incredulity. He came closer to Han Yuan and winked and said: "Brother Han, you also like Senior Sister Liu, right? I know some of her preferences, how about I and Do you share?”

He looked in a certain direction of the stands and whispered: "I just noticed that Senior Sister Liu has been staring at you before! Maybe she is also interested in you! If you seize the opportunity, maybe you can win her heart! "

Han Yuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Senior Sister Liu and I have only met twice, and I have no intention of doing that to Senior Sister Liu at all. You have misunderstood!"

Qin Feng said anxiously: "Don't, Senior Sister Liu has many suitors. Our wealth will not go to outsiders. I have no hope. Don't give up!"

Han Yuan was speechless. Didn't you advise me not to get close to Senior Sister Liu before? How can you turn around now and try your best to persuade him to pursue Senior Sister Liu, and still keep his wealth and wealth from being transferred to outsiders? What is your relationship with her?

"Watch the test!"

Han Yuan ignored Qin Feng and looked towards the stage.

Qin Feng sighed, with a look of despair on his face, as if he was already in a state of falling out of love for the second time.

Next are the test results of D-Zi No. 16 Courtyard.

Compared with Courtyard No. 17, the test results of Courtyard No. 16 were less reliable. There were only two peaks of the second level of Qi Refining and not even a third level of Qi Refining. This disappointed everyone.

While Han Yuan was watching, he was already thinking about how to solve the potential crisis caused by the "fourth level of Qi refining".

Some may ask, where is the crisis?

Obviously, as a middle-grade Five Elements disciple, his cultivation is actually faster than that of a middle-grade disciple with single spiritual roots. He is not a disciple with a background. In this way, wouldn't it be obvious to others that he has something in his body? Big secret?

Some people might guess that there is some great opportunity hidden in him!

Will you be tempted?

Will you take action?

Han Yuan feels that the most prudent approach at this time is to expose some small secrets to cover up his own big secrets. In the world of immortality, if there is one thing that is exposed, it will rarely attract the prying eyes of others, and that is - Comprehension!

He thought for a moment, stretched out his hand as if to cover his movements, but inadvertently exposed the white spirit-gathering pill and put it into his mouth. Then he stood and started to run his exercises to refine the pill.

As for his movements, it is no surprise that he will be seen by some beings in the clouds above Zawu Peak, and it can be inferred that his skills have been upgraded to the realm of Xiaocheng, which is enough to explain the reason for his higher cultivation level. Perfect!

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