When he came here, the flying sword only flew for dozens of seconds. Now it took Han Yuan half an hour to return from Lingwen Peak to Gumu Peak.

This is when he used spiritual power to bless the speed all the way.

"To control the flying sword, you need to practice a sword-controlling technique. If you have money, you can exchange one!"

Han Yuan made up his mind.

When he returned to the familiar courtyard, he unexpectedly saw a man standing at the door of the room. Wangcai was standing beside him, staring at him vigilantly.

He seemed to have heard a noise.

The man turned his head and looked over.

Han Yuan recognized him at once. This was Wu Chao who came to force him to "help" with the spirit stone some time ago!

He frowned. What was this person doing here?

Before he could figure it out, Wu Chao bowed from a distance: "Brother Han, I didn't know how high the sky was and how deep the earth was the day before yesterday. I offended Brother Han. Today I come to apologize. This is the apology I prepared. Please accept it, Brother Han!"

Wu Chao held a box with both hands, and his eyes were full of pain when he lowered his head.

Han Yuan was a little surprised: "What are you doing?"

"Please let me go this time, Senior Brother Han! I will never dare to force others to help me again. I have deeply realized my problem. Please give me a chance, Senior Brother Han!"

Han Yuan understood that there was indeed a little conflict between him and Wu Chao. If Han Yuan's cultivation was average and his potential was average, he would have offended him. But now Han Yuan is ranked in the top ten of the outer sect. Whether in terms of strength or potential, he is much higher than Wu Chao. Once Han Yuan breaks through to a high level, he will suffer if he makes trouble for him. Now he comes to apologize, which is also a smart man.

"Put down the box, you can go. It's a small matter, it's nothing!" Han Yuan said lightly.

"Yes, thank you, Senior Brother Han! If you have any instructions in the future, you can find me at any time!"

Wu Chao put the box on the stone platform, bowed again, and then left. When he left, his steps were obviously much lighter.

Han Yuan shook his head and sighed in his heart. In the world of cultivating immortals, strength is still supreme. If you have a hard fist, many troubles will disappear automatically, and even become a good thing.

Han Yuan took a pole and poked the box open from a distance.

There were neatly stacked spirit stones inside.

Han Yuan was a little curious, so he walked up and counted them. There were exactly 150 spirit stones!

"Haha, it's exactly the number you wanted me to help you with. This amount of spirit stones is quite a lot."

You know, he planted blood spirit rice for a season and only got 162 spirit stones!

"It's interesting. This is both an apology and a way of currying favor. If he gets into trouble later, he can find me. This is the way of the world."

Han Yuan shook his head. As for the spirit stones, he naturally accepted them with a smile. As for Wu Chao, he just left an impression and it would be difficult to see him in the future.

"Woof! Woof!"

Wangcai wagged his tail, held his head high, and seemed to say: I stopped him outside the yard.

"Okay, Wangcai, you did a good job. I'll buy you a resource to upgrade to a spirit beast and let you become a spirit beast!" Han Yuan touched Wangcai's head.

Wangcai's tail wagged even more happily, and his little eyes were full of happiness.

Han Yuan returned to the yard, packed up his daily items, patted the old apricot tree in the yard, and said, "Old man, you have been with me for two years, and it is time for me to go. Try your best to absorb and exhale spiritual energy. I hope you will have the opportunity to be spiritual in the future!" The old apricot tree was still motionless as usual. Han Yuan thought about it, injected a spiritual power into the tree, then turned around and picked up Wangcai, and left the yard. Everything depended on the old apricot tree's own luck. Han Yuan left in a flash. After a while, Hu Yifan came over slowly, still holding a box tightly in his hand, but he soon found that Han Yuan's yard was empty and the dog had disappeared. "Is it gone? So soon?" Hu Yifan's face was uncertain, and he left again with a frown. Half an hour later. Han Yuan finally found Cangming Cave Mansion.

It’s better to say it’s a cave than a separate courtyard!

There is a formation spiritual light outside Cangming Cave Mansion, covering an area of ​​a thousand acres.

After using the token to open the formation, you will see the criss-crossing bluestone roads. In the distance there are pieces of square land, which should be spiritual fields. There are dozens of different buildings located everywhere, and there is a four-story building at the top. The tower has three big characters "Cangming Tower" hanging on it!

"This is Cangming Cave, it's so big!"

"Woof! Woof!"

When Wangcai saw such a vast place, he immediately ran inside happily.

Han Yuan followed behind, looking here and there. There were many ancient trees here, and many of them were even considered spiritual trees. The vegetation on the roadside seemed to have been taken care of, and was very neat and pleasing to the eye.

He stood on the edge of a spiritual field, feeling the dense spiritual energy above the spiritual field, and was even more satisfied. These were good planting lands, and the quality was much better than his previous spiritual field!

“There are so many spiritual fields that I can’t grow by myself!”

Han Yuan remembered some of the tasks in the Task Pavilion. In a cave like this, outer disciples and even inner disciples were hired to do various tasks such as planting, cleaning, and care, but...

Generally speaking, caves of this quality are owned by foundation-building monks. Foundation-building monks have money and can recruit people, but now he is so poor that he cannot issue tasks at all.

Moreover, given his apparent cultivation level at the fourth level of Qi Refining, it would be too high-profile to issue a mission.

"It's better to keep a low profile and practice first!"

Han Yuan was not in the mood to look at anything else and shouted to Wangcai: "Wangcai, let's go!"

"Woof! Woof!"

Wangcai ran back in a hurry, squatted next to Han Yuan, and stuck out his little tongue.

"Come on, follow me to the building and I'll arrange a room for you!"

Wangcai blinked and quickly followed.

Han Yuan walked into Cangming Tower and took a quick walk around.

There are nine training rooms on the first floor, and there are various functional rooms on the second floor, including alchemy rooms, weapon refining rooms, etc. The third floor seems to be a living place with a large study room, and the fourth floor should be It is a place for entertaining guests and relaxing, including a tea room, chess room, etc. Looking down from the fourth floor, you have a wide view, and the entire Cangmyeong Cave scenery falls into your eyes, which makes you feel like you are swallowing up the mountains and rivers.

The design principle is also very simple. The first layer is connected to the earth veins, which has the richest spiritual energy, and is used for cultivation. The second layer can take over the spiritual energy of the first layer and can be used for refining weapons and elixirs. The third layer only requires spiritual energy for living. You don’t need too much, as the fourth layer of spiritual energy will be less, just use it for entertaining guests and entertainment.

Han Yuan chose a room on the third floor for Wangcai to live in, and then let him move around freely.

Han Yuan himself came to the first floor, found a training room dedicated to the master of the palace, and stepped in.

"There seems to be no difference in spiritual energy?!"

Han Yuan looked at the wall in confusion, and soon saw a formation switch.

It turns out that the training room has not been started yet.

He flipped the switch and eagerly walked to the middle futon.

As soon as he sat down, he clearly felt that the concentration of spiritual energy in the training room was rising rapidly, and soon reached an astonishing level.

The aura concentration was six to seven times higher than where he originally lived, and he was much more docile.

He started to run the "Ancient Wood Spirit-nurturing Technique" and tried to practice it.

As expected, a few lines of text flashed before his eyes.

[Random gain multiplier: 6]

[Spirit-gathering array’s spirit-gathering effect*600%]

Han Yuan's eyes widened. The spirit gathering effect of the spirit gathering array increased six times?

The next moment, the spiritual energy concentration of the spirit gathering array skyrocketed again, and the spiritual energy that was originally invisible to the naked eye turned into mist!

The spiritual energy pours into the body like the waves of a river, at an exaggerated speed.

"Oh my God, it's too much, too fast!"

Han Yuan's expression changed, and he immediately kept his mind tight and started to run the "Ancient Wood Spiritual Nourishing Technique" with all his strength!

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