Chapter 161 : A demonic temple, for the people and revenge! [Customization]

There is no other way.

Wu Zongkui shook his head: “Hey, that’s the only way to go.”

“However, we need to find someone with a stronger sense of direction to lead the way.”

He turned his head and glanced around at the crowd.

Everyone was silent.

It’s a big deal.

None of them is sure that they can lead this way.

Zhang Qingxuan also glanced at everyone, shook his head and said: “I will lead the way-let me show you the map.”

Hearing Zhang Qingxuan’s words, everyone was relieved.

They believe in Zhang Qingxuan far more than they believe in themselves.

And Zhang Qingxuan really has this certainty.

After his spiritual knowledge spread, it was equivalent to having a bird’s-eye view of the terrain in his mind.

Looking down and walking from a high place, it is quite easy to lock in one direction and keep walking in a straight line.

In this way, the team continued to move forward, but the person leading the way was changed from Wu Zongkui to Zhang Qingxuan.

Under the precise guidance of Zhang Qingxuan, he walked forward for about ten minutes, and a layer of employment gradually began to appear in front of everyone. The more you walk forward, the more dense the fog.

Although it is very foggy at night, the fog usually dissipates during the day, even in the mountains.

Especially now it’s still violent

“Master Zhang, this fog seems a bit evil.”

Wu Zongkui was behind him and reminded Zhang Qingxuan of the two women, one left and the other right behind him.


Zhang Qingxuan nodded.

Wu Zongkui could see it, but he couldn’t see it anywhere.

This fog is just ordinary fog, there is nothing special about it, and it is not poisonous.

So he didn’t say anything.

However, although they are not toxic, they still have a risk that gradually increases under such dense fog.

That is

Was attacked!


Suddenly, a scream sounded!

Everyone was shocked, and they all looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw that it was a yellow leather that didn’t know where it came from and bit on the neck of one of the team members!


Everyone’s complexion changed suddenly.

Ning Bing waved his hand and summoned an ice cone, but before she had time to make a move, Li Luo had already frowned her small eyebrows, and pointed out one step at a time.


A dazzling blue-white electric light hit the yellow leather, but it was just right to not cause the player to be injured a second time.

When it was over, she gave Ning Bing a provocative look.

Ning Bing dissipated the cone without expression.

It’s just that the cold complexion has become more intense.

The thin black old man was the closest to the member, so he rushed up and grabbed the weasel that was scorched black by Li Luo’s thunder and tried to pull it off the member’s neck.

But the yellow leather bite too tightly.

It’s still so tight after death..

Lao Zhou didn’t dare to pull, because he was afraid of pulling his head too far, he directly connected his muscles and bones, so that the life team would return to the west on the spot.

“Crush his head first!”

“Get out of the way, let me pinch!”

Wu Zongkui rushed up quickly.

But when he walked in front of the rolling member, he was puzzled: “Huh?”

Then, his eyes widened suddenly, and he laughed loudly.

“Team Wu, what are you doing with such a happy smile, hurry up and save people!”

This undoubtedly makes people all look stupid.

But Wu Zongkui kicked the member who was rolling on the floor: “Your mother, get up!”

“Team Wu, I am a wounded, and you still kick me? Why doesn’t it hurt if you kicked me? Huh? It doesn’t hurt if you bite me?”

The wounded man who was rolling stood up, and he pulled the yellow leather off in confusion.

Reached out and touched his neck, unscathed

“Fu Ce! It is the talisman given to us by Zhang Tianshi just now!”

Suddenly, someone shouted.

Everyone suddenly realized.

“I’ll just say, the talisman given by Master Zhang. Doesn’t it hurt to hit yourself?”

“I didn’t deny you! But why did the golden light on our bodies have disappeared, and the anti-beating attributes are still there?”

“Yeah! And, I really want to still can’t feel it.”

Everyone looked at Zhang Qingxuan.

“The golden light is too eye-catching. I mobilized the Yuan Huang of Fu Zhuan to let the golden light hide under your skin.”

Zhang Qingxuan explained.

As soon as his words fell, someone stretched out his old wound that hadn’t healed before: “Hey! Look, the wound is really glowing!’

0……Look for flowers….

Seeing him showing his luminous flesh and blood, everyone was silent for a while and continued to drive in the thick fog.

But the sense of security in everyone’s hearts at this moment is overwhelming compared to just now.

Ningbing also knew.

Why is he not afraid of the cold? Zhang Qingxuan will continue to put a picture on himself as always.

Walked a little further.

The denseness of the fog can be said to be invisible.

Zhang Qingxuan yelled, and everyone followed the one in front of him.

In this way, one after another, under his leadership, quickly passed through the mist. Although Blizzard still used wine and wine, the world was already clear.

And after it came out.

When everyone looked at each other, their eyes widened.

One by one, each of them has two slender weasels hanging around their necks.

“Ah! It’s disgusting!”

There was a flash of electric light on the bitch’s neck, which scorched the weasel directly.

A layer of frost condensed on Ningbing’s neck, which scorched the two weasels as well.

Wu Zongkui squeezed to death one by one

Among the crowd, only Zhang Qingxuan had nothing on his neck.

As soon as the weasel came up, he was beaten to pieces with one punch.

His gaze was placed not far ahead.

There is a temple covered with moss.

Demon spirit soaring!

“Then, over there!”

Someone exclaimed.

So people have also noticed the existence of this Huangxian Temple.

“Damn, I finally found a place.

Two cold killing intents broke out in Wu Zongkui’s eyes: “Everyone, listen to my orders!”


Everyone answered in a low voice.

“For the people, to avenge the Liu Jinyuan team!”

Wu Zongkui snarled, “Go in! Get me down!


Someone showed a weapon.

Someone’s hands burst into flames.

Vines entangled under someone’s feet

Everyone glared at the Huangxian Temple.

And at this moment.

Abnormal changes occur suddenly. superior,

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