A piece of gossip spread among the outer disciples.

In the new Han Zhenzhuan, in order to retaliate against Hu Yifan for gossiping, he deliberately had his Dantian destroyed, and the person who did it was Hu Yifan's friend!

It is said that Han Zhenzhuan is an insidious person with a strong desire for revenge. Speaking ill of him in private will arouse his dissatisfaction and lead to revenge. He especially likes to test the trust of his friends, which is very insidious.

With such rumors and seeing Hu Yifan's tragic situation with their own eyes, everyone kept silent and stopped talking about Han Yuan. They even went out of their way to forget his existence. Han Zhenzhuan? Who is that? have no idea.

And this rumor eventually reached the Di family.

"Elder of the clan, are you looking for me?" Di Qing came to a middle-aged monk and said respectfully.

The middle-aged monk nodded and said, "I have heard some rumors about Han Zhen, have you heard about it?"

Di Qing suddenly understood, nodded and said, "I've heard of it."

"Oh, you have met him. What do you think of this person?" the middle-aged monk asked.

"Elder of the clan." Di Qing said cautiously, "To be honest, I have only met him twice, once outside his small courtyard and once at the test conference. The first impression I felt was that he was a A person with a peaceful temperament, he is extremely gentle in dealing with others, and he still looks very sunny. The second time, when I was in the stands, I could see that he was neither arrogant nor impetuous. He detected that the fourth level of Qi Refining was not arrogant, and he replied When I got to the team, I still stood in the corner and watched quietly, smiling at the people who gathered around me, so I thought the incident outside was probably a rumor.”

The middle-aged monk smiled slightly: "I checked specifically. Do you know who spread the news?"

"Who?" Di Qing was confused.

"Qin Feng!" the middle-aged monk said calmly.

"Who is he? Wait, I seem to have some impression. He is Han Yuan, the person in the outer courtyard who first detected the third level of Qi Refining." Di Qing was confused, "Why did he spread rumors?"

"You don't know, he is now Han Zhen's descendant and has been working in his cave for a long time. This time Wu Chao's matter was probably arranged by him."

"How is it possible? Someone would deliberately smear themselves? That Hu Yifan deserves it for causing trouble. He is not at the level of a sinister villain." Di Qing couldn't understand.

The middle-aged monk affirmed: "This is what he did. Haha, do you think it is that easy for everyone who becomes a true disciple? It is even more difficult for him to become a true disciple from an outer disciple with no background! Can you imagine? So, a sixteen-year-old boy can already plan his future and save spiritual stones to exchange for the Spiritual Rain Technique? In this process, he still has to endure the glares and ridicule of fellow disciples, as well as the temptation of spiritual stones and elixirs, which is enough. It takes a year or even two years to save!

Later, he even learned how to buy formations to protect the spiritual fields, and spent the spiritual stones he had accumulated for half a year without hesitation. Do you think such a person would be simple? At such a young age, he can be so mature. Are you sure you can see his character? What are his considerations for smearing himself and how do you know? Maybe it’s to protect yourself, maybe it’s to wait for someone to jump into the trap! "

Di Qing heard the words and thought about it carefully. He couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling. He could see the truth in every detail. He was still too young before. He was only a sixteen-year-old boy and was an orphan. Without the guidance of his elders, he could make such a plan and endure it. All kinds of temptations are really terrifying!

He even thought a little more, how did this young man get his farming ability? Naturally, it was obtained by observing the farmers in the same village on weekdays. It was not simply imitating, but summing up the experience and innovating. The observation time was at least several years, and it was definitely necessary to help personally. How old was Han Yuan at that time?

Living in a dilapidated hut, still struggling to survive for tomorrow, and still starting to think about your future at such a young age, this is really... not easy!

not simple!

It's not simple no matter how you think about it. He originally looked down on Han Yuan's status as a true disciple, thinking it was luck or trickery, but now that he thinks about it, things are definitely not simple. He is too superficial!

The middle-aged monk stroked his beard, smiled and nodded: "It seems that your mind has not been frozen by the identity of the direct descendant of the Jindan family. Every true disciple is not simple! You must remember this sentence! This is Han Zhenchuan. He is of ordinary origin, and some We can find out what happened to the other true legends? Those true legends who died in the battle were also killed by beings of the same level. The others who survived and were not destroyed can basically reach the golden elixir realm. "

Di Qing nodded slowly.

"I'm calling you here to ask you to pay attention to your attitude when you visit him tomorrow. Don't be fooled by his appearance and rumors. Don't underestimate him too much, and don't tarnish the family's reputation. How to do this depends on yourself. To measure, I will be outside the cave when I arrive. If you have any questions, please contact me at any time!”

"Yes, clan elder!" Di Qing said cautiously.

In the blink of an eye, another day passed.

In the early morning, Han Yuan, who was not simple in Di Qing's eyes, was still busy in the spiritual field.

"Qi Sword Slash!"

"Qi Sword Slash!"

"Where did these weeds come from? When I was farming in the outer yard, there weren't so many weeds at all!" Han Yuan couldn't understand.

Qin Feng was attentive to the side and said with a smile: "Palace Master, it seems that weed seeds can float with the spiritual energy! Some weeds will turn into spiritual grass after a long time, and their seeds will follow the spiritual energy. With the movement of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it is transmitted to all parts of the world. Therefore, in places with strong spiritual energy, there will be more weeds. Unless they are directly sealed, like the spiritual fields next to them, if the spiritual energy does not flow, there will be no grass. Or in the legendary secret realm, there aren’t many weeds there.”

Han Yuan glanced at Qin Feng in surprise, and said in surprise: "Can it still be like this? Why don't I feel anything when I absorb spiritual energy?"

"Those seeds are very fragile and have very low activity. They need to absorb a lot of spiritual energy in the soil before they can truly break out of the soil and be absorbed into the body. They are directly refined and turned into impurities and spit out." Qin Feng said. .

Han Yuan seemed to know Qin Feng again and asked curiously: "How do you know?"

Qin Feng coughed and said, "I have some friends from outside Zhongfeng. I asked some questions about planting during our chat and learned about it."

Han Yuan sighed: "It seems that there is a lot of knowledge in farming! When my cultivation slows down, I will definitely delve into the details of it, but the fact that there are seeds in the spiritual energy is really strange."

Han Yuan let go of his spiritual sense, sensed the wood-attribute aura in the air, and finally shook his head regretfully: "I can't see it, I can't detect it at all."

"It seems that only Master Jindan's spiritual consciousness can see clearly." Qin Feng said uncertainly.

"Forget it...Qi Sword Slash! Qi Sword Slash!"

A series of metallic air swords flexibly shuttled between the spiritual rice plants, killing weeds with vigor.

Qin Feng watched from the side and was secretly frightened. Are there so many cuts with this Qi Sword? At the same time, he seemed to see more than thirty qi swords acting together. Even the continuous release of qi sword slashes was unreasonable. Is this definitely something that the spiritual consciousness of the sixth level of Qi Refining can control?

Qin Feng was frightened, but Han Yuan didn't feel anything. He just wanted to clear the weeds as soon as possible, so he used his qi swords to cut. However, his spiritual consciousness was not burdensome at all in controlling these qi swords, so he didn't realize that he could control them. There is something wrong with such a Qi sword.


The bell at the door of the cave rang.

Han Yuan stopped and looked over.

I saw Chang Chun at the door. He seemed to be talking to someone outside the door, so he opened the door of the cave.

A familiar figure to Han Yuan walked in, it was Di Qing!

"Oh, someone is coming, move faster."

Han Yuan couldn't help but increase the number of air sword slashes.

In disbelief, Qin Feng quickly cleared away the weeds in the spiritual field.

Han Yuan walked away.

Only Qin Feng was still stunned. He felt the threat of death from every qi sword, and there were more than a hundred such qi swords.

Liu Sixi saw him standing stupidly in the distance and immediately shouted: "Qin Feng, go prepare some tea!"

"Oh, oh, here I come!" Qin Feng came to his senses and hurriedly ran to prepare tea.

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