Chapter 189 :Which King Kong is not bad? If gold can’t be robbed, I’ll do it. 【Customization】

“What a high-sounding word!”

Zhang Qingxuan’s voice was mixed with vigorous Yuan Xi. After the voice sounded, the golden Sanskrit floating in the sky suddenly fell apart little by little.

Enveloped by the transcendent scriptures, I couldn’t breathe at all, and almost everyone who was about to see the Buddha was relieved and relieved.

Huang Erzhu ran out and shouted from behind: “Go back, go back!”

After hearing the words, everyone hurriedly backed away.

And Huang Dazhu and Huang Erzhu didn’t mean to retreat, they all gritted their teeth and got up, looking like they were going to fight side by side with Zhang Qingxuan.

Zhang Qingxuan smiled at them and shook his head: “He is here to find me. Thank you everyone for helping to resist the file. Then, just leave it to me.”

“That celestial master, be careful!”

“The strength of this bald donkey is very strong, I am afraid it is sufficient to have an innate peak!”

The two looked at each other, and after speaking separately, they all retreated from Zhang Qingxuan’s side with flapping and stomping, and back to the crowd behind.

“Father, San Uncle, are you all right?”

“grandfather ”

Zhang Qingxuan and the old monk looked at each other from a distance.

“You finally came out.” said the white beard monk.

“Come a while later, you will kill everyone here, can I not come?” Zhang Qing’s mouth curled up and said.

“I am not a murderer.”

The white-bearded monk folded his hands together: “I am eliminating demons and eliminating harm for the people.”

“You say who is a demon, then who is a demon?” Zhang Qingxuan asked with a faint smile: “Then you say that people in the world are all demon, so you can kill innocent people wantonly and indiscriminately?”

“It’s not that the poor monk said, it was they who sheltered the demon of the donor you, so they are the demon.” The white-bearded monk said humanely.

“You said that I am the demon, and I am the demon. Isn’t that the same thing?” Zhang Qingxuan asked rhetorically.

“The donor is the demon, not what the poor monk said, it is a fact.” The white beard monk said humanely.

“Then tell me, where are the facts telling you that I am the devil?” Zhang Qingxuan asked.

“The donor destroys my Buddhist instruments, and helps Li Guixie Chong kill my Buddhist destined people for abuse. Isn’t this the devil?” the old monk also asked.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Hearing this, Zhang Qingxuan suddenly raised his head and laughed: “A good man let the ghost kill you a buddhist destined person!”

His laughter stopped in summer, and he said in a concentrated voice: “Your so-called destined person killed three people with your own hands. The one who killed is called a tragic life. This will make them resentful and eventually turn into ghosts, killing people and paying debts. Repaying the money is justified, and you do not distinguish between good and evil. As long as the other party gives money, you are willing to give the magic weapon to make the murderer more confident.”

“The master, tell me, who on earth is helping the gang to abuse him?”

The old monk was about to speak, but was interrupted by Zhang Qingxuan: “Yeah! The price of your buddhist destined people is really not low. You can buy a fate of 50 million. If you buy one night, you are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. This price is for those hands. The money here is for people who are covered with blood, it is undoubtedly too valuable, but Master, what about those poor people?”

“Their lives are in dire straits, I beg you for help, if you don’t have the fifty million, would you also be willing to come up with a magic weapon to help him protect his life?”

The old monk was silent.

After a long time, he called out the Buddha’s name: “Amitabha Buddha, Confucianism has clouds, life and death have fate, wealth and honor are in the sky.”

“A good one has life and death, and riches and honors are in the sky.

Zhang Qingxuan laughed: “If you take 50 million, you are destined. If you don’t have money, you can make you a Buddhist man of Confucianism. You still live and die, rich and rich. Why don’t you express your attitude directly? Tell the world, what to save sentient beings is bullshit, rich and destined, no money, no destiny, you Buddha will not cross the poor?”

“you ”

The old monk’s face became extremely gloomy.

But when he just spoke, he was interrupted by Zhang Qingxuan again: “More!”

“You said that people here are instigated by demons.

“But you tell me, since you are so righteous, you haven’t seen it for so many major events for so many years. You are the shadows of the righteous monks sitting high in the Great Hall of the Great Heroes?”

“Why are there so many demons in the world nowadays, the people don’t have a chance to live, don’t you do your best to go down the mountain to save the people of Li people in the water and fire?”

“Why don’t you save 50 million if you don’t have money?”

“What about your righteousness? How awe-inspiring?”

“There are so many righteous things in the world waiting for people to do, but you have been chasing me all the way to this point. Is it because you want to be righteous for the people, or are you jealous of me for destroying your magical weapons, and the fortunes of thousands of miles rushed to avenge you? Do not follow the righteousness but follow the hatred, so the six elements are not pure for profit, this is the boundless Dharma taught to you by your Buddha?,

Listen to Zhang Qingxuan’s impassioned and passionate words.

The people of the Huang family in the rear are all a little bit enthusiastic.

That is the approval from the soul.

“‘”The devil, dare to insult me, Buddha, and today I will let you taste what the vajra means to conquer the devil!”

The old man with white beard is already furious.

It was the anger that became angry after being pricked at the center by the sentence.

A monk who recites the scriptures all day and does not lose any profession when it comes to debates, Zhang Qingxuan said that he was speechless, incompetent and furious, and could only use force to solve the problem. What a mockery, and what a relief.

“I didn’t insult you Buddha.”

Zhang Qingxuan sneered: “It’s what you did that made all the gold scum on your Buddha’s face fall off!”

While they were talking, the two punched each other on the tongue.

The full golden old monk was smashed by this fist and stepped back several steps. He looked at Zhang Qingxuan’s golden fist in disbelief, and asked: “Why are you not my Buddhism King Kong? Bad?”

“What King Kong is not bad?”

Zhang Qingxuan sneered: “The golden gun will not grab me.”

“This is my Taoist Golden Light Mantra. The old monk sits in retreat in the mountain temple all day long. No matter how many scriptures he read, it is also a frog at the bottom of the well. I suggest that you go out and walk more in the future.

Zhang Qingxuan said, and raised his sword eyebrows again: “Oh yes, you have no chance.

“However, in your life, you should have done so many things by imposing a word of devil on others, and then you will kill it in a high-sounding way, right?”

“That said, after a while you die, maybe you will become a ghost?,

Zhang Qingxuan rubbed his chin and nodded: “That said, it’s really very possible.”

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