Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 2 The Effect Of The Elixir Is Astonishing, Rapid Progress

Han Yuan practiced Huangjie's top-grade skill "Ancient Wood Spirit-nurturing Technique". It is a wood-attribute skill with gentle spiritual power. It is best at nourishing spirits and has a long breath, but it is not good at attacking.

At this time, a large amount of medicinal power poured into the meridians, and the wood spiritual power of the ancient wood spiritual nourishing technique exerted an excellent effect. The gentle wood spiritual power calmed the surging medicinal power, and carried the medicinal power together with it to move around the sky.

As each small cycle was successfully operated, the medicinal power was quickly integrated into Han Yuan's own spiritual power.

Two full hours later, Han Yuan exhaled heavily, his eyes filled with joy.

"A single spirit-gathering pill is actually worth a month of my hard training. The effect is amazing!"

Han Yuan was amazed. He had also heard others say that one pill was worth seven days of hard work. But now, after he swallowed one pill, it was worth one month of hard work!

"This effect has been improved by more than three times... Well, it may be that my qualifications are worse than others."

When Han Yuan thought about it, he understood the reason for some discrepancies, but this made him even more delighted.

And those few lines of text just now are not an illusion, but the real content.

"It turns out that my golden finger has this random gain multiplier!"

"The spiritual power reserve in my Dantian before was about one-fifth of the level of the second level of Qi training. After a month of hard training, the spiritual power was equivalent to one-tenth of the spiritual power of the second level of Qi training. If everything continues It’s a 3x gain. I only need to swallow seven more pills to reach the top of the second level of Qi training!”

"Generally, you need to wait three days before swallowing the next Spirit-Gathering Pill, and my erysipelas has been reduced by 30%. Wouldn't it be possible to continue swallowing the Spirit-Gathering Pill in a day or two?"

When Han Yuan was running his spiritual power, he could feel some erysipelas residue in his spiritual power. It originally took three days to remove the erysipelas, but now three-tenths of the erysipelas are missing. The time saved may be more than one day, because it takes more than one day to remove the erysipelas. It is difficult first and then easy. The less erysipelas remaining, the faster the removal speed will naturally be. Therefore, although the 30% reduction of erysipelas may not seem much, it is actually much more than imagined.

Han Yuan suppressed the joy in his heart and continued to circulate the heavens to kill the erysipelas.

A night of silence.

The next morning.

Han Yuan got up early and began to clean up the straw in the fields. These straws contain spiritual energy and have many uses. They can be used to feed spirit beasts and are also one of the raw materials for low-level talisman paper. If sold, these two acres of material can be worth ten spirit stones. , cannot be wasted.

It's just that two acres of spiritual field contains a lot of straw. The spiritual plants are so tough that it took a long time to deal with one-eighth of the area.

"Looks like it's going to take a few days!"

Han Yuan put the harvested straw into the small courtyard first, and then walked towards the outer courtyard to complete today's outer door labor.

After Han Yuan left, he didn't notice that there was a figure in the woods watching him leave silently. After he left, he walked out of the shadows.

This person was Hu Yifan, another outer disciple who lived nearby.

"I happened to see a grain truck passing by yesterday. Is the spiritual rice planted by Han Yuan really mature?"

Hu Yifan couldn't help being surprised. Planting spiritual rice was really not easy. Many people who planted it for the first time ended up losing all their money. Although he knew that Han Yuan planted blood spiritual rice and occasionally passed by the rice fields, he really didn't think highly of Han Yuan. It can be grown, but the grain truck passing by yesterday made him suspicious.

So this morning while Han Yuan was out, he quietly came over to check.

Not long after walking, he came to the edge of the spiritual field in front of Han Yuan's small courtyard. He saw the ears of rice being picked from the spiritual rice, and he completely believed that Han Yuan's planting was successful.

"Doesn't Han Yuan have a lot of spirit stones on his body now?" Hu Yifan felt hot in his heart and had a suspicion.

He left in a hurry, but he didn't notice that Wangcai was secretly looking at him in the corner.

In the blink of an eye, it's evening.

Han Yuan dragged his slightly tired body back to the yard.

"Woof! Woof!" Wangcai ran over happily.

Han Yuan smiled and handed it a piece of meat.

However, Wangcai did not take the meat as usual, but walked a few steps to the edge of the spiritual field.

Han Yuan was a little confused.

Wangcai turned his head to look at him, then stood up, grinned, his mouth corners tilted, and the big eyes on his dog face squinted slightly, looking a little funny.

Han Yuan frowned: "Wangcai, is someone coming?"

Wangcai returned to his original state, happily "Woof" and "Woof" twice, and nodded repeatedly.

"Who is it?" Han Yuan asked again.

Wangcai barked in the direction of Hu Yifan's yard.

Han Yuan suddenly realized: "It turned out to be Hu Yifan!"

He raised his eyebrows: "What does this kid want to do? He sneaked to the edge of my spiritual field and made such an expression. It seems that he has an idea."

Hu Yifan and he were outer disciples who entered the same batch. His qualifications were not far behind him. He had four middle-grade spiritual roots, but his spiritual roots were the best in fire attribute. He practiced the "Ancient Wood Burning Spirit Technique" and entered the second level of Qi training a year ago. Compared with him, his cultivation was still higher, but not much.

He frowned and thought for a while, and shouted to Wangcai: "Wangcai, I'm going out for a while, you look after the house, if you encounter danger, be smart!"

"Woof woof!"

Wangcai responded by wagging his tail.

Han Yuan picked up some straw in the yard and put it into the storage bag, and then hurried away.

Half an hour passed.

Han Yuan came back and glanced at Wangcai.

Wangcai said that no one came, so he turned around and went back to the room to practice as soon as possible.

In the world of cultivating immortals, strength is everything.

Wangcai then picked up the meat Han Yuan had put down before and ate it happily, while keeping a vigilant eye on the direction of the woods.

Han Yuan sat cross-legged, circulated the Qi and tempered his spiritual power.

Two hours later, the spiritual power in his body became warm again, and there was no more poison left in the spiritual power.

Han Yuan smiled: "Very good, the poison has been removed, and you can continue to swallow the pills!"

With a flip of his hand, the Soul Gathering Pill was taken out of the storage bag.

He raised his head and swallowed it, and the Soul Gathering Pill had been swallowed into his stomach.

At this time, he stared at the front carefully, and then he saw that there was a vague mysterious dice spinning rapidly.

A pattern of four small dots flashed by.

[Random gain multiplier: 4]

[Efficacy of Juling Pill*400%]

[Juling Dan Erysipelas-40%]

In an instant, the efficacy of the Spirit Gathering Pill increased with an astonishing effect.

Han Yuan had been prepared for a long time. He kept his mind close and used the Ancient Wood Spirit Nourishing Technique.

Zhou Tian's operation speed increased to his current extreme, and he continued to refine the power of the Spirit Gathering Pill.

This time the medicine was even more powerful, and it took Han Yuxing three hours to completely refine it.

But the effect is also gratifying. One night of refining is worth his forty days of hard training, and his cultivation level has almost reached one-half of the second level of Qi training, which is an astonishing progress.

He lay down on the bed contentedly and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Two hours later, Han Yuan got up refreshed.

When he came to the courtyard, when his spiritual consciousness swept outside the courtyard, he saw two uninvited guests already standing at the door.

Hu Yifan also sensed that there was someone moving in the courtyard, and immediately knocked on the door and said: "Junior Brother Han Yuan, open the door!"

Han Yuan raised his eyebrows, put his palm on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and said through the door: "Hu Yifan, what can I do for you?"

"Open the door, I have something important to tell you." Hu Yifan's tone was a little anxious.

Han Yuan thought in his mind, this is a sect, and it is strictly forbidden to snatch property, let alone kill people and seize treasures, so the safety is still somewhat guaranteed. Besides, this sect has no formations and cannot stop the immortal cultivators.

Thinking of this, Han Yuan still opened the door.

There were indeed two people standing outside the door. One was a lean Hu Yifan, and the other had wolf-like eyes and an eagle nose, full of aggression. After opening the door, this person looked Han Yuan up and down.

Hu Yifan fell behind and looked at the person in front of him with a flattering expression, saying, "Brother Ang, this is the Junior Brother Han I told you about."

Then Hu Yifan turned to look at Han Yuan, raised his chin slightly, and said with some arrogance in his tone: "Junior brother Han, this is our last senior brother Wu Chao. His cultivation has reached the late third level, which is far away from the fourth level. Not far away!”

Han Yuangong raised his hand and said, "It turns out that Senior Brother Wu is here. I wonder what happened today?"

"Are you Han Yuan? I heard that you successfully planted a batch of blood rice!" Wu Chao looked at Han Yuan carefully.

Han Yuan glanced at the straw in the yard and said, "So what? I have given them all to the sect!"

At this time, Hu Yifan said: "Junior Brother Han, do you know the 'help' that is popular among our disciples?"

Han Yuan shook his head.

"'Assistance' is very simple. Disciples like us with relatively poor qualifications can choose a disciple with better qualifications as a support target, use the extra spirit stones to help him break through the cultivation level, and wait until the support target reaches the middle stage of Qi training. Even after the advanced stage of Qi training, the recipients can help us improve our cultivation together. This is a mutually beneficial thing!"

"Our senior brother Wu Chao is not far away from the middle stage of qi training. Now we only need a few spiritual stones to improve his cultivation. Once senior brother Wu Chao breaks through the middle stage of qi training, he will be able to take on some very high-paying tasks and give us feedback at that time. Very helpful.”

At this point, the meaning is self-evident.

Wu Chao smiled and said: "Junior Brother Han, what do you think of this cooperation? Others have been working with me for two years and have paid a lot of spiritual stones. Originally, I didn't want to ask for another partner midway, but I am indeed in urgent need of it now. A batch of spirit stones, you only need to give me 150 more spirit stones, and I will receive the same treatment as others. When I break through to the middle stage of Qi training, I will be grateful!"

When Han Yuan heard this, he was naturally unwilling. Not to mention that he no longer had so many spiritual stones. The key point was that this person only knew him once or twice and invested a huge amount of money. When Wu Chao turned his back and refused to admit it, wouldn't his losses have been in vain?

To put it bluntly, it was robbery, just put in a nice way.

And resources are now indispensable to him.

Han Yuan was solemn, clasped his fists and said, "I'm sorry, my spirit stone is still useful, so I can't agree to this. Please forgive me, Senior Brother Wu!"

When Wu Chao heard this, the expression on his face immediately turned cold, and the aura of the third level of Qi training suddenly came out. His cold eyes stared at Han Yuan: "You say it again?"

Han Yuan frowned slightly: "I want to use my spiritual stone for myself. Could it be that Senior Brother Wu Chao intends to violate the sect's regulations and forcibly snatch my spiritual stone?"

Hu Yifan immediately said anxiously: "Han Yuan, do you know how rare this opportunity is? It is not easy for others to get into the relationship with Senior Brother Wu Chao. Senior Brother Wu Chao is a middle-grade three-spirited fairy who is expected to build a foundation." "Why don't you have a clear mind?"

"Sorry!" Han Yuan said.

Wu Chao's expression was cold, the spiritual power in his body began to fluctuate violently, and a golden spiritual light glowed on his palms.

Han Yuan was very calm in his heart, channeling his spiritual power on his feet, ready to run away at any time.

Scare him?

He didn't panic.

If the other party destroys his yard, his backhand will be a report!

Suddenly a cold shout came from afar.

"What are you doing?"

Everyone looked at it.

A woman in white clothes came riding on the wind with a sword, her figure was elegant, her face was like a silver plate, her eyes were like apricots, her lips were red and her eyebrows were emerald, and her hair was like black hair. Her body naturally exuded a powerful aura of mid-stage Qi training, which was frightening.

"This, this senior sister! We are just chatting!" Wu Chao quickly dispersed his spiritual power and said hurriedly.

Han Yuan said respectfully: "Senior Sister Liu, you are here!"

The woman nodded towards Han Yuan, turned to look at Wu Chao and Wu Chao, and frowned: "Still not leaving?"

"Sister, you are busy! You are busy!"

Wu Chao immediately pulled the dazed Hu Yifan away and hurried away. When he turned around, his face was very ugly.

After the people walked away, Liu Sixi pointed to some straw in the yard and said, "Is this the material you mentioned to feed the spiritual beasts? Do you really plan to give me a batch every year?"

"Thank you to Senior Sister Liu for selling Wangcai to me at a low price last year. I am deeply grateful. Your kindness should be repaid with a spring of water!" Han Yuan said sternly.

Liu Sixixiu had a half-smile on her face. At first, she thought that this junior brother had thoughts about her. Seeing that this junior brother was quite handsome, she planned to come over and have a look. Unexpectedly, when she saw this scene, she turned out to be using her as a shield. , two acres of spiritual rice straw can hold up to ten spiritual stones, so I want to seek her asylum, and I am a little brave.

Han Yuan felt uneasy.

"Woof! Woof!" Wangcai ran over and circled happily around Liu Sixai.

Liu Sixi's eyes lit up and her eyebrows curved unconsciously. She bent down and touched Wangcai, and said happily: "Little Wangcai? There is actually a little spiritual power fluctuation in the body! It can be regarded as a semi-spiritual beast, and its meat quality is good. It should taste good…”

Wang Cai originally had a well-behaved and happy expression. When he heard the next few words, he immediately became furious. He raised his head and looked at Liu Sixi in horror. He passed under Han Yuan's crotch in a panic and hid behind Han Yuan, trembling. , leaving only half of the butt.

"Senior Sister Liu..." Han Yuan scratched his head in embarrassment.

Liu Sixai stood up, put his hands behind his back and hummed softly, turned around and left, and then a few words floated in the air: "Remember to send it here early. If you are too old, those spiritual beasts will not eat it!"

Han Yuan said happily: "Junior brother understands!"

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