Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 47 The Unexpected Effects Of Baidu Bee Honey

Originally, Han Yuan thought that it would take a long time to purchase these goods, and they would need to be purchased in batches.

But it only took three days in the blink of an eye.

The number of spiritual stones in the warehouse has been reduced by more than three million, and he has bought back most of the items he needs.

Among them, what surprised Han Yuan the most was Qin Feng's work efficiency. In just two days, he bought tens of thousands of the largest quantities of Blood Cord Grass and Yunling Grass each!

At this time, in the training room.

Han Yuan had already sat down cross-legged.

Beside him, there were already many storage bags, each with a name on it.

There are 10,000 blood-containing grass and Yunling grass each, and one storage bag contains 1,000 plants, for a total of 20 storage bags.

There are 500 Lingxi snake gallbladders and five storage bags.

There are one thousand Tongmai Pills and one hundred porcelain bottles in total, which are stored in only one storage bag.

There are also 500 Spirit Essences, a rare Ghost Fruit with only 100 pieces, 300 Sword Qi Grass leaves, 200 boxes of Hundred Poison Bee Honey, 200 Life Extension Pills, and only one storage bag for each type.

The total market price is 4.05 million spirit stones, but the acquisition only cost 3.5 million spirit stones. This does not include the salary he gave. Obviously, the price is higher due to the large quantity.

"Take Baidu Bee Honey first."

Han Yuan focused on the storage bag marked with the honeycomb pattern of Baidu Peak.

Why take this first?

He was wondering, is erysipelas also a kind of poison?

Regardless of whether it is effective or not, it is undoubtedly best to take this first.

He took out a box of Baidu Bee honey, and after opening it, there was a whole piece of honey inside.

"Qi Sword Slash!"

The air sword at the fingertips made several sword marks on the honey, and it was directly divided into 24 small pieces.

Taking out a piece, put it into his mouth, swallowed it, and then activated his spiritual power to refine the honey.

The honey spreads, and a cool breath spreads throughout the body.

Han Yuan couldn't see the specific changes, but he did feel much more comfortable.

The stomach, in particular, was the first to be enveloped by the cool breath. The breath became much stronger at a certain moment, making the changes in the stomach happen more quickly and deeply.

For a while.

Han Yuan opened his eyes.

Sure enough, the familiar words were gradually fading.

[Random gain multiplier: 8]

[Effect of Baidu Bee Honey*800%]

Han Yuan felt it again and didn't notice any big changes.

Therefore, Han Yuan continued to take Baidu Bee Honey.

After a whole box of Baidu Bee honey was refined, he finally saw obvious changes.

In addition to the fact that the blood and flesh all over the body are more active, especially the location of the liver has undergone the biggest change!

The entire liver is surrounded by a green light, which is very obvious from the perspective of spiritual consciousness!

"The liver again?"

Han Yuan was startled at first, and then he recalled some knowledge from his previous life. The detoxification organs of the human body are indeed the liver and kidneys. To put it bluntly, this kind of honey is also produced from plants. The liver belongs to wood. The detoxification effect of this kind of honey can be improved. The function of the liver becomes very reasonable!

In particular, Han Yuan found that the beating of the wood spirit heart became more powerful. Originally, there was some incompatibility between the wood spirit heart and the liver. This wood spirit heart was also accidentally produced and did not originally belong to the liver. However, under the transformation of these honey energies, it seems to have gradually become coordinated with the heart of the wood spirit, thus making the role of the heart of the wood spirit more obvious.

Honey improves the liver to adapt to the wood spirit heart, which in turn drives the liver to metamorphose, forming a virtuous cycle. There is no doubt that the liver's detoxification effect has also been greatly improved!

This is also the reason why Han Yuan found obvious changes in his liver.

It's really unintentional.

Han Yuan had not realized before that it turned out that the Wood Spirit Heart had not exerted all its power and was completely hindered by his own "configuration"!

After the liver configuration is improved, the effect of Wood Spirit Heart can be better exerted.

"nice one!"

Han Yuan was very satisfied and took out the second box of Baidu Bee Honey without hesitation.

This time, he directly turned his spiritual power into roots, inserted them into the second box of Baidu Bee Honey, and refined it in one go.

A rapidly rotating dice appeared simultaneously.

Han Yuan relied on his feelings and thoughts.

A conspicuous number "12" appears on one side of the die.

The next moment, cool energy many times richer poured into his body along with the spiritual power, improving his body.

The heart of the wood spirit beat violently at this moment, and the entire liver seemed to be activated, absorbing a large amount of special energy pouring into the body, especially the spiritual power that shuttled through the meridians and quickly gathered into the heart of the wood spirit. The heart then transmits it to various parts of the liver, and the absorption efficiency is much faster than that of other body organs and flesh.

Han Yuan did not stop this, but instead took the initiative to increase the operation of the wood spirit heart, absorbing these special energies faster.

The changes in the liver were even greater than the first time, and the green light became more intense. Green threads seemed to extend from the heart of the wood spirit, connecting it to various parts of the liver, making the liver become even more magical.

Han Yuan could sense that the Wood Spirit Heart still needed more honey energy, so he waved his hand and opened ten boxes of Hundred Poison Bee Honey. His spiritual power wrapped around the ten boxes of honey, and a large amount of special energy entered him. body.

Ten dice appeared at the same time, and then instantly turned into a larger dice.

Han Yuan was stunned by this scene. This was the first time he noticed this change.

Thinking about it carefully and recalling the size of the dice when using items before, he was surprised to find that the sizes of these dices were indeed different, ranging from big to small!

Obviously the greater the number, the larger the dice. Could it be that the larger the dice, the higher the upper limit?

He didn't care about guessing, and locked the dice with his mind based on his feeling.

The dice stopped spinning instantly, and a number appeared in front of his eyes.


It’s even bigger than the previous number!

"The more of the same type of thing used at the same time, the higher the doubling rate?"

Han Yuan memorized this rule and waited for subsequent verification. In fact, it is estimated that it is almost the same.

The next moment, a lot of special energy poured into Han Yuan's body.

All organs throughout the body have been transformed by special energy. The stomach, kidneys, large intestine, and small intestine all have special changes.

The most important change is still the liver.

Under spiritual observation, the entire liver has turned into a transparent green. You can see that the flesh and blood inside has become crystal clear. The threads extending from the heart of the wood spirit are very obvious, as if the liver has become a wood spirit. The outer extension of the heart!

The beating of the wood spirit's heart became unprecedentedly fast, and the movement of spiritual power was also extremely fast.

If the meridians hadn't become much stronger during the operation of "Ancient Wood Restoration Technique", they might not be able to sustain the self-operation of the wood spirit's heart.

This spiritual power speed is already one-third of the speed of Han Yuan's full cultivation, especially since the heart of the wood spirit is incomparably suitable for the "Ancient Wood Spirit-nurturing Technique" and can automatically run the spirit-nurturing technique without the need for him to use his spiritual consciousness to control it.

Han Yuan discovered that the operation of the "Ancient Wood Qi Restoration Technique" could be left to the heart of the wood spirit. Perhaps the opportunity for the perfection of the Ancient Wood Qi Restoration Technique lies in the heart of the wood spirit.

"Surprise! What a surprise. I thought it would just improve my detoxification ability, but unexpectedly it improved my core abilities. This is much better than simple detoxification!" Han Yuan smiled.

His wood-attribute skills and spells are all in harmony with the heart of the wood spirit. Improving the heart of the wood spirit will naturally speed up his skills and spell perception, which in turn improves his own understanding!

He had regretted not finding a treasure that could increase his understanding before, but now that it has been improved, it can be considered an unexpected blessing.

Han Yuan continued to refine Baidu Bee Honey in an orderly manner. There were two hundred boxes of honey, which was not as much as Han Yuan had imagined.

I thought it would take a long time to refine.

However, the linked changes in the Wood Spirit Heart greatly improved his refining ability. It is not a problem to digest ten or even fifteen boxes of honey in one go.

When the last box of honey was consumed, Han Yuan's liver was completely as clear as jade, and the heart of the wood spirit was beating rapidly like a perpetual motion machine, still continuing to transform the liver, refine wood spirit energy, and accumulate wood spirit energy. force.

It is truly worthy of being the treasure of the Second Dantian.

He is now very sure that his liver and wood spirit heart can detoxify erysipelas. However, the erysipelas when he refined the elixir was originally very small, or even non-existent, making this function useless, but there are comparisons. Not much stronger!

In this way, taking other materials will undoubtedly become more efficient.

His eyes fell on the remaining eight materials, choosing the second one to refine.

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