Chapter 146 : Give up your life, please immortal; I have regretted once, and can’t have a second time, even if it is to sacrifice my life! [Customization]

“The village chief, let’s go, you have done enough for us, there is no need to lose our lives for us!”

A shout suddenly broke the silence in the conference room.

The person who speaks is an iron egg.

His words seemed to awaken the dreamer, making everyone worried, afraid that the village chief would agree, and then the villagers who abandoned them all woke up.


The village chief has done enough for them!

Now there is a way out in front of the village chief.

How can they go to extravagantly ask the village chief to give up and die here with them?

“Yes, the village chief, don’t worry about us, you go quickly~!

“The village chief! Instead of us all dying here, it is better to leave directly, so that we can die one less person…”

“Your kindness is nothing we can do in this life. It seems we can only wait until the next life to repay you. After you leave, you must live longer-live longer.”

Everyone is persuading the old village chief Cheng Cheng.

Let the old village chief take care of them, walk straight out of the door not far in front of him, and walk towards the Kangzhuangsheng road.

But in this voice of persuasion.

The old village chief silently touched the skin drum behind him, and knocked down the dry tobacco pole in his hand.

“do not want!”

“village head!”

All the pupils shrank and shouted.

They all heard what the voice inside the drum had just said.

If the old village chief summons the immortal family in the drum to come out, then the old village chief will be in distress.

No matter how they call.

The pipe in the hands of the old village chief still did not stand still.

“Are you crazy!?”


Weasel asked with eyes widened in disbelief.

Almost simultaneously.

The misty voice in the drum also rang: “Are you crazy?!”

“No, I’m not crazy!

“My old life, born for this, died for this!”

Huang Erzhu’s old face was full of strong determination: “I was not able to save the life of my wife and children with my own hands. Even if you give your life for it!”

He roared: “Old ancestor, help me!”

“Okay! Boy, this fairy chose you, it’s the right choice!”

Inside the drum, a promise sounded, and then a burst of golden brilliance broke out again. In the light, the old village chief Xianglou’s shriveled body became muscular knotted visible to the naked eye.

“village head!”

“village head!!

“Village Chief”

With a cry, the villagers in the rear looked at the old village chief’s back that had become broad and full of power, and they couldn’t help but choked up, and the whimpers became one piece, making everything extremely desolate


“Simply a lunatic!”

The weasel, who was still carrying the old god, was completely panicked.

He let the old village chief go. Naturally, he didn’t really let the old village chief go. He just observed in secret and saw the terrifying power after the old village chief asked the immortal upper body. I die together.

But he never realized it.

He has let the old village head go, but the old village head still wants to die with him

“Quickly, stop him!”

The yellow skin yelled, and countless weasels from outside swarmed in like mice crossing the street, and he wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape.

“Go back to Laozi, all!”

The “Old Village Chief” yelled angrily.

All the weasels who rushed in had their steps, and after looking at each other, they all turned around and fled again.

“What are you doing! Stop him for me!”

The yellow leather who was about to escape was rushed back again, shouting hysterically at the weasels who ran out again.

But obviously, his words are not as good as the “old village chief”.

That is a species suppression deep into the bone marrow!

Although they are all weasels, the “old village chief” is already an existence!

“Waste, all waste!!

Huang Pizi yelled, jumped up and stepped on the weasels who ran out of Wuyang Wuyang, planning to step on them to escape here.

0……for flowers…

But just as he jumped up, the “old village chief” appeared on his side like a ghost, and pinched his slender body.

It’s over!

The yellow skin felt ashamed for a moment.

Feeling that the palm of his hand has begun to use force, and he didn’t even give himself a chance to be burned, he shouted in despair: “The ancestors save me!”


His voice fell, as if the ancestors really heard his call, a branch flew from the meeting room like an arrow with the power of thunder, and pierced the “old village chief”‘s wrist.

The “Old Village Chief” constricted his brows slightly, ignoring that he would squeeze this stuff to death, and his hand retracted like lightning.

There was a smell.


The branches pierced deeply into the ground.

The loosened yellow leather also fell to the ground and fled out like lightning.

The coming person is not the “old ancestor” in his words, but for him, he is also an ancestor.

A stature of two meters long, the burly yellow skin seemed to appear out of thin air, standing outside the door, there was a shocking scar on his abdomen, if Liu Jinyuan stood here, he would definitely be able to recognize it at a glance, this weasel , Is one of those two ambush in the woods-!

“Three ancestors, it’s crazy, it wants to ask the Xian family to upper body if it wants to die…”

After the yellow skinny escaped, he hid behind the burly weasel and spoke very fast in a sharp voice.

The weasel, known as the three ancestors, sneered after hearing the words: “Big brother had expected such a hand a long time ago, so the immortal came.”

“The old ancestor is really a magical calculation, the third ancestor, you are about to destroy him, so that no one can stop us!”

Huang Pizi pointed to the “old village chief” and gritted his teeth when he bounced behind the three ancestors.

“Will you teach me? Go away.”

The ancestor Huang San kicked the Huangpi away, the other party fell into a panic but didn’t care at all. In the corner where Shuai Fei came, he looked at the direction of the old village chief with a grinning face.

Give up your life and ask the immortal, want to change with Laozi’s limit?

Want to be beautiful!

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