Chapter 148 : Support from the Supernatural Bureau, the goddess of ice and snow! The last two hours of life! [Customize]

“Think beautiful!”

And just at the moment of this critical moment, he roared, curled up with his tail, and re-protected his neck.

It’s over!

The expression of the “old village chief” suddenly became dimmed.

This time he was betting.

Weasel is not good at using its tail, so he has to bet on whether the other party can reflect it and protect himself with his tail.

But obviously it is.

He lost the bet.

This Huangpizi third ancestor, his great nephew, reacted!

“Boy, sorry!”

The “Old Village Chief” murmured to himself, his pupils gradually enlarged, as if waiting for death.

But at this moment.

A cone of ice flew as fast as lightning, and pierced into the forearm of the third elder of the Weasel with a chuckle.The powerful force and the numbness caused by the cold made his fatal blow to the old man deviate a lot. , Failed to hit.

He hurriedly wanted to make it up again, but the “old village chief” had already kicked out like lightning and hit his belly 07. With the help of this kick, he flew upside down for a long distance.

“Damn it! Who is it!”

The fatal blow was defeated, and everything was lost.The third elder of the weasel pulled out his arm and pierced the fur, but the biting cold turned the whole piece of skin into a blue cone, and he roared angrily. .

“Your grandpa is here!

Outside the office, a roar rang out.

Wu Zongkui jumped in with a big knife in his hand.

The rest of the supernatural situation followed closely behind.

Finally, an aura that made the entire office become colder walked in. It was the ice that stabbed the three ancestors of the weasel with ice thorns!

“Who are you?”

Seeing the people who filed in to get themselves up for the supernatural situation, the third grandmother of the weasel raised his eyes and lowered his voice, but still asked with murderous intent.

“Come to kill your people!”

This time, it was the cold snort of Ningbing’s mouth.

“It’s ridiculous, just rely on you?”

The three old ancestors of the Weasel sneered disdainfully, and as soon as the voice fell off, he suddenly thought of something, his smile stiffened: “You are the same group as the few people who killed our children and grandchildren before!”

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of everyone in the Supernatural Bureau suddenly changed.

Wu Zongkui angrily asked, “What have you done to them?”

The three ancestors of the weasel raised their heads and laughed: “What else? Of course, I killed them all, skinned and cramped, not one left!”

“you wanna die!”

Wu Zongkui shouted angrily, the long knife twisted and exploded, and went straight to the third elder weasel.

“Mother, fuck him!”

Wei Baling also roared angrily, his fists glowed with white light, and aimed at the third elder of the weasel, two white streamers shot out suddenly.

The black and thin old man and others also followed suit and launched an offensive.

Ningbing waved his slender hands, and from the feet of the third elder weasel, a huge snowflake burst open, freezing his feet firmly on the ground, unable to move.

Seeing this, a look of relief flashed across the “old village chief”‘s face, and after a long sigh of relief, he muttered: “Boy, let me give you a sigh of relief, so you can live two more hours, if If someone can find a way to save you within two hours, then you and I will still have the chance to see you again, if not.”

“Then only the next life.

“Old village chief” finished speaking, and nodded again: “Thank you ancestors.”

“May you live.

In the past, the old ancestors would definitely laugh out loud when they heard the old village chief’s thanks.

But now, he can’t laugh anymore

Everyone besieged the third ancestor of Huangpizi in the Supernatural Game. Although they were bound by the ice, the goods were a bit too rough and thick. Using a pair of furry arms against everyone’s offensive was completely easy to do, and even backhanded Wu Zongkui. With a slap, even if he was dodged in time, there were still three shallow scratches on his face.

Wu Zongkui yelled, “Dead beasts, have you been vaccinated against rabies?” Then he rushed forward again.

During the period, Ning Bing also opened her hands to face the third ancestor of Huangpizi. The blue light all over her body became brighter and brighter, her blue hair fluttering and blue pupils shone like ice crystals, completely like a goddess of ice and snow.

And under her ability.

The ice on the three ancestors of Huang Pizi, which originally only froze their feet, gradually began to spread upward, from the feet to the ankles, and then to the entire legs, spreading upwards at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The third ancestor gradually began to panic.While resisting the offensive of the people in the Lingyi, he struggled hard, trying to break free from the ice that had frozen himself, but the other side of the ice was still continuously increasing the ability, so that he had just broken free. Drive some, and then freeze again, the cycle goes back and forth, the ice that freezes him, still continues to spread upward little by little.

Seeing the reinforcements came, the weasel didn’t seem to get any advantage under the siege, and everything seemed to be developing in a good direction, but the villagers on the sidelines were not happy at all.

“The village chief, this time you should really be dying, right?”

Tie Dan was the first to jump up again. He knelt next to the village chief 250 who was lying on the ground, picked him up and put him on his lap. The hard-covered man was crying at this moment.

The man does not flick when he has tears, but he hasn’t reached the point of sadness

“The village chief! You can’t die!”

“You are dead, what shall we do?”

“Village Chief”

The villagers knelt down in the vicinity of the village chief, and even the old people who were much older than the village also knelt down.

This kneeling is a kindness, regardless of the age of the young or old.

“Can you stop crying for Laozi in such a hurry?”

In Tiedan’s arms, the weak voice of the village head Huang Erzhu sounded again, and through the whimpers, it reached everyone’s ears.

Everyone’s cries stopped abruptly again.

“The village chief, are you still alive?”

“You are not dead?

“I’m not dead, why pretend to be dead, and deceive our feelings

Tie Dan was not angry, and wanted to put Huang Erzhu down directly.

“I’m dying, I can live for another two hours.”

At this time, the village chief said.

As soon as this remark came out, Tiedan’s thoughts were immediately dispelled, and he quickly asked, “Village Chief, how do you feel?”

“Village Chief”

The faces of the other villagers also became ugly again.

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