Han Yuan closed his eyes tightly.

In the sea of ​​consciousness.

The eight spiritual texts are shining brightly and intertwined with each other.

A large amount of inherited knowledge was transferred to his soul, forming a spiritual imprint. This kind of inheritance, which was similar to an initiation, could only be used by himself in the early stage, because he only knew it but didn't know why.

The advantage of obtaining the spiritual text through the ancient stone wall is that you can still use the spiritual text even if you don't understand the mystery of the spiritual text.

And the eight spiritual texts he obtained have all reached the third level of enlightenment, that is, the level of mastery.

"Lingwen can be used to enlighten Taoism, practice, cast spells, write, etc. It is extremely versatile. Just like formations and inscriptions, it is very flexible in usage. It can even be used to refine weapons, alchemy, talismans, etc."

Han Yuan sighed in his heart.

The spiritual text is so magical, but it is the most lonely among all peaks. The reason is that the spiritual text is too difficult to understand. Every stroke and every stroke contains the truth of heaven and earth, and the requirements for entry are exaggerated!

The first level can be called Lingwen Apprentice, the second level can be called Lingwen Master, and the third level can be called Lingwen Master, which is up to the golden elixir level. This only refers to a single spiritual text.

Not to mention that Han Yuxing had obtained eight spiritual texts!

That's why those foundation-building elders were shocked and lost their composure. This situation completely subverted their three views.

While they were talking about it.

An old man with purple hair appeared out of thin air in front of the ancient stone wall of Lingwen. As soon as he appeared, his powerful aura instantly made everyone breathless.

When the leader saw this person, his expression changed, and he immediately bowed and said: "I have met Patriarch Ziyun!"

The other foundation-building elders all saluted as if they were waking up from a dream.

"Greetings to the ancestor!"

The purple-haired old man nodded to Feng Jianming: "You don't have to report anymore. I know everything. All of you here need to accept my memory seal. Are you willing to accept it?"

"Disciple is willing!"

Everyone said in unison.

The Nascent Soul Ancestor, who has the highest status in the Earth God Sect, has come forward, how can they dare to refuse?

Even though all the foundation-building elders have a high status, in front of the Yuanying Ancestor, they are not even considered as children.

After sorting out the inheritance, Han Yuan opened his eyes.

Then he saw a familiar purple-haired old man three meters in front of him, looking at him with a smile.

Han Yuan was startled and quickly stood up and saluted: "Disciple pays homage to the elder!"

He peeked behind him and saw that the leader and the others were all standing aside with their heads lowered, not daring to say a word, so he knew that this was indeed the sect's boss.

He knew that all the old men sitting in the Sutra Pavilion had extraordinary status!

"Haha, boy Han Yuan, you are very good. My name is Ziyun. I think you have guessed my identity. I want to make you a secret disciple of the sect. Are you willing?"

"Secret disciple?" Han Yuan was startled. What level is this?

"Secret disciples are the true inheritance disciples of the sect. They represent the hope of breaking through the Nascent Soul and are qualified to contact the sect's inheritance. Once the sect is in danger of falling, the secret disciples will also become the seeds for the sect's re-emergence and their true status. Even higher than the head of the sect," the old man Zimu explained.

"Hiss! There are actually secret disciples in the sect?"

"Higher than the leader?"

Many of the foundation-building elders were shocked. Only then did they realize that the sect had such a background. They were not qualified to know it before.

Although they know about it now, their memory will be sealed later, and they will still not know about it in the future, which is very helpless.

Liu Xinghe hid behind, amazed in his heart. He had never heard of such a genius, but he was worried about one thing. Once his memory was sealed, would he offend Han Yuan again in the future? If you really offend him, it will be really... sour.

Han Yuan didn't think much and nodded: "Disciple is willing!"

The purple-haired old man nodded happily: "Every secret disciple in the sect needs to hide his identity. Even the secret disciples don't know who else is a secret disciple. You only need to contact me alone in the future. ! I will give you a practice mission, and you will be rewarded after you complete it. This is how secret disciples obtain resources, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Han Yuan handed over his hand.

"Your situation is different from that of normal secret disciples. You appeared midway. Once the change is too big, it will easily arouse the suspicion of the outer sect. Therefore, you still need to appear in front of everyone, but you are not suitable for attracting too much attention, so I'll give you two options."

"The first is to become an inner disciple of Lingwen Peak, and the second is to continue to be a true disciple of Lingwen Peak. I will seal Du Yuanhe's memory so that he will think that he has misjudged your talent and will not regret it, so in the end I will leave you to fend for yourself," Patriarch Ziyun said calmly.

When Du Yuanhe heard this, he spread his hands in depression. He was really impressed.

Han Yuan said at this time: "If I become an inner disciple, can Cangming Cave Palace still be given to me?"

"Of course not!"

"Then I will become a true disciple of Lingwen Peak!" Zimu nodded, "No problem! You can go back and leave the rest to me!"

"Yes, ancestor!" Han Yuan said quickly.

Han Yuan returned to Cangming Cave Mansion on his own.

After Han Yuan left.

Ancestor Ziyun released a dense purple cloud, covering everyone present, and everyone fell into a coma.

Ancestor Ziyun closed his eyes and began to seal everyone's memories one by one, and used illusion magic to blur some memories.

Then, while everyone was still awake, he led everyone back to the main hall of Lingwen Peak.

The inner disciples who were waiting were also attacked, and they all fell into the mist the moment they came into contact with the purple cloud.

After a period of time.

The peak masters of each peak left first, holding flying swords one by one. It was not until they flew back to their own peaks that the purple meaning in their eyes dissipated and clarity returned.

They didn't realize that they had just experienced a fantasy.

The foundation-building elders of Lingwen Peak also returned to the cave one by one.

Immediately afterwards, the inner disciples also left one by one. Only when they were out of sight of the main hall did they wake up one by one and start talking to each other.

"I didn't expect that Han Yuan would really become a true disciple of Lingwen Peak."

"Tsk, tsk, that kid heard that his understanding is not as high as he thought. He went to Lingwen Ancient Stone Wall and didn't comprehend anything at all!"

"It was rumored before that he had a nose and eyes. Could it be that Han Yuan created the momentum for himself in order to gain power?"

"Don't tell me, it's really possible!"

"Hush, he is a true successor now, do you dare to say this about him?"

"Hmph, he's just a piece of garbage in the middle stage of Qi refining. What can he do?"

The inner disciples expressed disdain for Han Yuan.

In the main hall, only the leader and Du Yuanhe were left.

Du Yuanhe blinked and found that the leader had not left yet, and asked doubtfully: "Master? The true inheritance ceremony is over, do you have anything else to do?"

Feng Jianming looked hesitant.

Du Yuanhe said with a smile: "I did something wrong. I recruited Han Yuan to become the true successor before you did. I apologize here!"

Feng Jianming twitched the corner of his mouth, shook his head and said: "Brother Yuanhe, don't you think that Han Yuan is not necessarily as enlightened as you imagined? This time, he did not gain anything from observing the ancient stone wall of Lingwen, which is proof. "

Du Yuanhe shook his head and smiled silently. At the beginning, he winked at Han Yuan, so Han Yuan naturally didn't show any signs of it.

Feng Jianming seemed to have guessed Du Yuanhe's thoughts and said: "I didn't find that Han Yuan was slacking off. He was really trying hard to understand, but he really couldn't understand anything. If you think Han Yuan is cheating, I will look at it. Not coming out?"

When Du Yuanhe heard this, the smile on his face slowly faded, and he asked in surprise: "No way?"

Feng Jianming added: "I made a special trip to Han Yuan's outer residence before. The apricot tree in his courtyard did transform into a spiritual tree. It is said that his breakthrough triggered the apricot tree's breakthrough, but there is another reason. It’s possible that the breakthrough of the apricot tree led to Han Yuan’s breakthrough!”

When Du Yuanhe heard this, he was shocked and said: "How is this possible?"

"Why is it impossible? Have you asked him?" Feng Jianming said quietly.

Du Yuanhe hesitated for a moment after hearing the words, and then asked doubtfully: "You discovered this problem, why didn't you stop me from recruiting him as a true disciple?"

Feng Jianming said calmly: "I hope Senior Brother Yuanhe will take this as a warning."

He turned around, the flying sword under his feet flew a foot into the air, and flew away at great speed, his voice drifting down: "I hope my guess is wrong."

The hall fell completely silent.

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