This time, Han Yuan condensed two sword qi, and the size of the sword qi was also compressed.

The number of divine consciousness increased to four threads, and the movements of the two sword energy were much more flexible than before, like two flying eagles, attacking Yuexianxian.

Yue Xianxian raised her eyebrows. Her suggestion was that Han Yuan should go back to practice and improve. How could he improve it on the spot for her?

If the sword energy of the first attack is like that of a child, the second attack is like a teenager, and the third attack has grown to an adult!

Such a change would take days for ordinary people, but could Han Yuan do it in just a few minutes?

Say it or not, you are worthy of being a true disciple!

"It's a bit interesting, but your sword moves are still too scattered and unsystematic, and they can be easily seen through by others."

Yuexianxian flicked his fingers, and two arcs of fire enveloped the air. The two arcs of fire did not change much in the middle of the arc, but they hit the sword energy that was constantly changing in mid-air, and directly hit the center of the sword energy. , scattering the two sword energies!

Han Yuan was really thoughtful this time. Just now Yuexianxian predicted the trajectory of his sword energy and accurately hit the weak point of the sword energy.

In other words, his sword moves were seen through.

This is combat experience, and this is what Han Yuan lacks!

"Sister, watch your move!"

Han Yuan entered the state, and three sword energy condensed in front of him, and the sword energy was more condensed than before.

Yue Xianxian was a little surprised, but still said with a relaxed expression: "Come here."

The three sword energies streaked across the sky at a faster speed this time, and the trajectory of the three sword energies was more complicated than before.

Yuexianxian was very calm. With a flick of his finger, two more fire arcs of light shot out.

The three sword qi ranks among the three talents, and there are already some more ways to change.

However, these doorways had no secrets in front of the fire arc light. The crescent-shaped fire arc light blade drew two graceful curves in mid-air, hitting the two sword energy one by one, but this time the sword energy did not collapse with one blow. It still retains part of its main body, but its power is no longer much.

The fire arc light was also somewhat damaged, but it still maintained more than 90% of its power.

Han Yuan let the remaining sword energy take advantage of the two fire arcs to attack his teammates, and crossed the two fire arcs to attack Yuexianxian.

However, two arcs of fire came from behind, and before the sword energy came close, they were destroyed by the two arcs of light.

Yue Xianxian smiled playfully: "Junior brother, your sword energy is starting to look good, and the progress is not slow. However, the speed of your sword energy is still a little slow."

Han Yuan said respectfully: "I don't know how to increase the speed?"

"You can increase your investment in spiritual consciousness, improve the concentration of spiritual power, continue to condense sword energy, improve the level of swordsmanship, cast combination spells, etc.!"

When Han Yuan heard Yue Xianxian's words, he suddenly remembered the "Ancient Wood Qi Control Technique". This spell itself was prepared for the "Qi Restoration Technique", but it seems that it can also be used to control the air sword.

Thinking of this, Han Yuan's eyes lit up, and he bowed to Yuexianxian and said, "Junior brother is greatly inspired. Please comment on it, senior sister!"

Yue Xianxian was surprised, what did she point out? Isn’t it just some commonplace words?

Han Yuan used the Qi Sword Slash again, condensing three more concentrated sword energies, and at the same time activated the "Ancient Wood Qi Control Technique".

The method of controlling Qi also acts on the three sword Qi in front of him at the same time.

As a result, under the extremely limited spiritual power consumption and divine consciousness control, the three sword energies actually exploded several times faster than before!

This is amazing, it means that when he explodes with all his strength, he can also enjoy the bonus of the air control technique!

Yuexianxian was also surprised when he saw the three sword energies coming towards him. This speed was much faster than before!

She couldn't help but look serious, and launched three fire arc blades at the same time, preparing to intercept Han Yuan's sword energy.

However, with the blessing of the Qi Control Technique, Han Yuan could control the sword energy more easily, and his changing sword moves also seemed weird.

The fire arc light blades could no longer hit the sword energy with one strike. When they crossed each other in mid-air, the three fire arc light blades actually only intercepted two sword energy. Another sword energy passed through the fire arc blockage and came to Yuexianxian. In front of you.

The fire buckle condensed in front of the sword energy out of thin air, intercepting the sword energy. Before the sword energy tried to escape, the fire buckle turned into a fire arc blade and cut off the sword energy!

Han Yuan was stunned: "Senior sister is really amazing!"

Yue Xianxian was not very happy, but was shocked.

The magic changes she used just now are not something that ordinary monks can do. The fact that Han Yuan was able to force her to use this method already shows that he has certain attainments in magic. But at the beginning, he was stunned. The attack is still vivid in my mind.

What happened in this quarter of an hour? She was a little confused.

"Are you making such rapid progress?" Yue Xianxian couldn't help but ask.

"Maybe I'm a magic genius?" Han Yuan said tentatively.

When Yuexianxian heard this, he couldn't help but choked.

Indeed, Han Yuan was selected as a true disciple in advance, how could he not be a genius?

She was the one making the fuss.

Han Yuan smiled faintly in his heart. This was his long-planned plan.

In his opinion, hiding oneself thoroughly is not hiding, it is telling him clearly that there is something wrong with him, and it will also cause a moral mismatch, which will attract dissatisfaction and prying eyes.

The safest way is to pretend that you are a genius, but this level of genius is not enough to reach the level of a monster. There are more geniuses, and new geniuses are born every year, but geniuses have no existence in front of more talented people. Feelings can be expressed, firstly, some people know it, and secondly, no one asks.

Geniuses all have secrets. When he takes action to cover up his situation, it will seem natural. They can only find his little secret, but no one can know the big secret hidden behind the little secret.

This is his genius Liugou Taoism.

"Senior sister, shall we continue fighting?" Han Yuan asked.

Yuexianxian hummed and said: "Okay, since you have made such great progress, let's do something challenging. I will attack you and move my position. This is much more difficult than before, so you have to be mentally prepared! "

Han Yuan nodded.

The next moment, Yuexianxian's figure immediately moved. At first, he could still see his shadow, but soon it turned into an afterimage!

And several crescent-shaped arcs of light hit him from all directions!

Han Yuan was shocked. Is this true?

"Spiritual Eye Technique!"

Han Yuan's eyes were covered with a layer of green light. The speed of the arc light immediately slowed down in his eyes, and the figure of Yue Xianxian also appeared in his field of vision.

Yuexianxian moves extremely fast and moves in a mysterious trajectory, making it impossible for anyone to capture her position.

Han Yuan had no intention of just standing there stupidly. As soon as he stepped on his feet, he moved quickly, dodging the attacks of several arc lights in an instant.

Yuexianxian's eyes were shocked. This speed was a bit abnormal. She had seen it once in the cave before. She didn't think much about it at that time. Now that she looked at it, she found that it was even weirder because she couldn't see that Han Yuan had used any spells. Mark of!

Han Yuan had never learned any movement skills. The way he moved relied on the innate ability that Wangcai shared with him - flying. He just deliberately tapped the ground a few times, and it looked like a kind of movement. Just body skills.

“It’s getting funnier!”

Yue Xianxian's eyes flashed with excitement.

She planned to be serious and use her own fighting power in the Qi Refining Realm to attack Han Yuan.

The next moment, thirty-six fire arc blades were released by Yuexianxian at the same time, and instantly blocked Han Yuan's movement direction and position.

Han Yuan's expression changed. Under the spiritual eye technique, these arc blades had blocked his movement direction. [Flying] was not a specialized movement technique, so it was a bit poor in change.

Han Yuan did not panic. He also showed his true spirit. His consciousness activated the Qi Sword Slashing spell mark in his Dantian. Twelve Qi swords also appeared around him. These Qi swords looked better than before. A little more condensed.

When three arc blades blocking his direction struck, Han Yuan controlled six sword qi to intercept, while the other six sword qi crossed these arc blades and attacked the moving Yuexianxian.

"Hey, you can actually see my figure!"

Yuexianxian looked at Han Yuan's green eyes with some surprise. This junior brother turned out to have practiced a spiritual eye spell, but he was still too naive!

Half of Yuexianxian's thirty-six arc blades instantly changed their attack targets and sniped at Han Yuan's twelve sword energies, while the other half continued to besiege Han Yuan.

Han Yuan was fighting left and right, looking a little embarrassed to hide. However, in the process, Han Yuan's combat experience was actually increasing.

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