Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 21 King-Level Spiritual Beast: Flying Purple Flame Dog

Two hours later.

Qin Feng and Liu Sixai came to Cangming Cave Mansion together.

Han Yuan opened the formation and let the two people in.

"Is this Cangming Cave Mansion? It's so majestic!"

Liu Sikai's beautiful eyes looked everywhere, unable to hide the envy in her heart.

Qin Feng took the opportunity to say: "Senior Sister Liu, why don't you join Cangming Cave Mansion? Our Lord, the master, is looking forward to your joining day and night!"

"Really?" Liu Sikai looked amused.

Han Yuan glared at Qin Feng, and then said to Liu Sixi: "You are an outer disciple of Spirit Beast Peak. It is not difficult to join my cave. You just need to transfer to Lingwen Peak when you enter the inner gate!"

Hearing this, Liu Sixai seemed to be proud and said: "I have a backer at Spirit Beast Peak, and I have no intention of coming to your place!"

"Well, let's do the deal! Take out the things." Han Yuan nodded.

When Liu Sixi saw Han Yuan's attitude, she felt very angry. If she just said a few more words, maybe she would agree?

Liu Sixai threw a storage bag to Han Yuan: "It's all in there!"

Han Yuan's spiritual sense reached into the storage bag and saw a lot of materials. He nodded with satisfaction: "Thank you, this is the elixir for you!"

Han Yuan also took out a storage bag and handed it to Liu Sixi.

Liu Sixi checked the pills and confirmed that they were undoubtedly Qi Condensing Pills. After finding that the quality was better than normal, Liu Sikai couldn't help but smile with satisfaction on his face.

She glanced around a few times and asked doubtfully, "Where's Wangcai?"

Behind a tree, Wangcai looked at the place secretly. When he saw Liu Sixai coming, he hid. But he remembered that this female beast wanted to eat its flesh, which was very scary!

Han Yuan noticed Wangcai's bearlike appearance, coughed and said, "It's going to rest. If Senior Sister Liu is fine, you can leave."

"Wait, can you set up the awakening array? Can you deal with emergencies? What will you do if something goes wrong? I am a spirit beast trainer and am good at cultivating spirit beasts. I think you need someone like me. Professional assistance is enough! How about it? My appearance fee is very cheap, one hundred, no, eighty spirit stones will do!" Liu Sixi opened his beautiful eyes and said seriously.

Han Yuan thought about it, and it seemed to make sense, but he looked at her with suspicion: "Are you okay? Or should I hire someone more powerful?"

Liu Sixi exploded on the spot: "I am a direct descendant of the spirit beast family, and my family's craftsmanship is passed down from my family. Do you understand? 80 spirit stones. I already do it for the sake of my friends. Others asked me to take action. I don't have 250 spirit stones." Shi, there is no way I can take action!"

Han Yuan looked at her deeply and suddenly asked: "By the way, your surname is Liu, do you know Liu Xinghe?"

"Liu Xinghe? He, like me, is another branch of the Liu family, right?" Liu Sisi said casually.

"Wait, another branch? Didn't you say you are a direct descendant?" Han Yuan looked suspicious.

Liu Sixai's pretty face turned red and she spoke quickly. Her eyes wandered as she said, "I am extremely talented. Although I am from a collateral lineage, I am qualified to enjoy the treatment of a direct descendant. Oh my, do you want it or not? Don't want me to leave. ?”

"I want it! But I only give you one Qi Condensing Pill."

"Oh, let me suffer the loss, so be it!"

In the lower level training room on the Xuanjie of Cangming Tower.

Han Yuan and Liu Sixai lived in the same room.

Rich spiritual energy filled the training room.

And Han Yuan stared ahead in confusion.

Liu Sixi did not turn around, but found that Han Yuan had been staring at her back, and suddenly she felt a little nervous. This person would not think...

However, she didn't have time to think about it.

Han Yuan withdrew his gaze and said calmly: "It's time to start!"

Liu Sixai calmed down and said, "No problem, Wangcai is here!"

"Woof! Woof!" Wangcai hid behind Han Yuan with a wary look on his face.

"Be good, let me awaken your bloodline. Do you want to become a real blazing dog and charge into battle for your master?" Liu Sisi followed the instructions.

"Wow~~!" Wangcai's eyes revealed a bright color.

"Go, Wangcai, this is your chance to awaken!" Han Yuan rubbed its head, "Come on!"

Only then did Wangcai come to Liu Sisi.

Liu Sisi also took advantage of the situation and rubbed Wangcai: "Xiao Wangcai, I fed you when you were a child. You heartless man, have you forgotten about your 'nanny'?"

Wangcai showed a confused look in his eyes.

Liu Sisi chatted with Wangcai for a while, and after dealing with Wangcai's nervousness, he quickly started to arrange the formation, using awakening materials to set up formations, and built an awakening pool. He muttered words and cast spells at the awakening pool from time to time. , Han Yuan was stunned for a moment.

While Han Yuan was watching Liu Sixi's movements, he was thinking about what had just happened.

After opening the spirit gathering array in the training room, his random gain multiplier did not take effect. Obviously, because Liu Sixi, an "outsider", was present, the conditions for the gain multiplier to take effect could not be met!

He had to be careful and keep this in mind.

Xiao Wangcai squatted uneasily next to the awakening formation, looking at Han Yuan with innocent and fearful eyes.

Han Yuan gave it a firm look.

Wangcai gradually calmed down and waited for the awakening to begin.

After Liu Sixai's operation, the awakening pool was filled with fiery red liquid and full of rich heat.

Liu Sixai looked solemn and handed a fruit to Wangcai's mouth: "Eat it. This is the thirty-year red fruit. It is the most important material for your awakening. The remaining materials are to help you absorb the power of the red fruit. Be sure to try to absorb all the Zhu Guo energy!”

Wangcai opened his mouth and swallowed the fiery red fruit, which was less than the size of an egg, and then Liu Sisi dipped it into the Awakening Pool.

Liu Sixai cast spells one after another and integrated them into Wangcai's body.

Just less than ten seconds.

The surface of Wangcai's body burned with red flames!

Flames also burned in his eyes.

"Succeeded! Successed so quickly!" Liu Sixi said in surprise, "You should immediately increase your efforts to absorb the liquid in the red fruit and awakening pool in your body to increase the concentration of your blood!"

As she spoke, she injected the fiery red magical aura into Wangcai's body.

"Ouch~~!" Wangcai let out a loud cry full of pain, and its body expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Its expression was very ferocious, as if it was enduring the pain of the flames, but it suppressed its mania and worked hard to absorb the energy in the awakening pool.

Han Yuan encouraged Wangcai: "Come on, Wangcai, I'll always be by your side!"

An imperceptible smile appeared on Wangcai's increasingly ferocious face, and the flames in his eyes became brighter and brighter, yellow and clear, like two flame crystals.

Liu Sixi said in surprise: "Well done Wangcai, your bloodline concentration is constantly rising. Hold on, you have hope of fully awakening the bloodline of the Blazing Dog, and even hope of awakening a stronger Blue Flame Dog!"

The hair on Wangcai's body burned away in the flames, but under the burning flames, golden hair gradually grew again. He looked like a golden wolf born from the fire, and his streamlined body was very handsome.

Han Yuan could feel that Wangcai's strength directly surpassed the first and second levels of Qi Refining and quickly rose to the third level of Qi Refining!

Apparently, the wealth awakening was a success.

At this time, Liu Sixi saw Wangcai's outstanding performance and took out a blue stone from the storage bag.

She said to Wangcai: "This is the blue flame crystal, which contains a trace of flame essence that is suitable for the Blazing Dog. It can give the Blazing Dog a chance to evolve when it awakens, but it will experience greater pain. Are you willing to try it?"

Wangcai looked at Han Yuan hesitantly.

Han Yuan gave it a smile: "Wangcai, I support your decision infinitely, you can choose it yourself!"

Wangcai opened his mouth and inhaled, and the blue stone in Liu Sixai's hand flew directly into Wangcai's mouth.

Liu Sisi gave Wangcai a thumbs up, and then immediately began to assist Wangcai in refining, and continued to use the special spells of the spiritual beast trainer to help Wangcai evolve.

Just hearing a click sound, a wisp of blue flame appeared in Wangcai's abdomen and spread to all parts of the body.

The look of pain on Wangcai's face became more obvious, and his body began to tremble. The pain was obviously greater than before!

The blue flame gradually spread to Wangcai's head, and the flame in his eyes gradually changed from golden to icy blue!

Han Yuan looked at it solemnly.

The evolution lasted for half an hour. When Wangcai's hair began to fall off again and light blue flame hair grew, Liu Sisi said in surprise: "It worked! Wangcai succeeded! Blue Flame Dog! This is A blue flame dog with foundation-building potential!”

Han Yuan was also happy for Wangcai. After evolving into a blue flame dog, Wangcai's strength directly broke through to the middle stage of Qi refining, equivalent to a monk at the fourth level of Qi refining!

However, at this moment.

An illusory dice appeared in front of Han Yuan.

He first glanced at Liu Sixi and saw that there was nothing unusual about him, then he looked at the words that appeared again.

[Random gain multiplier: 6]

[Contracted Spirit Beast Awakening Evolution Effect*600%]

Just when Liu Sixi was about to take Wangcai out of the awakening pool.

More blue flames suddenly emerged from Wangcai's body.

Liu Sixi was stunned: "What's going on?"

In just one breath, Wangcai's body was completely enveloped in blue flames, forming a cocoon of blue flames!

There was no pain on Wangcai's face this time, but he just raised his feet in confusion, wondering what happened.


The blue flame seems to have spirituality, autonomously increasing the blood concentration of Wangcai.

Originally, the wealth of the Blue Flame Dog bloodline had only just reached 10%, but the Blue Flame Dog bloodline in the body increased rapidly!

One percent!

Twenty percent!

Thirty percent!

It soon exceeded 70% and is still rising.

Wangcai's original level of evolution was from a semi-spiritual beast, crossing over from the flame dog bloodline to the blue flame dog bloodline. The improvement was extremely exaggerated. Under such circumstances, it would be unimaginable to increase it by six times.

Liu Sixi looked at Wangcai in the blue flames with a confused expression, watching as its hair gradually turned into dark blue. Finally, the blue hair on its body completely fell off, and purple hair appeared on its surface.

Those burning blue flames were gradually replaced by wisps of purple flames!

"This, this, this is the Flying Purple Flame Dog?" Liu Sixi took a breath of hot air!

The purple flame, like a noble king, showed his ultimate sense of existence. After Wangcai accidentally jumped a few times, he suddenly jumped into the air and ran in a panic in the mid-air of the training room.

Wherever it passed, the purple flame left a faint purple light, full of a faint sense of mystery.

"Wangcai, come to me!" Han Yuan waved towards Wangcai.

Wangcai screamed happily, jumped into Han Yuan's arms through the air, and rubbed his head hard against Han Yuan's belly.

The purple flames on its body did not harm Han Yuan, and were absorbed into Wangcai's body very naturally. The purple hair gradually turned into black, making it look ordinary.

Liu Sixai felt the terrifying aura that Wangcai showed just now, and finally realized that it was not an illusion. This little Wangcai actually awakened into a flying purple flame dog in one breath, with golden elixir level potential. In beast terms, he was a king beast. The cub has just awakened and has the strength of the seventh level of Qi refining. When it grows naturally, it can be promoted to the golden elixir realm!

For such a cub, if calculated in terms of spirit stones, one hundred thousand spirit stones would be just the lowest estimate!

Liu Sixi was stunned.

And Han Yuan looked at Liu Sixi thoughtfully.

Liu Sixai gradually came back to her senses and looked at Han Yuan's eyes. This time she didn't have any other thoughts because she saw what Han Yuan meant.

Liu Sixai gritted his teeth and said, "Han Zhenzhuan, I want to join Cangming Cave Mansion and join your command. Do you agree?"

Han Yuan's cold expression became gentle again, and he laughed and said: "I have witnessed Senior Sister Liu's spirit beast taming methods with my own eyes. I welcome Senior Sister Liu with both hands!"

Liu Sixai snorted and looked a little unnatural. She was obviously aware of her own skills. Wangcai could break through to the Flying Purple Flame Dog, which had little to do with her. Obviously Wangcai himself had a king-level spirit beast. Of bloodline, her trigger just happened to happen.

And because he had discovered the potential to make a fortune, these shocking secrets were naturally not allowed to be known to outsiders.

Liu Sixi was really worried that Han Yuan would kill her directly in the training room! She is just an outer disciple, but Han Yuan is a true disciple! The identity gap between the two was too big. If Han Yuan killed her with any excuse, he would be severely punished at most, but it was impossible to kill her. It was completely worth it to cover up the secret of prosperity.

So Liu Sixi expressed his loyalty immediately.

Han Yuan also guessed Liu Sixi's thoughts. Naturally, he would not kill him, but it was very possible to put Liu Sixi under house arrest for a period of time. However, Liu Sixi himself made a better choice, and Han Yuan did not Mind following the tide.

In a transaction of awakening materials, Liu Sixi "sold" herself to Han Yuan. For a moment, Liu Sixi didn't know whether to be happy or worried. She regretted that she was greedy for money and volunteered to stay to assist in awakening, but after thinking about it, It seems that there is no need to regret.

Although she felt a little forced, Han Yuan was now a true disciple with a bright future. In addition, he also had a spiritual beast in his hand that was promising a golden elixir, so his potential was even more outstanding!

It seems that she has made a profit by being able to defect to such a person in advance?

Liu Sixai was worried about gains and losses there.

Han Yuan, on the other hand, felt the changes in Wangcai with surprise.

In a word, reborn!

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