Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 55 Master And Disciple Gathering

Liu Sixi was dumbfounded. Isn't this too direct?

She can be sure that Yue Xianxian has never regretted what she said. Ever since Yue Xianxian became the true successor, she has always been consistent in helping the peak master handle affairs. Although her personality is generous and generous, she has never been so close to a male monk. ! Still take the initiative!

If you are joking, it seems that it is not necessarily a lie.

Such an outstanding woman actually threw herself into her arms when they first met. She felt that her brain was not enough.

Not to mention her, Han Yuan was a little overwhelmed and looked at Du Yuanhe for help.

Du Yuanhe also watched their fight in a funny way. Seeing Han Yuan's eyes asking for help, he laughed and said: "Xiao Yuan, Xianxian has a good temper and is very caring about people. If you don't mind, I can be a matchmaker." , match you up!"

Yue Xianxian looked at Du Yuanhe and then at Han Yuan with some surprise. The strange color in her eyes became more obvious. The meaning of Du Yuanhe's words was that she was not worthy of Han Yuan and needed to be consulted. Han Yuan's opinion made her curious even more.

Han Yuan looked like he was being fooled by Du Yuanhe, and complained helplessly: "Master..."

Du Yuanhe coughed: "Okay, just kidding, let's go into the cave. It was empty before, but now it seems to be lively."

Yue Xianxian patted his head at this moment: "By the way, I almost forgot to give you the greeting gift!"

She stuffed a box into Han Yuan's arms and said, "Watch it yourself later, don't let anyone see it!"

"Oh, thank you, Senior Sister Xianxian!" Han Yuan said with a clear smile. He accepted the gift very simply. He was professional in receiving gifts.

Several people smiled all the way and walked into the cave.

Du Yuanhe's consciousness swept across the cave, looking at the bustling and beginning to show its scale, he was a little surprised and said: "I heard that you have been practicing in seclusion, but I didn't expect that the cave is managed so well!"

Han Yuan shook his head and smiled: "I'm not managing this. I cooperate with the Liu family and the Di family. Most of them help me. I'm just a rent collector! The two people next to me are responsible for the Di family and the Liu family here. Liu Sixi and Di Qing, please meet the Peak Master."

Di Qing was startled and quickly saluted: "Diqing pays homage to the Peak Master!"

"Liu Sixai pays homage to the Peak Master!" Liu Sixai also saluted quickly.

Du Yuanhe nodded kindly towards the two of them and smiled: "Not bad, Di Qing and Liu Sixi? You two have good vision. It will definitely be in your favor to help Han Yuan handle the property affairs in the future! Well, wait When Han Yuan and I have something to talk about, you can go ahead and do your work first!"

Di Qing was happy. His name was registered with the Peak Master, which will definitely be beneficial in the future. He quickly said happily: "Okay, Peak Master, I will manage it clearly!"

Instead, Liu Sixai nodded in confusion. She didn't know what to say for a moment. She wanted to keep up with the three of them.

But the pace of Han Yuan and the others quickened instantly, and they were far away from them in the blink of an eye.

Watching Han Yuan's chatting and laughing figure gradually fade away, Liu Sici realized that something was wrong.

Di Qing looked at Liu Sixi who was stunned on the spot, couldn't help but chuckle, shook his head, and left directly.

Liu Sixai's face turned pale, and then he sighed quietly.

Then she gritted her teeth and cheered up: "Others can do it, why can't I? I can work hard to improve my cultivation and abilities!"

She regained her confidence.

She is not that kind of person, nor is she good at flattery. Instead, she feels relieved. She prefers to let nature take its course when it comes to fate. She doesn't want to force others, nor does she want to force herself!

On her way back to the zoo, her steps became much brisker than before, and the arrogance that had grown on her face disappeared. She once again devoted herself to the process of cultivating spiritual beasts in the zoo. , become more focused and attentive.

She is Liu Sixai, not from the Liu family, nor from Han Yuan, she is herself.

On the way to Cangming Tower.

Yue Xianxian unexpectedly discovered that Han Yuan's speed was not slow, or in other words, a little too fast!

She didn't see any signs of Han Yuan casting spells at all, but he was walking extremely fast, elegant and swift, not at all like the speed of the normal seventh level of Qi refining.

Suddenly her beautiful eyes opened and she asked in surprise: "Junior brother, I heard that you only refined the fourth level of Qi half a year ago, right? You have already refined the seventh level of Qi now?"

Han Yuan responded with a faint smile: "This is normal. There are pills given by the master, and the spiritual beasts produced in the cave have also purchased a lot of treasures to take. It is not normal for the cultivation level to not improve quickly. Don't talk about me. My dog ​​has also eaten a lot of spirit stones and is about to break through the foundation. I just want to ask Master how to help it break through. "

Yue Xianxian's eyes were a little suspicious.

She looked at Du Yuanhe.

Du Yuanhe was also observing Han Yuan.

On the surface, Han Yuan's aura is normal, and his cultivation has reached the seventh level of Qi refining. He is already very fast, and his aura is stable. It doesn't look like he got it from pills. This kind of performance is not seen among the true disciples. Considered at the bottom.

But Du Yuanhe knew that Han Yuan's physique was different from ordinary people, and he also had the heart of the wood spirit, but now let alone the heart of the wood spirit, he could not even detect the abnormality in his dantian that he could originally observe. What level of concealment has it reached?

Du Yuanhe smiled gently: "Oh, I can help you take a look."

Several people quickly returned to Cangming Tower.

The three of them climbed up the stairs and soon arrived at the reception room.

The female nuns arranged by Chang Chun had already arrived, and when they saw the three of them, they all bowed.

"Greetings to the Peak Master!"

"Master, please take a seat!" Han Yuan said.

Han Yuan said to Chang Chun who was waiting next to him: "Tea!"

"Just keep it simple. These people can evacuate." Du Yuanhe sat down unceremoniously and pointed to the woman next to him who was about to serve.

Han Yuan chuckled and signaled Chang Chun to remove these people.

It may seem like wasted effort, but these represent Han Yuan's importance.

He handed the tea prepared by Chang Chun to Du Yuanhe with both hands: "Master, drink tea."

Du Yuanhe smiled happily, took a sip, and praised: "This tea is good."

Han Yuan poured tea for Yue Xianxian again.

Yue Xianxian didn't bother to drink tea. He pulled Han Yuan to sit down and asked in a low voice: "Junior brother, what secret do you have? Why don't you tell me secretly? We can go to a separate room on the third floor to talk!"

Han Yuan smiled calmly: "I don't have any secrets. I have the qualifications of a middle-grade spiritual root. I have worked hard for half a year to refine Qi to the seventh level. It can be said that I am very proud!"

Yuexianxian was surprised and said: "You have only a middle-grade spiritual root?"

She aimed at Du Yuanhe.

Old God Du Yuanhe is here.

"Of course! My entrance test showed that I have a middle-grade spiritual root." Han Yuan said with certainty, "This can be checked."

Yuexianxian turned over his hand and took out a spiritual stone plate: "Come on, put your hand up!"

She grabbed Han Yuan's hand and gestured to place it on the spirit-testing stone plate.

Han Yuan was stunned and quickly withdrew his hand.

Yue Xianxian didn't grab him hard at all, but looked at him with a smile on his face.

Han Yuan couldn't help coughing twice and said: "By the way, Master, look at my greedy dog. It cost me hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones. If it can't break through, I will kill it!"

Han Yuan shouted downstairs: "Wangcai, come up quickly!"

"Woof! Woof!" (Master, here I come!)

A small black dog ran up in a hurry, its small body jumped nimbly, and soon arrived at the fourth floor. It looked at several strangers curiously, felt the powerful aura on their bodies, and couldn't help but hide behind Han Yuan .

Han Yuan's face darkened, and he lifted it to the middle: "That's it!"

Yuexianxian looked at it for a few times and said with some confusion: "Is this a blazing dog?"

Du Yuanhe looked at Wangcai strangely, shook his head and said: "This is not a simple flame dog, it has definitely evolved. Han Yuan, let it show its true state."

Han Yuan patted Wangcai on the head: "Come on, show your face!"

Wangcai nodded obediently.

Then, under the attention of several people, Wangcai's body suddenly swelled, the hair on his body stretched and became fluffy, turning from black to purple, and the aura on his body also increased rapidly.


Purple flames suddenly burned all over its body. It stepped on the empty space with its feet, jumped into the air, and jumped in mid-air in the reception room. Wherever it passed, purple flames were left behind. The purple flames were so hot that it made people's hearts beat. shock.

Wangcai's cute face turned into the majesty of the king among beasts in the blink of an eye. His canine face was sharp and angular, and his gaze towards Yuexianxian and others also became sharp, like a demon king who was biting people.

Chang Chun was so frightened that his legs went weak.

Qin Feng sat down directly. God knows how he fooled the dog before. He thought that the good beef he had prepared before seemed to be not prepared by the palace master, so he just fed it to the dog.

"Flying Purple Flame Dog? And... what a solid foundation!" Du Yuanhe exclaimed in amazement.

Yuexianxian was surprised and said: "Junior brother, where did you get the beast king cub? You still said you have no secrets!"

Han Yuan said with an innocent face: "I bought Wangcai from the outer peak of the Spiritual Beast Peak. Did you see Liu Sixi just now? She was from the outer peak of the Spiritual Beast Peak before. I was with her I bought it there and helped her awaken it. She said there was a certain chance of awakening a blue flame dog, but she didn’t expect it to awaken into a purple flame dog!”

"It's the Flying Purple Flame Dog! The royal family among the Purple Flame Dogs!" Yuexianxian added.

She couldn't help but said: "How lucky are you? Go back and help me find a spiritual beast, and I can contract a new one!"

Han Yuan ignored her shamelessness, looked at Du Yuanhe expectantly, and asked: "Peak Master, is it okay for it to break through?"

Du Yuanhe pondered for a moment and said: "As a spiritual pet, it will be easy for you to break through, but if you can break through among the purple flame dog spirit beasts, you may be able to inspire the true bloodline of the king beast. What is a king beast? No. A king beast that leads a herd is not a true king beast.”

Han Yuan frowned, glanced at the stupid Wangcai, shook his head and sighed: "Let's simply break through, where can we find the purple flame dog beasts!"

When Wangcai heard Du Yuanhe's words, his innocent eyes gradually brightened, and he conveyed his thoughts to Han Yuan: "Master, I want to be the king of beasts!"

Han Yuan's face darkened: "The wings are hard, right?"

He jumped up directly and put his palm on the head of Wangcai Dog.

Wangcai burst out with the powerful power of the Qi Refining Perfection King Beast cub, but it was useless!

Han Yuan's big hand seemed to have great power. Dozens of earth vein spiritual power turned into a powerful binding force, suppressing Wangcai directly to the ground, unable to move.

Du Yuanhe and Yue Xianxian were stunned by this scene.

Han Yuan was also startled. An illusory dice appeared in front of him.

[Random gain multiplier: 8]

[Introductory effect of Gumu Qi Control Technique*800%]

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