Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 26 Dai Yin Zhu Comprehends The Spiritual Text

Du Yuanhe took Han Yuan to the direction of the ancient stone wall of Lingwen.

A group of elders also followed with their magic weapons.

Naturally, the leaders and peak masters also followed suit.

Only the inner disciples stood there, looking at each other in shock!

One by one, you look at me and I look at you, at a loss. Should I go or stay?

They also wanted to watch, but entering that place required 500 spirit stones plus 50 contribution. It was impossible to waste spirit stones just to go and have a look.

Liu Xinghe's eyes flickered, and a flying sword appeared under his feet, flying towards the secret place on the ancient stone wall of Lingwen. Naturally, he had already prepared the admission ticket in his hand.

Seeing this, there were a dozen other disciples at the eighth or ninth level of Qi Refining, and they also used magic weapons to join in the fun.

In the end, the remaining disciples had no choice but to sit down and practice.

Chang Chun was also among them, with a hint of worry on his face: "If the Palace Master becomes the true successor of the Sect Leader, am I still qualified to continue to follow the Palace Master?"

He was a little worried about gains and losses.

Lingwen ancient stone wall.

Located at the core of the back mountain of Lingwen Peak, it is rumored that Jindan Zhenren is in charge.

Naturally, no one saw the real Jin Dan.

Han Yuan opened his eyes and saw that he was taken to the bottom of a cliff. Looking up, he could see the top of the cliff hundreds of meters high.

A thousand futons were placed in front of them, forming a semicircle surrounding the cliff.

It can be seen that this cliff wall is very smooth, as if it was cut with a sword that reaches the sky. It is obviously man-made.

Du Yuanhe pointed at the stone wall and said, "This is the ancient Lingwen stone wall. Han Yuan, you go and observe it."

Han Yuan glanced at the surrounding Foundation Establishment Elders and cupped his hands: "Then disciples will learn more about it!"

Under the gaze of everyone, Han Yuan came to a futon and sat down easily. His sitting posture was very stable, his movements were very calm, and his mentality was very peaceful.

His eyes were naturally placed on the stone wall without thinking too much. He quickly entered a state of mind wandering, which is referred to as a daze.

That's right, Han Yuan was just in a daze. He had no hope for his own understanding, and he didn't have the urge to understand anything. He could just stay in a daze for a few hours. Anyway, Old Man Du was optimistic about him. Yes, if you can't understand something, you can still become a true disciple of Lingwen Peak. It is impossible to lose.

"Speaking of which, it is easier for Qi Refining monks to understand the spiritual texts on the ancient stone wall, right?" Dai Yinzhu, the master of Alchemy Peak, asked.

Du Yuanhe shook his head and said: "No, the foundation-building elders in the peak have poor enlightenment effects. It's just because they have already been there when they were refining qi. What the ancient stone wall of Lingwen values ​​​​is understanding, chance, compatibility, or other unknown ways. Something like that. Improving one’s cultivation can actually improve the effect of enlightenment to a certain extent, but it is very limited.”

Dai Yinzhu said clearly: "I have meditated three times before when I was refining my qi, but I didn't understand anything. I just took this opportunity to meditate again!"

Then everyone saw in silence that Dai Yinzhu was sitting on the futon behind Han Yuan and began to meditate on the stone wall.

Du Yuanhe ignored the Yin Zhu and looked at the leader Feng Jianming and said: "Master, generally speaking, when you look at the ancient stone wall of Lingwen for the first time, if you have a reaction within an hour, you will be qualified for enlightenment. If you don't have a reaction for an hour, Then there’s no need to wait.”

"Well, everyone knows the situation of Lingwen Ancient Stone Wall, and it's based on one hour!"

Feng Jianming casually took out an incense altar and lit a stick of incense. It took exactly an hour for the incense to finish burning.

Du Yuanhe also raised his eyebrows when he saw this. The leader had been prepared for this.

At this time, Liu Xinghe and other Qi Refining disciples also arrived.

Du Yuanhe glanced at it, but didn't look much. His eyes fell on Han Yuan again, and he thought to himself: "Boy, please don't comprehend anything earth-shattering, otherwise my work will be in vain."

Han Yuan really didn't think too much.

As he stayed in a daze for longer, his mind gradually became empty. Gradually, he no longer thought about where he was.

at the same time.

When he let his mind wander, the wood spirit heart began to breathe in and out spiritual energy on its own initiative.

This is a characteristic of the Wood Spirit Heart that allows Han Yuan to be in a state of cultivation while sleeping. Han Yuan does not value this. Compared with the speed of independent cultivation, the improvement effect of this Wood Spirit Heart can only be said to be better than nothing. .

At this time, Dai Yinzhu, who was sitting behind Han Yuan, was indeed trying his best to comprehend the spirit text. He had meditated three times in front of the ancient stone wall of the spirit text, but he had never understood anything. However, he had meditated three times. It was not in vain. As soon as I sat down this time, I easily got into the mood.

He gradually discovered that he was indeed connected to a spiritual text on the stone wall.

He is an alchemist and has come into contact with countless medicinal herbs. He has been in contact with elixirs and elixirs all year round. During the process of refining elixirs, he has carefully studied the essence of elixirs and gained his own unique understanding of the way of wood.

Perhaps because of this, Dai Yinzhu discovered that he resonated with a "wood" spiritual text on the stone wall!

At this time, only a quarter of an hour had passed since Han Yuan sat down cross-legged.

Each of the foundation building elders still chatted through the message.

Suddenly, a foundation-building elder who had been paying attention to the ancient stone wall of Lingwen sent a message to everyone's spiritual consciousness: "Look, the stone wall is reacting!"

"How could it be so fast!"

Everyone looked around.

Especially Du Yuanhe, he cursed in his heart: This kid, I told you to use your skills less, but you can't even understand the look in my eyes?

On the stone wall, there were traces of traces on the stone wall that originally had no writing. Gradually, a green text slowly became brighter.


Someone said, "This is a wooden spiritual text!"

When Du Yuanhe saw this spiritual text, he sighed secretly in his heart: "It turns out that it is a spiritual text with wooden characters. This kid is already psychic. Can he understand it easily even if he is relieved?"

"Wait a minute, it seems that Peak Master Dai has figured it out!"

Everyone recovered from the shock, only to find that it was not Han Yuan who understood the spiritual text of the wood, but Dai Yinzhu sitting behind him!

"It turned out to be Lao Dai, I was shocked!"

"Me too, I thought Han Yuan could understand the spiritual text in a quarter of an hour. That's incredible!"

Everyone smiled gently.

"Lao Dai has comprehended it three times before, and it has taken a total of 24 hours. It is normal for him to be able to comprehend the spiritual text of wood now!"

"He is an alchemist, why wasn't he the first one to comprehend the Spiritual Text of Fire?"

"What do you know? There are fire, water, gold and other refining methods for alchemy. Only the wood spirit text represented by the elixir is what is most needed for alchemy!" Xia Jiuyou explained.

"I see!"

Indeed, alchemists seem to deal with fire the most, but in fact they should be Mucai. Although alchemy materials are not only elixirs, but also spiritual minerals, spiritual water, etc., the most important thing is elixirs, so Dai Yinzhu It is normal to be able to comprehend the spiritual text of wood.

As Dai Yinzhu understood Yu Shen, the mysterious words on the ancient stone wall gradually became complete and bright.

The wood spiritual text on the stone wall is not an ordinary text, but a more complicated and mysterious spiritual text of heaven and earth. The text itself contains the principles of heaven and earth, and can easily activate the power of heaven and earth, just like the legendary fairy scriptures and Taoism. , even if it is written in spiritual script, only spiritual script can carry the vast immortal way!

Dai Yinzhu relaxed his mind and showed his understanding of Mu Zhidao unreservedly in front of the ancient stone wall of Lingwen.

His understanding of wood was finally recognized by the ancient stone wall wood spiritual text.

The brightness that appeared on the wood spiritual text finally reached its extreme, turning into a green light and flying quickly towards Dai Yinzhu.

The speed of the spiritual light is extremely fast, even the spiritual consciousness of Master Jin Dan cannot catch up.

However, when this spiritual light passed by Han Yuan, it paused imperceptibly. This pause was so short that no one noticed it.

The spiritual light still quickly fell on Dai Yinzhu's head and submerged into Dai Yinzhu's body.

After a while, Dai Yinzhu stood up and returned to the crowd. Sensing the spiritual inheritance in his mind, he laughed, his face full of joy.

Everyone congratulated Dai Yinzhu for achieving his wish. Some people had obvious envy in their eyes. Not every foundation-building monk had comprehended the spiritual text. On the contrary, only a quarter of the foundation-building elders had comprehended it. Come out with spiritual texts.

Comprehending a spiritual text has many benefits. It will greatly improve your cultivation, realm breaking, alchemy skills, and spell comprehension. The sooner you comprehend it, the better, but it is never too late to comprehend it. As long as you can comprehend it, it is not too late. It’s enough if you can understand it.

"Hey, have you noticed that the Wood Spirit Script is not hidden directly?"

Everyone was startled, and even Dai Yinzhu looked towards the stone wall.

They saw that the Wood Spirit Script had indeed not disappeared.

According to the usual practice, after the spiritual text is infused with the spiritual text inheritance, it will disappear again, and even the orientation will change. It is difficult to comprehend the same spiritual text in the same position. There is no trick, but this wood spiritual text, Unusually, it still stayed on the stone wall, shining with cyan light.

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