Chapter 163 : Hearty! Thrilling! The two girls who joined hands! [Customize]

Zhang Qingxuan’s sight was more or less attracted by the crutch in his hand.

That is beyond the breath of magical implements.

It must be the god soldier who broke the rope of Yixi’s transformation!

“The Lord has finally come out.”

Zhang Qingxuan’s mouth curled up, and he laughed: “I thought you would have to watch your children and grandchildren being slaughtered clean by me before you would be willing to show up.”

“Longhushan celestial master.

Looking at Zhang Qingxuan, the Huang Pizi murmured to himself: “Heavenly Master’s Mansion, sure enough, there are still remnants, and Jingran has grown to this point.”

“At a young age, having this amazing cultivation base is really incredible.”

“If you let it grow up, it will become a major disaster.”

“Fortunately, the veterans of the Daomen like to be nosy, and they took the initiative to send it to the door.

“In that case, the immortal is not stingy, and will personally send you to see your ancestors and ancestors!”

His voice was very low and the distance was so far that Zhang Qingxuan did not hear clearly what he was saying.

With only the last sentence, he increased the volume and passed it into Zhang Qingxuan’s ears.

After the voice fell.

He also smashed the roof with one foot, wiped the magic soldier’s crutches and rushed to Zhang Qingxuan.

Zhang Qingxuan’s body was golden light as bright as the day, lightning hovering between his hands, also rushing out like lightning.

In the blink of an eye, one person and one weasel had already hedged together!

The huge fist entwined with thunder and lightning slammed down.

The ancestors of the weasel put up the crutches with both hands to resist, and at the same time the huge tail cut Zhang Qingxuan’s throat like a sharp knife.

This product is the existence that develops the tail to the extreme.

The second ancestor of the Weasel, who has been killed by Zhang Qingxuan, can only be regarded as a child’s play!

A whip leg was pulled out and the tail was kicked back. Zhang Qingxuan’s left hand was transformed into a palm, and a hand knife wrapped in thunder and lightning suddenly pierced out.


The hand knife was once again resisted by the crutches of the magic soldier.

However, the incidental lightning spread along the knife and rushed towards the hands of the weasel ancestor!

The tyrannical power of the purple-gold thunder and lightning made the weasel ancestor temporarily release his hands for a while, and after dodge the thunder and lightning, he held it again, suddenly exerting force.

When scuffled together, it seemed to outsiders that they could only see a group of afterimages, one person and one weasel separated, and both went backwards.

After retreating for a while, he rushed towards the opponent again with his toes!

During the fight, the loud sound seemed to make the earth tremble.

With the afterimages pervading, Cai Rao of Jinguang Optoelectronics is extremely gorgeous.

“Good boy!”

The Weasel ancestor laughed: “I haven’t played so cool and heartily in a long time, so refreshing!”

Zhang Qingxuan’s mouth evokes: “Your strength is also the only thing I have seen in my life.

The fighting spirit became more intense, and the two played against each other less and less effort.

The terrifying attack caused a burst of air and explosion, causing a whistling wind to spread around the two people as the center.

In the strong wind, there was still a strong energy aftertaste, and the yellow skin that was a little closer, turned out to be directly blown by the strong wind, and his whole body was full of wounds, and he died on the spot.

“Is Master Zhang an opponent?

Wu Zongkui glanced in that direction.

The terrifying scene of the fight made him worried.

Is this the battle between A-level powers?

The rest of the people also felt their scalp numb.

Even if they were closer, they were afraid that they would be the same as the yellow skins. When they were overwhelmed by the air force of the two, and the impact of the fight, they rushed to death on the spot, leaving them to pieces.

“Brother Tianshi must be able to fight that smelly weasel looking for teeth everywhere!

Li Luo answered Wu Zongkui’s muttered question.

“He will definitely win.”

Ningbing spoke almost at the same time.

The two people’s thoughts are rare. They looked at each other, then snorted each other, and continued to attack the yellow skins that were rolling in.

But at this moment.

A yellow streamer rushed out from the Huangxian Temple.

Class B!

Everyone was shocked, Ning Bing and Li Luo twitched their hands almost at the same time, and instead hit the yellow streamer that came straight forward.

The yellow streamer was forced back, and his figure appeared after landing.

Surprisingly, it is a very similar existence to the second and third ancestors who were overthrown by Zhang Qingxuan in the village committee.

And he is the four ancestors of the weasel!

Without stopping after landing, he flew directly towards the crowd, and his first goal was Li Luo!

The ancestor Huang Pizi, who rushed like a cannonball, enlarged sharply in front of her eyes. Li Luo’s pretty face turned white, and her hands waved thunder and lightning towards the other party, but the other party turned out to be completely fearless. After the wind collided with thunder and lightning, it directly offset the thunder and lightning.

Li Luo hurriedly released the thunder and lightning again, but was also resisted in the same way.

Seeing that Huang Pizi couldn’t stop the rushing, Li Luo’s face suddenly turned white.

She naturally has a more powerful killer move.

But at this speed, it is too late…


A huge ice sword descended from the sky, accompanied by a silent “Demacia”, crashing down with great force.

The four ancestors of Huang Pizi finally had to stop.

Li Luo suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

She turned to look at Ning Bing, but met Ning Bing’s arrogant gaze.

310 Huangpizi’s four ancestors were resisted, and turned to Ningbing angrily.

Ningbing once again condensed the ice sword, but the four ancestors of Huangpizi, who had been prepared for a long time, would be easily pushed back this time, almost the same as his brother, after scratching the ice sword into pieces with sharp claws, The figure didn’t stop at the slightest, and went straight into the ice.

However, he just rushed out a few steps, before Ningbing’s ice shield had time to condense, he was hit by a white-blue lightning and hit his butt, and flew out suddenly.

This thunder and lightning was a lot thicker than what was gathered just now, and directly caused the yellow hair around the yellow leather tail to be burnt to black.

Ning Bing also turned his head and glanced at Li Luo.

Li Luo’s gaze was also arrogant, and her shallow eyebrows were raised lightly, as if she was saying “even out”.

“First teamed up to solve it.”

“Kill this stinky weasel together first.”

The two women spoke almost in unison.

“You all have to die, huh”

The four ancestors of Huangpizi who fell into the air took a look at the scorched black tail and roared to his feet.

And just as he raised his head with gritted teeth, he saw a thunder and lightning as thick as a bucket, and a huge cone of ice.

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