Chapter 187 : Shelter demons, commits the same sins with demons, and punishes them! The old monk who has never used his true strength! [Customization]

At this time.

The old lady rushed over.

Nearly arrived with him, Huang Hao, and his mother, who had always had a touch of superiority between his eyebrows, but now it has long since disappeared and only the haggard woman is left.

They all looked worriedly.

And in the dark.

There was another figure quietly watching all this.

It’s Huang Ying!

Her eyes glowed with a yellowish light.

Compared with the pale paler face just now, the blush has been restored, and the bright red lips and the no longer haggard face look very good.

And if someone lifted her drape and looked at it, she could find it.

Under her empty cloak, the blood-stained, shocking back, turned out to be extremely smooth.

The scars of the “three nines seven” have all disappeared, and there is no scar left, as if nothing happened.

Two to one.

But when the two of “Huang Dazhu” and “Huang Sanzhu” joined forces, they still couldn’t have the upper hand in the battle against the old monk.

The defenses of King Kong’s non-destructive are superb. “Huang Dazhu”‘s knives are about to roll, and “Huang Sanzhu”‘s claws are about to break, and it still doesn’t hurt the old monk at all.

Moreover, the strength of the old monk is extremely strong.

They don’t have such a strong defensive ability as King Kong is not bad. An old monk who accidentally gets punched by the old monk is a surge of blood and almost directly vomits a mouthful of blood.

Seeing that his father and uncle were gradually retreating, Huang Li gritted his teeth and asked himself: “Xianjia, let’s go up and help, will they improve their chances of winning?”

“I don’t know, but it should be able to be contained a little bit, but to what extent and how long it can be contained, I don’t know.

“Huang Li” answered his own words.

“Then go! Containing for a while is a while!”

Hearing this, Huang Li rushed forward without hesitation.

Seeing that Huang Li was on, a few middle-aged men who were not as strong as Huang Li, but if not too many, looked at each other, all beat the snare drum, and then rushed up, including Huang Sanzhu’s. Son, Huang Lin.

For a time, the situation went from two to one to nearly one in ten.

But with such a large number of people suppressed, the old monk still hasn’t lost the slightest bit.

There may be flaws in his moves and he will be hit between sieges.

But his King Kong is not bad, and there are no flaws.

Even if he is hit, he can only leave a pale white mark on his body, and it will disappear in the blink of an eye, causing no harm at all!

Relying on this absolute defense, the old monk rampaged under the siege of the crowd.

And soon, he also caught a flaw in the Huang family.

A heavy punch slammed down.

Another figure sprayed with blood and flew out. This time he flew upside down in the direction of no one. He slammed straight on a wall, smashed the wall through a big hole, and fell to the other side of the wall.

Everyone hurried up to check each other’s injuries.

But then, the third and the fourth, even Huang Lin flew upside down.Although Huang Li was not smashed into the air, he slipped out a few meters with blood soaking in the corner of his mouth, kneeling on the ground and clutching his chest. , There is no power to fight again.

The situation again turned into Huang Dazhu and Huang Sanzhu against the white-bearded monk.

But Huang Dazhu and Huang Sanzhu have obviously suffered serious injuries.

The corner of one mouth was bleeding, and the hand holding the knife was dripping with blood.

The other hand was bloody and bloody, and the nails on that palm had all been split.

The two attacked at the same time again.

A knife and claw, one pierced the throat of the white-bearded monk, and the other pierced the back of the white-bearded monk’s heart.



The white-bearded monk suddenly called out a dharma sign with his hands folded, and then gave a soft drink.


With an irresistible force, Sannyin knocked both of them off.

When dancing.

Everyone in the Huang family who watched from the side, their hearts were all pulled to the extreme.

“It’s harder than the stone in the fucking pit!”

“Huang Sanzhu” stood up swayingly and wiped the bloody channel at the corner of his mouth: “If this is Laozi’s body, you will definitely not be able to support Laozi’s three claws.

To cultivate into a fairy family, one must abandon one’s own body.

“Oh shit!”

“Huang Dazhu” took a sip of blood, knelt on one knee and propped it with a knife, and cursed: “If Laozi has a magic weapon in his hand, you will definitely break all your teeth!”

The old monk did not pursue the victory.

After hearing the words of the two, he smiled softly.

“It’s a pity that this donor is not an ontology.

“This donor, there is no magic weapon in his hands.”

“So the two donors are not the opponents of the poor monks, so don’t do more entanglement, get out of the way as soon as possible, and let the poor monks go and subdue the demons.”


Huang Dazhu sneered and stood up from the kneeling ground. He braved the yellow brilliance, his eyes were full of determination, and said: “Zhang Tianshi is my brother’s savior, that is, my savior. The grace of dripping water is still springing. Report, the grace of life-saving is as great as heaven, if you want to, just step on my corpse!”

“And me!” 3.7

Huang Sanzhu behind the white-bearded monk also yelled angrily.

They are all speaking now.

When the voice fell, the two brothers rushed towards the old monk again.

At this moment, the smile at the corner of the white-bearded monk’s mouth has completely faded, replaced by endless cold and solemn killings.

“Persevering in covering up demons, and committing the same sins as demons, you should be punishable!”

He put his hands together with no expression on his face, and after muttering to himself, a murderous intent erupted, as cold as a knife like a howling wind on the snow-capped mountain suddenly swept away, the stone bricks under his feet cracked, and the afterimages were facing him. Huang Dazhu who came rushed away.

This is..

Innate peak!?

He actually used his true strength from beginning to end!?

The faces of Huang Lao Da and Huang Lao San were suddenly pale as snow. .

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