Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 14 Opportunities For Skill Advancement

[Random gain multiplier: 6]

[Efficacy of Pulse Protecting Pill*600%, Erysipelas -60%]

Six times more effective than the pulse-protecting pill!

Han Yuan was pleasantly surprised. The six times the effect of the pulse protection pill was better than the effect of six pulse protection pills.

Because of erysipelas, it is impossible to swallow six pulse-protecting pills continuously. Even if you can swallow them continuously, the effect will not be six times greater due to drug resistance.

But Han Yuan was able to enjoy six times the effect of the Pulse Protecting Pill.

He only felt that when the pulse-protecting pill was dissolved, a mysterious medicinal power spread along the meridians towards the meridians of the whole body. The inner wall of the meridians was protected by a thick layer of the pulse-protecting pill power. Even on the Dantian wall, It was also attached to the medicine, so that his meridians were equipped with a layer of armor!

An ordinary pulse-protecting pill can last for two hours, but can a pulse-protecting pill with six times the efficacy last for 12 hours?

No matter what, Han Yuan, who had no worries, finally let go of his scruples and began to absorb the rich spiritual energy in the training room.

"What a docile spiritual energy, it can be refined easily!"

Just a small cycle of circulation can guide the spiritual energy flowing into the meridians into the Dantian.

After these new spiritual powers were integrated into his dantian, Han Yuan was shocked to find that the purity of these spiritual powers was much purer than the spiritual powers he had worked so hard to cultivate before!

Without testing at all, he knew that the quality of his spiritual power had definitely improved!

"This, this, this is, this ability should be regarded as a talent! I am extremely talented!"

As Han Yuan absorbed the spiritual energy in the training room, it poured into his body like an infusion. The effect of the pulse-protecting pill was astonishing. The six-fold improvement not only extended the time, but also enhanced the pulse-protecting effect by six times. , so it is difficult for these surging spiritual energy to cause damage to the meridians.

The skills of the Dacheng realm exert astonishing effects during the practice process, and they move around the sky extremely quickly.

Han Yuan devoted himself wholeheartedly to the operation of the technique, and his understanding of the "Ancient Wood Nourishing Skill" gradually deepened a lot during this high-speed and continuous operation.

While waiting for Chang Chun, he had been staring at Gu Mu, not just to show off.

He was wondering what the essence of "Ancient Wood Nourishing Spirit Technique" was, and what did the word "Old Wood" mean?

When he reached the Xiaocheng state, he thought the key point was to understand the breathing rhythm of the ancient trees in the world.

But now as he continued to run the exercises, he gradually realized that the focus of this exercise was the word "nourishing the soul" at the end.

"Use my body as an ancient tree to nourish the spirit of spiritual power?"

Han Yuan recalled the shape of the old apricot tree. During the two years of practice, he had already unknowingly memorized all the details of the old apricot tree in his mind. He even often rested under the tree and talked with the old apricot tree. Accompanied by trees.

Whether it was intentional or not, the old apricot tree was an indispensable presence in his two-year practice. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a companion.

At this time, his body was stretched out, and the body sitting cross-legged looked like the roots of an old tree, faintly like an apricot tree planted in the center of the training room.

His breathing began to gradually fine-tune, and his breathing became gentle and thick. He vaguely felt that the operation route of the exercise was a bit uncomfortable, so he followed his instinct to change the operation route of the exercise. As a result, the exercise of "Ancient Wood Nurturing Spiritual Exercise" The Dharma line changed unconsciously.

Bit by bit, it gradually became very different from the original.

His Qi machine is connected to the earth, and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy is gradually increasing. The spiritual energy circulates continuously in his body, part of which is integrated into the Dantian, and part of which is channeled into the earth and air, returning to heaven and earth.

The spiritual power in his Dantian became more and more pure, but it seemed that there was still a long way to go before he could achieve the so-called spiritual nourishment.

What is the essence of the exercise?

Just when Han Yuan was struggling to find the true meaning of the technique, suddenly, his breathing frequency resonated with the breathing frequency of a distant being!

Far away in an outer courtyard of Gumu Peak, the branches of an old apricot tree began to sway. The wind did not move but the tree moved. The surrounding spiritual energy seemed to be summoned, surrounding the old apricot tree!

The old apricot tree, which has lived for hundreds of years, has finally accumulated enough to transform from a mortal species into a spiritual species!

Inside its tree body, there are mysterious changes taking place, and the spirit of the spiritual tree is sprouting accordingly!

And in this process, a gift of spiritual power belonging to the monk played a finishing touch. That spiritual power was gradually absorbed by the old apricot tree as the old apricot tree's spiritual power flowed, but it also participated in all aspects of the process. The process of the birth of the tree spirit.

Han Yuan was completely unaware of the situation of Old Xingshu. At a certain moment, he seemed to be helped by heaven and earth, and the path of his spiritual power became mysterious again. While the path of his spiritual power changed, his spiritual power seemed to have a special spirituality.

For a moment, he was immersed in it and couldn't extricate himself.

In Cangming Cave Mansion.

Chang Chun looked in the direction of Cangming Tower in confusion, and then he was surprised to see that the trees near Cangming Tower were shaking, and the shaking movements seemed to be celebrating the birth of their companions!

"What happened to those spiritual trees?"

Before he could move a few steps to check, the spiritual trees returned to calm, and everything seemed like an illusion.

But he was definitely not dazzled. It seemed that the master of the palace was practicing some powerful spell, which caused the spiritual tree to fluctuate.

Suddenly, there was some movement in his accessory token. He looked towards the cave gate and saw someone bowing towards him!

"Is someone looking for the palace master?"

Chang Chun used the catkin body technique and his speed soared. He arrived at the gate in a few steps and looked outside.

Taking a closer look, Chang Chun recognized the person who was coming. It was Liu Xinghe, an influential figure among the inner disciples of Lingwen Peak. He was at the ninth level of Qi Refining and the president of the small inner group Xinghe Club. It was rumored that he was about to become a true disciple, but obviously not at all.

"I am Liu Xinghe, an inner disciple. I came here today to visit Han Zhenzhuan. I wonder if Han Zhenzhuan is in person?" Liu Xinghe looked at Chang Chun. Although he was separated by the formation, his eyesight could easily see that the other party was just a Qi Refining Seventh Grader. The disciples on the upper and lower floors are also quite young.

"Sorry, the master of the palace has said that he will not see guests in seclusion. I also ask Master Liu to come again next time."

Chang Chun kept the palace master's words in mind and had no intention of opening the door.

Liu Xinghe frowned secretly. He accidentally learned the news about the appearance of a new true disciple from the disciples of Lingwen Peak Welfare Hall, and immediately rushed to Cangming Cave Mansion.

He learned from the disciple that the other disciple had sent someone to replace the monthly benefits with pulse-protecting pills, so he guessed that the other disciple might be going into seclusion, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

This true successor seemed to pop out of the soil. There was no news about him before, and now he has not even been seen in person, so it is impossible to tell the details.

Liu Xinghe's eyes fell on Chang Chun. From what he just said, he knew that this person knew him. He recalled carefully and it seemed that he had met this person several times.

"Junior brother, if this is the case, can you help collect the gift and hand it over to Han Zhen after it is sent out?"

"Sorry, I can't decide for the Palace Master." Chang Chun said immediately.

"Then can you please help me, junior brother, and let me know when Han Zhen is released? I will thank you with a generous gift!" Liu Xinghe dug into his sleeves and showed a bottle of Qi Condensing Pill.

When Chang Chun saw the bottle of Qi Condensing Pill, he couldn't help but look away. A bottle of Qi Condensing Pill was worth 500 spiritual stones!

This is just a thank you gift for sending a message, and it doesn't require much effort on his part.

But Chang Chun had already experienced the hardships of cultivation before, and he didn't want to lose this rare opportunity.

Therefore, he resolutely said: "I'm sorry, the palace master doesn't want others to disturb him, so please ask Senior Brother Liu to go back."

His tone was firm. At this time, the awe he had for Alliance Leader Liu in the past had been completely eliminated. Instead of being called a senior disciple among sect disciples, he now regarded Liu Xinghe as an ordinary inner sect disciple.

Liu Xinghe paused when he heard the words, looked at Chang Chun deeply, and said: "Since Han Zhenzhuan is in retreat, I will come again next time!"

Chang Chun handed over, then turned back and continued sweeping the floor.

Liu Xinghe turned around and took another look at Cangming Cave Mansion, feeling dissatisfied with Du Yuanhe in his heart: The old man's eyesight is dim and he can't even look down on his high-quality qualifications. He wants to see what is true about this new Han Zhenzhuan. Real materials! What qualifications do you have to occupy Cangming Cave!

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