Chapter 158 : The swimsuit that appeared out of thin air? All the evils in the world are my generation, let the sun and the moon change into a new sky! [Customization]


Seeing Zhang Qingxuan’s back for a long time, she stomped her feet vigorously, sucked her mouth and whispered to herself: “I just wanted to let Brother Tianshi admit that you had seen the album, but you didn’t expect Brother Tianshi to be like this. clever.”

“But then, Brother Tianshi, don’t regret your cleverness!”

As she talked, her expression showed a thick cunning expression, but her face was inexplicably reddened again.

What is this all about!

When he arrived at the place arranged by the old village chief, Zhang Qingxuan listened to the faint sound of burning anthracite, thinking about what had happened, and after a leisurely sigh, he raised his head and lay on the bed.

He opened the system panel and took a look.

Just now, the two B-level Huangpi gave 20,000 points and 15,000 points respectively.

Plus the original 11,000 points, and there are a total of 46,000 points.

It’s still half way away from being able to draw a prize from the platinum prize pool

Twenty platinum prize pool draws are required to unlock the diamond prize pool.

Now I have smoked five times, and it is still 15 times short, that is to say, there is still a short of 107.5 million points. If you subtract this forty-six, you still have a short of 1,450,400.


A long way to go.

I just don’t know what will be in the diamond prize pool

Thinking secretly, Zhang Qingxuan soon fell asleep.

When he woke up, he was sounded by a loud noise from far away.

Suddenly, Zhang Qingxuan put on a robe, walked out of the house and yard, and came to the street.

Not far from the street, a group of villagers gathered, and people from the supernatural situation were also there. It seemed that something had happened.

“What’s wrong?

Zhang Qingxuan stepped forward to ask.

“Master Zhang.

Wu Zongkui turned his head and glanced when he heard the question. After seeing that it was Zhang Qingxuan, he quickly stepped aside so that Zhang Qingxuan could fully see what they were surrounding.

It was on the brick wall. The two lines written in scarlet handwriting had a strong smell of blood and were written in blood.

Those are two lines of poem.

“All the evils in the world are my generation, so the sun and the moon will change into a new sky

Zhang Qingxuan chanted gently.

I don’t know the meaning, but from the literal meaning, this is obviously not a good thing.

However, the focus of the discussion here is not the meaning of these two poems.

It’s who wrote this and how it was written!

“Last night we separated half of the manpower for martial law. The entire village was almost tightly armed, and the latest equipment was also used, but we didn’t see anything suspicious, nor did we catch any energy fluctuations.”

Wu Zongkui told Zhang Qingxuan.

“Nothing appeared, but it was written in blood on the wall?”

Zhang Qingxuan raised his sword eyebrows slightly, and at this moment, he already had the answer in his heart.

Although he fell asleep last night, his spiritual consciousness was unfolding even in his sleep.

Don’t talk about being so close to him.

Even in the entire village, wherever a little bit of evil spirit appeared, he could quickly catch it for the first time.

However, he didn’t notice any of them last night.

This shows what?

It shows that the person who came is not stronger than his cultivation base, and a much stronger existence, or some puppets that are only infused with a little primordial power control and have no ability to attack.

The former is obviously not.

The cultivation base is much better than Zhang Qingxuan?

Zhang Qingxuan doesn’t know if there is any in this world, but if it really exists, then the other party can do it directly, so why should he write such a paragraph?


“It should not be Xie Chong who wrote this word, but something like a puppet.”

Zhang Qingxuan said.


Wu Zongkui and others were all taken aback: “Then what is the meaning behind this?”

Zhang Qingxuan shook his head.

Anyone can understand the meaning.

But the meaning

If you don’t understand the cause and effect, where can you understand the meaning?

“Finally, everyone will go back and prepare, the plan remains unchanged, and we will leave on time at 8 o’clock.”

Wu Zongkui thought for a while, and shook his head and said to everyone.

Their plan is to take the initiative and go into the mountains to find the Huangxian Temple.

Passive, you will be beaten.

And the location of Huangxian Temple

Whether the old village chief or the fairy house in the drum, they can only give a rough idea.

Because the Huangxian Temple, you can find it when you want to find it. When you don’t want to find it, you can’t find it anyway, so you can only get to the approximate location, relying on Zhang Qingxuan’s means, and then look for more Precise location.

It’s only six o’clock in the morning.

Zhang Qingxuan naturally has no plans to go back to sleep.

There is an iron kettle next to the carbon stove.

Zhang Qingxuan had nothing to do, made a pot of water, picked up a tea bowl, and took out the one or two spirit tea he had drawn earlier from the storage space, pinched it a little, and brewed it.

Need time.

The tea fragrance is overflowing, which makes people feel bright and refreshing. Zhang Qingxuan took a sip, and this feeling is even more numerous.

I see.

Zhang Qingxuan got it.

This tea is actually used to accumulate spiritual consciousness!

Gush, the things produced by the system, as expected, there is no waste.

I took out the 30 kilograms of jerky from the bronze prize pool and pulled a piece of it. Early in the morning, while eating the jerky and drinking a sip of hot tea, looking at the snowy scenery of the mountain village wrapped in silver outside the window, it was not bad. A pleasant thing.


“what is this?”

And just after Zhang 273 Qingxuan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, after opening it again, he found that

I don’t know when there is something more on my bed.


It stands out on the red linen quilt.

Zhang Qingxuan reached out and took it up.


The tea almost sprayed out two long dragons from his nostrils.


It was that girl who secretly let it go while she was out just now, without even thinking about Zhang Qingxuan.


She actually brought a bathing suit in the winter? Could it be said that what she said is true? Is she really planning to observe a live version for herself?


Absolutely wrong!

My judgment last night is absolutely correct

Zhang Qingxuan stretched out his hand and climbed up his chin, and analyzed.

For whatever reason, she really brought this swimsuit.

Last night I took this to tell me that I have actually seen the photo album, so as to seize my handle, but after I saw it through, I strictly refused.

So, she took advantage of her absence and put the swimsuit on her bed.

The purpose is to let myself see it, regret the decision I made yesterday, scratch my head, and even take the initiative to look for her.

Bitch girl, bitch girl, you deserve it.

But you forgot to count it in.

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