Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 39 The Smooth Cultivation Of The Best Wood Spirit Roots

Open your mouth and inhale.

A large amount of wood spiritual energy poured directly into the body, and all the pores on the body were opened, absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy simultaneously.

His body was like a bottomless pit, swallowing up the spiritual energy around him!

"Damn, it's too fierce! My meridians are almost gone!"

Han Yuan's expression changed, and he quickly took out a pulse-protecting pill and swallowed it.

An illusory dice is still spinning rapidly.

"Hurry up, stop turning!"

The rapid spinning of the dice stopped abruptly, and the number stayed on 13.

[Random gain multiplier: 13]

[Efficacy of Pulse Protecting Pill*13]

[Pulse Protecting Pill Erysipelas-100%]

The power of the pulse-protecting pill increases rapidly and spreads throughout the body, protecting those meridians that are impacted by a large amount of spiritual energy, especially those tens of thousands of tiny meridians under the surface of the skin. Some of them originally burst. Under the power of the pulse-protecting pill, After repairs, it slowly recovered.

These tiny meridians are as numerous as capillaries, just like the roots of a plant. They are rooted in the surface of Han Yuan's skin. They gather in small meridians layer by layer, then transfer to large meridians, and finally flow to Dantian and Muling. In the heart.

The normal efficacy of the Pulse Protecting Pill cannot act on these small meridians, but the Pulse Protecting Pill with a 13-fold increase in efficacy is obviously abnormal.

Han Yuan's condition quickly returned to stability.

He never expected that the gap between the top grade spiritual roots and the middle grade spiritual roots would be so big!

He had been cultivating with all his strength before, and there was nothing wrong with his meridians.

Now that he hasn't practiced at all, his meridians will be unable to hold on.

That's right, he had just stabilized his hand and did not use the "Ancient Wood Spirit-nurturing Technique" at full power. He only exerted three successes.

Then the amount of spiritual energy inhaled is ten times that of before!

If you let go with all your strength, wouldn't it be more than thirty times greater?

Does a normal top-grade wood spirit root have such an exaggerated cultivation speed?

This could be due to a variety of reasons, and exploring the causes is not the time to do it now.

Han Yuan devoted himself wholeheartedly to refining spiritual energy.

As his practice progressed, he gradually discovered that the main and auxiliary meridians and even the ninety-six small meridians were not the main force in the operation of the technique and the refining of spiritual power.

On the contrary, those tiny meridians, seemingly inconspicuous, supply a large amount of spiritual power!

The total length of capillaries in the human body is 90,000 kilometers. The total length of these micro meridians is not a small number. No matter how small they are, the total number is dozens of times that of the main and auxiliary meridians.

In a daze, Han Yuan felt that he had become an ancient tree. The eight main veins were the trunk, the Dantian was the fruit, the heart of the wood spirit was the heart of the tree, and the small meridians and micro meridians were the roots and roots, rooted in the world. A piece of soil absorbs nutrients to its heart's content.

Even his spiritual consciousness is like invisible roots, drawing strength towards the heaven and earth further away.

When his spiritual consciousness spread out of Cangming Tower, he seemed to see some people similar to him!

The one closest to him is a familiar big banyan tree. From a special perspective, the big banyan tree is just like him, with its roots, branches and leaves also absorbing the surrounding aura.

The big banyan tree seemed to sense his spiritual consciousness and sent out a friendly and cheerful spiritual consciousness. He also saw more spiritual trees and even spiritual plants in the distance, all in the same state.

But soon, Han Yuan discovered something was wrong.

These spiritual plants absorb spiritual energy very quickly, but they do not appear to be surges of spiritual energy!

Although these spiritual plants are absorbing spiritual energy, they are also releasing spiritual energy at the same time!

Although the amount of spiritual energy released is less than the amount of spiritual energy absorbed, it has very little impact on the concentration of surrounding spiritual energy!

For example, he was often under the big banyan tree and never felt much change in the spiritual energy concentration, as if these spiritual plants did not absorb the spiritual energy at all.

If he absorbs spiritual energy from the outside world, it will definitely cause a whirlpool of spiritual energy, making a lot of noise.

what is this?

Han Yuan couldn't help but think of the contents of "Ancient Wood Rejuvenation Technique".

This is the core spell that needs to be practiced after the "Ancient Wood Hidden Qi Jue".

At this time, he took it out of his mind and studied it carefully.

Gradually, Han Yuan finally understood.

If the Ancient Wood Hidden Qi Technique allows people to blend into the trees, then the Ancient Wood Qi Returning Technique already makes you become an ancient tree.

Where do plants get their nutrients from?

One comes from the sky, such as sunlight and air, and the other comes from the earth!

The same goes for a plant that transforms into a spiritual tree. It not only absorbs the spiritual energy in the air, but also absorbs the spiritual energy in the earth and transforms it into its own spiritual power. The excess is transmitted back to the sky, forming a spiritual energy loop!

The roots of the spiritual tree absorb the spiritual energy from the earth, not by the roots themselves trying to absorb it, but by the circulation of this spiritual energy back and forth!

Similar to the siphon effect, this is also a special effect of spiritual energy. It can also be called the spiritual suction effect.

The spirit tree is born with the ability to absorb this kind of spiritual energy. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a racial talent. Generally, it can absorb double the spiritual energy according to the amount of spiritual energy it releases!

An ordinary spiritual tree actually contains such a great mystery!

The accompanying spell "Ancient Wood Qi Restoration Technique" that simplifies the "Ancient Wood Spirit-nurturing Technique" of "Jianmu Immortal Code" utilizes this spiritual suction effect.

"Awesome, so awesome. Those who can create these techniques and spells are such amazingly talented people!"

Han Yuan was amazed that he found it difficult to learn the exercises of his predecessors now. However, the predecessors learned the exercises while watching the world. In comparison, Han Yuan felt quite ashamed of himself. He couldn't compare, couldn't compare!

"Even if I have perfected my understanding of the exercises and spells, I still have no right to be proud!"

Han Yuan sighed secretly and began to practice and refine spiritual energy while comprehending the "Ancient Wood Rejuvenation Technique".

This spell can only be comprehended while practicing, so it is called a matching spell.

Under his extremely fast cultivation, Gu Mu Qi Restoration Technique got started very quickly.

At a certain moment, his spiritual consciousness seemed to penetrate the isolation of the ground and finally felt a trace of fluctuations in the earth's veins.

"Hey, it seems that because the underground of the training room has been renovated, it seems that it is easy to access the earth's veins, which is just suitable for my training!"

Han Yuan was a little surprised.

These cultivation conditions are full!

Sure enough, when his spiritual consciousness was pulled, a much thicker spiritual energy penetrated directly from the ground through the stone slab and poured into his body from the surface of his skin.

Spiritual consciousness is consumed very quickly. In order to drag this ray of earth vein spiritual energy, the amount of spiritual consciousness consumed is a hundred times that of absorbing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth!

But Han Yuan did not panic.

Driven by his spiritual consciousness, the earth's spiritual energy began to swim in the body. As the meridians traveled, the spiritual energy began to gradually separate.

Some parts are becoming more and more pure, and some parts are still the same as before, but under the refining of the meridians, the heavy aura has also been peeled off, and it seems to have become lighter and more agile, gradually converging with the normal aura.

In the end, the pure spiritual energy was integrated into the heart of the wood spirit, while the remaining part of the spiritual energy took a turn in the main meridians, and then transferred to other secondary meridians, and then passed through the small meridians and micro meridians until it started from Han Yuan drilled out of his pores and merged into the world.

The next moment, when he pumped another ray of earth vein spiritual energy, the consumption of spiritual consciousness dropped tenfold, and he only needed to absorb ten times the consumption of spiritual energy between heaven and earth!

In this way, he has undoubtedly mastered the "Ancient Wood Restoration Technique"!

A tiny spiritual suction effect was formed in his body.

Although the consumption of getting started is ten times greater than normal, this is just the beginning. When you are a small success, the consumption is the same as normal. When you are a big success, the consumption is one-tenth of the normal. When you are perfect, it is a hundred times. Return speed!

"Ancient Wood Rejuvenation Technique" is indeed a core spell, it's so awesome!

The battery life is full!

Suddenly, an illusory dice appeared in Han Yuan's eyes.

"Huh? Here we come!"

Han Yuan was a little surprised.

The dice were spinning rapidly in front of him.

Han Yuan couldn't see clearly how many sides it had and what the number was. He didn't know if he would be able to see it clearly when he became more advanced.

"Stop!" Han Yuan sent out his thoughts.

The dice stopped instantly.

The number stopped at "5".

Han Yuan didn't care, but looked down at the ground.

Five strands of earth vein spiritual energy were drawn out from below the ground, and then poured into Han Yuan's body, operating in the same way, and finally formed five spiritual energy loops with the spiritual suction effect. Han Yuan could enjoy the consumption after absorbing six strands of earth vein spiritual energy again. Benefits of falling.

What Han Yuan was curious about was whether these five rays of spiritual energy were originally in the earth's veins, and were they generated out of thin air?

"Forget it, why are you thinking about all this? Let's reach the Dacheng state as soon as possible. Not to mention the perpetual motion machine at that time, my cultivation speed will definitely increase!"

Han Yuan practiced hard, but the efficacy of the Pulse Protection Pill was depleted unexpectedly quickly. Even the 13 times the efficacy seemed not to last long.

In the future, the demand for pulse-protecting pills will be extremely high.

He suddenly had an additional thought: "If I make an elixir, can I enjoy double the effect? ​​One pill becomes five pills? But it's not something that works on me, and it doesn't seem possible... You'll only know if you try it!" "

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