Two days later.

Han Yuan received a message from Du Yuanhe, asking him to come to the main hall of Lingwen Peak.

When he hurried to the main hall, he not only saw Du Yuanhe and Yue Xianxian, but also a strange man.

There are two long strands of hair fluttering in front of his forehead, his face is as sharp as a knife, and he is unsmiling. His whole body stands aside, like a sharp sword waiting to be unsheathed, its edge just beginning to shine.

Du Yuanhe saw him and said with a smile: "Han Yuan is here, this is your second senior brother, Fu Chuhua!"

"Chu Hua, this is our new disciple, Han Yuan."

Han Yuan quickly saluted and said, "Han Yuan has met Senior Brother Fu."

Fu Chuhua glanced at him and his expression softened a little: "Yes, the aura is condensed without losing sharpness."

Du Yuanhe said: "Han Yuan, please stand aside first!"

"Yes!" Han Yuan nodded immediately.

He stood aside and looked at the three people.

Du Yuanhe said to Fu Chuhua and Yue Xianxian: "You two, what do you think? The true inheritance competition always occurs every hundred years, and every time many true inheritances fall, especially immortals, have you just broken through the foundation building? How long is the trigger for this competition, the level of danger is not low. "

Fu Chuhua raised his sword and clasped his fists, and said solemnly: "This disciple came back from outside just for this true inheritance competition. Only a genius of the same level can allow me to break through the bottleneck and condense the sword seed!"

Du Yuanhe said with a complex expression: "Do you still want to take the path of sword cultivation? It is difficult to condense the sword seed. If you fail to master the sword and understand the sword's intention, you will never be able to break through the Nascent Soul."

Fu Chuhua took a deep breath and said, "My disciple has made up his mind!"

"In that case, go all out!"

Du Yuanhe stopped persuading and looked at Yue Xianxian.

Yue Xianxian said with firm eyes: "This time, I will go too. This competition started because of me. If I don't go, they won't agree. In addition, I am confident that I can defeat the geniuses of the same level and will not dishonor the glory of my ancestors. "

Du Yuanhe's expression was complicated. Yue Xianxian's ancestor was the Yuan Ying ancestor of Lingwen Peak. He had no reason to refuse Yue Xianxian's visit.

"Okay, you come with me." Du Yuanhe nodded solemnly.

Listening next to him, Han Yuan felt inexplicably nervous about the separation of life and death.

The tone of words spoken by several people made him feel uncomfortable all over.

At this time, Du Yuanhe's eyes returned to Han Yuan.

"Xiaoyuan, your senior brother and sister and I are going out for a trip, and Lingwen Peak will be left in your care!" Du Yuanhe said.

Han Yuan hurriedly said: "Master, I am only in the Qi refining stage, um, I may not be able to take care of you!"

Du Yuanhe smiled slightly: "It is the tradition of the Earth God Sect that only true disciples are qualified to become the peak master or temporary peak master. Since we are all leaving, Lingwen Peak will naturally be under your temporary control. Don't worry, Foundation Establishment Elders I will help you, you don’t actually have to do anything, someone will be responsible for the following things, and we will be back in a few months.”

When Han Yuan heard this, goosebumps almost appeared on his arms. It felt weird to say this.

"This is the Lingwen Peak Master's spare token. I'll keep it for you first!" Du Yuanhe handed the token to him.

Han Yuan took it blankly.

Fu Chuhua and Yue Xianxian were also very surprised when they saw this scene. They looked at each other with a strange look in their eyes.

For things like temporarily acting as peak master, there is actually no need to give a spare token. If a token is given, it already means that the disciple will take over the position of peak master.

They had never gotten a spare token before. Yuexianxian was busy and helped Du Yuanhe a lot, but now Du Yuanhe actually passed by the two of them and gave the spare token directly to Han Yuan …

Han Yuan had no idea what this token meant. After taking it, he nodded and said, "The disciple will be optimistic about Lingwen Peak!"

Du Yuanhe patted him on the shoulder and waved to the two people behind him: "Now that we have decided, let's set off!"


Han Yuan saw the three of them and strode directly outside the hall.

Han Yuan hurriedly followed out, and then saw the three of them flying into the sky controlling the magical weapons.

At some point, a giant flying boat appeared in the sky. The flying boat was more than 200 meters long, which surprised Han Yuan!

Du Yuanhe and the others flew into the flying boat, stood on the edge of the flying boat, and waved goodbye to him.

While Han Yuan raised his head, several more rays of light flew towards the flying boat from the peaks, and the true disciples stepped into it one by one. Each disciple had a will to regard death as home.

Finally, after picking up everyone, Feizhou rushed out of the sect without hesitation and flew into the distance.

The flying boat set off without a sound.

In the distance, there is a battle about to take place between the true disciples and even between the Nascent Souls.

However, the situation in the sect was calm. Most people did not know that something big was happening in the sect. They grew up safely under the protection of the sect, but they did not know that someone was always responsible for the safety of the sect.

Han Yuan stood at the door of the hall, looking at Feizhou, which turned into a black spot in an instant, feeling a little sad for no reason.

"Must come back."

Han Yuan said silently in his heart.

at the same time.

Outside the Earth God Sect, on a branch with lush leaves, a squirrel glanced at the flying boat from a distance, then jumped to other tree trunks as if nothing had happened, playing with other squirrel companions.

But in the hollow of the big tree, the two people were like dead people, with no breath at all.

When the squirrel left, the two people suddenly started moving.

The originally dead heart began to beat slowly again.

The two men were one old and the other young, but their eyes that suddenly opened showed the vicissitudes of time.

The older one said: "They're gone!"


"According to the plan, the Fifteen Earth God Peaks, Melting Fire Peak, Talisman Making Peak and Lingwen Peak all clearly do not have Yuanying, and they have all had Yuanying. It is possible for the inheritance inside to reach the Yuanshen realm. You only have one chance. Chances are, which peak do you choose?”

The young man asked: "Which peak is the weakest now?"

The old monk was silent for a while and said: "Lingwen Peak."

"I will choose Lingwen Peak! Have all the informants been contacted?"

"Well, it's all ready, so it won't attract anyone's attention."


"If you get the inheritance, use the space teleportation talisman to teleport it here immediately. This talisman is a fourth-level top-grade treasure. I hope you don't waste its value!"

"I know!"


Among the green trees, a young man escaped from the trees under the green light.

The method of Wood Escape is so amazing that not even a breath escapes.

The vicissitudes of life in the man's eyes quickly converged, becoming young and pure. He was wearing the clothes of an outer disciple of Lingwen Peak, and his aura could reach the fourth level of Qi Refining.

Like a normal outer sect disciple, he walked towards the Earth God Sect in a dusty manner.

When passing through the sect gate, there was no abnormal change in the identity token on his body.

He walked towards Lingwen Peak with a relaxed manner.

After arriving at Lingwen Peak, an outer disciple saw him and said unexpectedly: "Zhao Donglai? I haven't seen you for a month, right? You are already at the fourth level of Qi Refining?"

The man chuckled: "Generally speaking, there are people who have risen faster than me!"

"Oh, indeed, Senior Brother Qin Feng has already reached the sixth level of Qi Refining. This speed of improvement is enviable!"

"Yes, yes!" The man nodded in agreement.

"You and Qin Feng used to be from the same outer courtyard. You came to Lingwen Peak just to join Qin Feng. When you become rich, don't forget me, brother!"

"Don't worry, I can!" The man smiled and nodded.

The two chatted for a few words and then parted ways.

Throughout the process, the man's answers were perfunctory and smooth.

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