Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 34 Potential Crisis Of The Sect

When "Gu Mu Hidden Qi Technique" broke through to the perfect state, the random gain multiplier was triggered as expected.

Four times the gain!

Under normal circumstances, his hidden status cannot be seen beyond one big realm, but now it cannot be seen beyond four big realms. Of course, if there is a fight or a strong person seriously investigates him, the risk of exposure will naturally increase. In the world of immortal cultivation, Nothing is completely guaranteed.

However, security has indeed been greatly improved.

Shang Xia can disguise his cultivation to reach twelve minor realms!

What surprised him was that he still couldn't pretend to be at the foundation-building level!

It's as if the Qi Refining Realm is a bottomless pit, capable of swallowing twelve smaller realms!

If you think about it carefully, you will understand. What is the real way to divide the realm of Qi refining?

The number of times Dantian has expanded!

If the Dantian can continue to expand, the realm will naturally continue to rise.

Theoretically there are no limits.

Therefore, in ancient times, there was a cultivation system called the Qi Refiner, which kept opening up the Dantian and constantly raising the upper limit of the quantity and quality of spiritual power.

But this path is no longer popular, because becoming an immortal requires enlightenment, and only by cultivating the Nascent Soul can one achieve better enlightenment.

Han Yuan tidied up and quietly flew out from above the cave.

When he flew out of the cave, he saw several figures near the door.

He approached quietly without attracting the attention of these people and listened to their conversation.

A few minutes later, a disciple said helplessly: "The president asked us to keep an eye on Cangming Cave. How long should we keep an eye on it? I want to do a task to earn spiritual stones!"

Another disciple with a beard said: "Just keep an eye on it. Can the president still lack your spiritual stone?"

"He has become a true successor, so what's the use of keeping an eye on him?"

"Haha, not everyone can sit in the position of true successor? He is ranked seventh!"

The third person quickly covered the disciple who just spoke so freely and whispered: "Shut up! What nonsense are you talking about! If someone hears it, we will be finished!"

Several people quickly fell silent.

Han Yuan listened for a while and left quietly after confirming that he had gained nothing.

He also pondered it in his mind on the way.

His true disciple status on the surface is indeed ranked seventh, and there are four more true disciples already.

Every true disciple has good talents, qualifications, and strength. How did they die?

It is generally impossible within the sect, that is, you will die if you leave the sect to experience, take risks, or complete some task.

So you can't be lazy, and your level of performance outside can't be too high. If you are too high, you will be called out to practice. For example, the fourth senior sister is practicing outside, and her cultivation is at the peak of Qi refining.

"Speaking of it, Fourth Senior Sister just went out for training? The fifth and sixth senior brothers and sisters are already dead. It seems that this Fourth Senior Sister has also seen through it and suppressed her realm until she can no longer suppress it."

Han Yuan mused, he was different, he didn't need to suppress his state, because he could pretend to be at a low state, which was perfect.

Not long after, he arrived at Gumu Peak.

By hiding his aura, he quietly arrived at the Sutra-Tiding Pavilion in the outer gate area.

An old man with purple hair was sitting behind the desk, looking at him with a smile.

"Are you here?" Ancestor Ziyun said with a smile.

"Disciple has met the ancestor!" Han Yuan saluted.

"No need to be polite."

Ancestor Ziyun said calmly, "I thought you would come to me soon, but I didn't expect that you would be able to hold back your temper and consolidate the cultivation you just broke through. Not bad."

"Thank you for the compliment, ancestor." Han Yuan smiled faintly. He did not want to consolidate his cultivation, but wanted to practice the "Ancient Wood Hidden Qi Jue" and then come back. If there was no chance, he would realize the perfect level in one day, and he would endure it for two days. Three years is no problem!

Ancestor Ziyun nodded, this guy is pretty cool too.

He waited for a moment, but Han Yuan didn't see Han Yuan asking the question first. He was not in a hurry, picked up the tea and drank it.

At this time, Han Yuan smelled the light and leisurely fragrance of tea, and couldn't help but glance over.

Ancestor Ziyun chuckled: "This is the tea leaves from the only 5,000-year-old tea tree in the sect. It has been refined through thirty-seven processes. It has the effect of stabilizing the foundation. Do you want to have a drink?"

Han Yuan's eyes lit up: "How embarrassing is that?"

He said and held out his hand.

However, Ancestor Ziyun blocked his movement and said with a smile: "It's easy to drink if you want. As long as you complete the task, you can get the reward."

Han Yuan stopped pretending at this time and asked: "Ancestor, what are the benefits of being a secret disciple of mine? I'm still missing! You won't lie to me, right?"

Ancestor Ziyun glared at him: "Why are you so anxious?"

Han Yuan kept silent and stared at Patriarch Ziyun.

After a while, Ancestor Ziyun felt a little uncomfortable, so he said: "Our Earth God Sect was inherited from the Tian Shen Sect in the Middle Ages. Later, the Tian Shen Sect was destroyed, and our family moved to Beiyuanzhou and established the Earth God Sect. Shenzong, there was also an ancestor of the Yuanshen realm who was in charge at that time, and his sphere of influence covered half of Northern Yuanzhou. "

Tianshen Sect?

Why does this name sound so appealing? No wonder it was destroyed!

Han Yuan muttered in his heart.

"Later, the ancestor of the Yuan Shen, Shou Jinjia, suffered an injury and eventually died. After that, the Earth God Sect never had the power of the Yuan Shen again, and its sphere of influence gradually declined. Now it only occupies the territory of forty dynasties and four dynasties, occupying the entire Northern Yuanzhou is only one-twentieth of the territory.”

Han Yuan frowned slightly, with an ominous premonition in his heart: "In other words, the territory of our Earth Divine Sect was originally occupied by other sects. It is impossible for them to watch helplessly as another powerful Yuan Shen appears and takes over the territory. Take it back?"

Ancestor Ziyun looked at him in surprise and nodded: "You are very smart, yes. Although the strength of our Shen Sect and the nearby sects are not much different, and they are peaceful on the surface, the nearby sects are working together to suppress our Shen Sect. trend, but our Shen Sect still has the essence of soul in hand, and they don’t dare to show off. "

"Then it wouldn't be very dangerous for our Shenzong to venture out?" Han Yuan muttered.

"Which great master didn't break out from the sea of ​​blood and corpses? This situation may seem like a crisis, but it is also an opportunity for you. With the pressure of other sect disciples, you have a better chance of breaking through the bottleneck. Now our Shen Sect Nascent Soul It’s precisely because of this that monks keep coming!” Ancestor Ziyun said calmly.

Han Yuan disagreed in his heart. No wonder four of Lingwen Peak's true successors died. As soon as he left the sect, there were enemies everywhere, and the true successor couldn't withstand it!

"Ancestor, after talking so much, you haven't said yet, what are the benefits of being a secret disciple?" Han Yuan asked curiously.

Ancestor Ziyun glared at him: "Haven't you heard yet? Are you so stupid this time?"

Han Yuan's expression froze.

"Our Divine Sect has a long heritage. Now it seems to be a Yuanying sect, but it has the inheritance of Yuanshen and even a higher level of inheritance. Other sects have no way to enter after reaching Yuanying, but our Divine Sect has Yes! The advantage of being a secret disciple is that you can practice the true inherited skills and practice them all the way!" Patriarch Ziyun said proudly.

However, Han Yuan felt his palms sweating when he heard that, and said in shock: "Then if I were the other Yuanying sects, I would definitely unite to attack the Earth God Sect, because other sects with Yuanshen inheritance are not easy to fight, and we have Yuanshen inheritance. , but it’s just the Nascent Soul Sect, this..."

Ancestor Ziyun said calmly: "Of course we know this, but each of these sects has their own filth. In addition, it is difficult to transform the cultivation methods. How can those people be of the same mind? Moreover, the Shen Sect is attacking us. , is it really possible to obtain Yuan Shen Kung Fu? Haha, if it were that easy, they would have done it long ago, and they would have been able to live in peace for thousands of years?"

Hearing this, Han Yuan nodded slowly. Indeed, we have been in peace and harmony for thousands of years. It seems that everything is fine, but who is he? Traveler!

The time travelers have all joined the Earth God Sect. According to the usual practice, it can be expected that there will be a scene of three or five sects besieging the Earth God Sect!

A sense of urgency suddenly arose in Han Yuan's heart.

Ancestor Ziyun looked at his slightly impatient expression and smiled slightly. This was also his purpose. How could he grow up quickly if he didn't put any pressure on this kid?

"Okay, you are just a young Qi Refining monk now, and these matters between sects are not your responsibility yet. Since you want the benefits of being a secret disciple, I will give it to you!"

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