Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 24 Comprehending The Ancient Stone Wall With Spiritual Characters? Anyone Who Goes There Is

Time flies by.

80 days passed in the blink of an eye.

Nearly three months.

Han Yuan has been staying in the training room.

He practiced hard every day, and it took him sixty days to reach the peak of the fifth level of Qi refining, and then he started to break through.

He never expected that he would encounter his first cultivation bottleneck in his life!

The first time I tried it, I failed without any preparation.

And just now, he tried to pass the level for the second time, but failed again.

It was only then that he suddenly remembered that his spiritual root was still a middle-grade spiritual root...

"Is it so difficult to break through the sixth level of Qi refining from the fifth level?" Han Yuan complained.

To be honest, this is a normal phenomenon. In fact, he should have experienced a bottleneck when he broke through the fourth level of Qi Refining at the third level, but now he has only encountered a bottleneck at the peak of the fifth level, which is already considered a good qualification.

Fortunately, this is a small bottleneck. In theory, the fifth level to the sixth level of Qi refining still belong to the middle stage of Qi refining. You can always break through by spending time and grinding slowly.

But when Han Yuan failed to clear the level for the second time, he realized a thorny problem. The size of his Dantian was no different from other people at the eighth level of Qi refining. Is the difficulty of clearing the fifth level of Qi refining different from that of others? Is the difficulty of clearing the ninth level of Qi the same?

If the difficulty is the same, if he wants to break through, it won't be that easy.

Fortunately, apart from his cultivation, the practice of Gu Mu Hidden Qi Jue was finally smooth sailing.

It only took three months for his Ancient Wood Hidden Qi Technique to break through from a minor achievement to a great achievement!

This speed is already very fast. He has learned the Lingyu Technique for a year and is still at the entry level, not even a small success.

By comparison, you can see how exaggerated it is that he can understand the Ancient Wood Hidden Qi Technique of Dacheng Realm.

The effect of Dacheng is also very amazing. The effect is increased by three times, and six small realms can be adjusted up and down. The camouflage effect is probably not visible even to the real person Jin Dan without careful observation.

This made Han Yuan feel a lot more relaxed.

With a thought, his spiritual energy fluctuations stabilized at the peak of the fifth level of ordinary people's Qi refining. His spiritual power remained at twice that of ordinary people, and then all the excess spiritual power was covered up.

In this case, how can ordinary people see through his disguise?

He is indeed the peak of the fifth level of Qi refining, this cannot be lied to! The doubled spiritual power was also for Du Yuanhe to see.

A very perfect disguise.

In addition, he has also learned three other spells used in farming, including Qi Sword Slash, Constant Temperature Technique, and Soil-Cultivating Technique, all of which have reached the entry-level level.

He was devoted to farming, and the reason was very simple. He knew that with his mediocre understanding, he couldn't handle things like formations and alchemy. In this case, he might as well work hard on farming honestly.

Han Yuan adjusted his makeup and walked out of Cangming Tower calmly. He looked up at the sky and muttered: "I don't know how the preparations for Old Man Du's true inheritance ceremony are going. Counting the time, it should be here soon, right?"

At this time, Liu Sixi was walking out of the Spiritual Beast Garden, subconsciously looking in the direction of Cangming Tower, and happened to see Han Yuan standing at the door.

Her eyes lit up and she ran over immediately!

But faster than her is Wangcai!

A flash of purple light flashed.

Wangcai immediately threw himself into Han Yuan's arms.

"Woof! Woof!" (Master, I miss you so much!)

"Okay, Wangcai, you are two years old, what do you look like!"

Han Yuan rubbed Wangcai's head dumbfounded.

The prosperous little dog has a happy look on his face.

It seemed that not seeing him for three months really made Wangcai miss him. Wangcai was said to be two years old, and he was only a year old. Three months was indeed a long time for Wangcai.

Liu Sixai rushed over and said in surprise: "Han Yuan, you are finally out of seclusion!"

Han Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Did something happen?"

"That's not true!" Liu Sixi shook his head and said, "Two months ago, I specially prepared an admission ticket for you to the Lingwen Ancient Stone Wall. I always wanted to give it to you, but unfortunately I couldn't wait until you came out. Isn’t this impatient?”

"Lingwen ancient stone wall? What is that?"

Han Yuan looked doubtfully at Chang Chun and Qin Feng, who were running over from a distance.

Chang Chun and Chang Chun also noticed Wangcai's sudden change, and then discovered that Han Yuan had left seclusion.

Chang Chun trotted over and said quickly after hearing the words: "Master of the Palace, I know the ancient stone wall of Lingwen. This is a secret place unique to our Lingwen Peak. There is an ancient stone wall that has been passed down from ancient times. If you watch it, you have a chance to directly obtain the spiritual text. , each spiritual text has various special effects, and some are even equivalent to a set of top inherited spells, which can be practiced continuously! More importantly, the more spiritual texts you understand, the more wonderful abilities you can combine! ! The mystery inside is no less than the formations and inscriptions."

Qin Feng also nodded repeatedly and said: "What formations and inscriptions can do, Lingwen can also do, but formations and inscriptions require a long time to learn, while Lingwen can rely on the ancient stone wall of Lingwen. Those who can get started directly or even master it, but the admission fee is a little expensive!”

Han Yuan understood a little bit. Isn't this what Old Man Du recommended him to understand? He refused before because the spiritual text was very complicated. He actually didn't have a high level of understanding, so he refused decisively.

He shook his head and admitted directly: "My understanding is average, so I won't use this admission ticket!"

"Don't!" Liu Sixai said quickly, "I have inquired about it. It is indeed necessary to have a high level of comprehension to properly comprehend the spiritual scriptures. However, on this ancient stone wall of spiritual literature, sometimes it does not all depend on comprehension. Many disciples are lucky. If you do, you can get the favor of Lingwen and directly obtain the inheritance of Lingwen. Even if you don't get the inheritance of Lingwen, it will still be of some help to your practice. So why don't you go?"

Han Yuan asked curiously: "How much did you spend on this admission ticket? You don't use it yourself?"

"500 spirit stones!" Liu Sixi said distressedly, "I'm not willing to use it."

"Are you willing to use it on me?" Han Yuan asked strangely.

"Ahem, ahem, aren't I investing in you? I'm not trying to please you!" Liu Sixi's eyes wandered.

Is there a difference between the two?

Han Yuan was confused, but took her admission ticket: "In that case, I will accept it."

Chang Chun and Qin Feng opened their eyes wide and were dumbfounded when they saw Liu Sixi openly bribed in front of everyone.

It was as if they were seeing Liu Sixi for the first time, and they felt a deep pressure.

Han Yuan turned around and asked: "Changchun, how is the Huangliang rice planting area?"

Chang Chun lowered his head in shame at this time: "I'm sorry, Palace Master, Qin Feng and I have only cultivated 30 acres, and the remaining 70 acres have problems due to various reasons. At present, the growth of the remaining 30 acres is okay, but the distance is It will take another six months to mature. It’s hard for me to guarantee the yield.”

Han Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Is it so difficult?"

Chang Chun smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, Palace Master, Huangliang rice is Huangjie's top-grade spiritual rice. It requires a lot of manpower to take care of it. Qin Feng and I can't water it at all. We also need to weed, remove insects, cultivate soil, and pick leaves." , fertilization, insulation and other tasks, if there are enough manpower, it will not be a problem to increase the production by 30 to 50%! If there is not enough manpower, the production will probably be reduced again!”

Hearing this, Han Yuan nodded and said, "I understand. The previous losses are nothing. The first year of planting is an experiment. I will also participate in farming later. In addition, I will try to find some farming talents."

Chang Chun said seriously: "Master, I will definitely work harder!"

Hearing this, Liu Sixai seemed to have thought of something, and asked: "Han... Palace Master, can I also find some manpower? I can't see the Spiritual Beast Garden and the Ferocious Beast Garden. The output value of the two gardens is also high." not small."

After hearing this, Han Yuan thought for a moment and said, "We'll talk about this later. I will give you the authority to issue tasks when the time comes. You are responsible for how many people you recruit. Anyway, just give me 50% of the profits."

Liu Sixai's eyes widened when he heard this, and he couldn't help but curl his lips: Stingy Palace Master, just taking money and doing nothing!

Han Yuan let a few people leave, holding an admission ticket in his hand and lost in thought.

"Haha, this certificate is a bit fishy!" Han Yuan's eyes were deep, "Whatever! I have to perform the true inheritance ceremony, and a fool would run out at this time! Regardless of whether there is someone behind the scenes, wait until it becomes the true inheritance. !”

Han Yuan calmly put the admission voucher back into his storage bag, turned around and sat under the big banyan tree, drinking tea calmly.

He is not anxious at all. He has a golden finger in his hand. Why is he anxious?

Understand the ancient stone wall of Lingwen? Whoever goes is a fool!

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