Chapter 195 : Zhang Tianshi? Which Zhang Tianshi? Excited Lingbao View Master! [Purchase Customization]

The little Taoist glanced at the five stretchers behind him, then clasped his fists again: “Wait, everyone, let Xiaodao go to tell the elders of the teacher.”

“Thank you, Mr. Xiaodao.

Wu Zongkui returned the gift.

Seeing the back of the little Taoist priest turning and leaving, all of them were nervous and nervous.

Not long.

The little Taoist walked back quickly again: “The head teacher asked me to invite you in, please come with me!”

Everyone was relieved, followed behind the little Taoist leading the way, and walked into the Lingbao Temple.

Looking at Wei Baling’s expression of some information, Wu Zongkui gave him a vaccination, and also reminded everyone to wake up: “Don’t be happy too early, let us in, or you will definitely help us.

Wei Baling and the others had the same expressions, and sighed and said, “Since we are here, it means there is a play, and it may not help us, so we will fight for it ourselves.”

Wu Zongkui nodded infrequently and agreed with Wei Baling’s statement.


There is a play when you come in.

At least there is an opportunity that can be won.

Just eat a closed door and you can’t even get in the door. That’s really troublesome.

Following behind the young Taoist priest, not long after, everyone came to the 403 Hall of Guanqian Da in Lingbaoguan.

In the hall.

Ge Dabao, the head teacher of Gezaoshan Lingbao Viewer, a fat man with a goatee and gray hair and beard, is facing the gate with incense on several statues enshrined in the hall.

“This is our head teacher, Ge Dabao, who will send Bao Bao a real person.”

“Master teacher, people are here.”

The little Taoist introduced to everyone, and then said to Ge Dabao.

“I have seen the real person Songbao!

Wu Zongkui took the lead and Wei Baling followed closely.

The members of the Supernatural Bureau behind them did not move at all.

There is no other reason.

Carrying the stretcher without saluting.

Ge Dabao didn’t pay attention to everyone for the first time, but after putting the incense in his hand into the incense burner, he turned his head back and hugged everyone a Tai Chi seal.

“Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, Pang Dao has seen all heroes.

Wu Zongkui hurriedly said: “Heroes dare not be.”

“How dare not to be?” Ge Dabao shook his head: “All those who help the world and save the people are heroes.”

Wu Zongkui and Wei Baling looked at each other (ahdh), and clasped their fists together: “Thank you for sending Bao Zhenren to praise me.”

“You guys are fighting bloody battles for the world’s common people in the horse leather shroud. You don’t need to be polite with the old man, you don’t need to be polite with the poor, let the poor take a look at their injuries first.

Ge Dabao waved his hand and walked directly to the stretcher behind. Everyone flashed away to make way for Ge Dabao.

Everyone on the stretcher was covered with quilts.

But when Ge Dabao went up, he only saw the faces of a few seriously wounded people, and his expression changed.

It looked like an old Chinese doctor felt the pulse and suddenly shook his head.

Everyone’s hearts also glared.

Wu Zongkui hurriedly asked, “Dao Master, how about it? Is there a way?”

Ge Dabao did not answer, and reached out his hand to gently lift the quilt covering one person.

The shocking injury came into view.

“This” Ge Dabao’s eyebrows were suddenly deep!: “How did this hurt?”

Wu Zongkui replied: “A few of them were caught by Huang Pizi.

“The group of beasts intends to turn them into a murder weapon, so they must use torture to obliterate their minds.

“They are all good-looking, and they have all been able to hold on to them mentally.”

“But, the body didn’t carry it”

Sad, angry!

As Wu Zongkui said, everyone couldn’t help but clenched their fists.

Ge Dabao also sighed and shook his head.

“Real people, are they saved?

Wu Zongkui asked again.

Ge Dabao squinted his eyes for a long time, and said, “Ordinary methods will definitely not be saved. In this case, we must swallow the panacea.

He paused, gritted his teeth and said in a painful voice: “I see that there are not many remaining elixirs, but fortunately there are still a few more, enough to save them.

This statement came out.

Everyone’s eyes widened.

There is no doubt that this time, they can really be happy!

“Can be saved! Saved! Jin Yuan, did you guys hear it? You are saved!” Wu Zongkui was excited, and he bowed his hands to Xie Ge Dabao with Wei 80: “Thank you, the real person, in the future, you can use ours. Place, please let the real person speak!”

Ge Dabao waved his hand, clutching his chest, as if he was a little slumbering: “Okay, you are welcome. Their injury is for the wounds of the people in the world. It should be saved by the poor. Wait, everyone. Go ahead and get the medicine.”

With that said, he walked in the direction of the apse, but it was extremely difficult to walk step by step.

“Zhang Tianshi is right, Ge Zaoshan can really save them…”

“Yes, I have to thank Zhang Tianshi this time, not his words.”

Wei Baling talked with Wu Zongkui, but before they could finish their words, Ge Dabao walked back quickly, squinting his eyes and asking with doubts: “Who? Who did you just say it was?”

“Master Zhang!”

Wei Baling replied.

“Zhang Tianshi? Which Zhang Tianshi?! Where is Zhang Tianshi?”

Ge Dabao’s expression suddenly became extremely agitated. He grabbed Wei 80’s shoulder and shook his whole body.

“Tianshi Zhang, is the celestial master of Longhushan, real person, what’s wrong with you?” Wei 80 was stunned: “Are you kidding me? As the head teacher of Ge Zaoshan, how could you not know the sky of Longhushan? The celestial master of the Shifu?”

“I don’t know what a shit!”

Ge Dabao exploded: “What I asked you was, what is the appearance of Master Zhang Tian and what is his name!!”

“Zhang Tianshi, named Zhang Qingxuan, is a teenager about twenty years old.”

Everyone in the Supernatural Game is still unknown, but Wu Zongkui still followed Ge Dabao’s question and replied: “Although he is young, he is very strong. He is an A-level powerhouse. He has helped us a lot this time. Without his words, we would have been wiped out by the entire army.

“And them.

“If it weren’t for Zhang Tianshi to inject Yuanxi into them and inject energy into their bodies, they would not be able to support them now.

After Wu Zongkui’s savory wine will start from Lin Zhantao’s team asking Zhang Qingxuan to go down the mountain, everything about Zhang Qingxuan will be explained. .

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