Chapter 144 :Xianjia! Different of the same race, if you insist on going down the evil road, then you can fight! [Purchase customization]

In the hazy mist, visible to the naked eye, its slender body quickly inflated like an inflated balloon, and in the blink of an eye it became a human-high, muscle-knotted, a bit of a kangaroo. Sturdy appearance.

“Old guy, since you are impatient with your life, then you die first!”

Its sharp voice echoed layer by layer throughout the conference room, and its back paw slammed on the ground, pushing the concrete floor out of a big hole, and rushing up towards the old village chief Huang Erzhu extremely fast.

“village head!”

The young and strong men behind all exclaimed, carrying the guy to rush up to protect Huang Erzhu.

“do not move.”

But Huang Erzhu yelled at them without looking back.

“Don’t move yet!?”

“village head!!”

“Village chief, you are flashing!”

After hearing the shouts, they were extremely unsure, but they all stopped, looking at the scene in front of them, shouting anxiously.

But Huang Erzhu still didn’t mean to dodge.

Just a backhand tugged to the back, pulled the skin drum on the back and held it in his hand, and then struck it vigorously with the dry tobacco rod in the other hand.

With a boom.

“Grass, when is this, there is still a leisurely sentiment to beat the drums!”

Seeing that the weasel had already rushed to Huang Erzhu’s front immediately, the huge paws could scratch Huang Erzhu’s neck, and the young and strong villagers behind could no longer bear it.

Regardless of Huang Erzhu’s obstruction, they mentioned that the guy was about to rush up.

But at this moment.

There was a faint voice from the drum!


“Please help me with my ancestors!”

The old village chief Huang Erzhu let out a low growl.


The roar fell, and a strange sound rang.

The leather drum in Huang Erzhu’s hands turned out to emit bursts of earth-yellow light.

The light got bigger and brighter, enveloped Huang Erzhu’s whole person and then suddenly spread.

There was a flower in front of everyone.

Immediately afterwards, the light faded away without a trace.

And when the villagers who had restored their vision, they looked at the old village chief again.

All of them suddenly widened their eyes, their eyes were about to split, and they all had a shocked expression like a ghost!


Many people rubbed their eyes, thinking they were dazzled.

But after rubbing their eyes, the scene actually happened in front of their own eyes, and they all covered their mouths immediately, their faces full of disbelief.

How can this be?!

I saw it.

The old village chief, who was originally handsome and old, turned into a muscular knot at this time.

His whole body was shining with a faint khaki light, and his right hand was raised. The weasel who rushed up and tried to kill the old village chief was pinched by his neck at this time.

“Xianjia! You, you…々[ ”

The weasel spoke with difficulty, but could not say anything at all.

It finally understood what the old village chief said just now.

Only by itself, it is really stealing chicken without losing rice!

“What are you?”

The old village chief said, although it was still his own voice, but the faint voice and feelings did not seem to belong to him.

“Xianjia, you and I are all the same kind, why bother to kill each other?’

The weasel’s voice softened, almost begging for mercy.

“Indeed, you and I belong to the same family.”

“Huang Erzhu” nodded, and the conversation turned: “However, the same clan does not mean the same kind!”

“This immortal cultivates merits, and cultivates to grow into an earth immortal. If you want to harm people, that is the monsters and evil things. The ways are different, and you don’t seek each other!’


There was a crisp sound, which was the sound of the “village chief Huang Erzhu” pinching the neck bones of the yellow skin.

Feeling the imminent death, Huang Pizi couldn’t hold back anymore and cried out for mercy: “Xianjia, you spare my life. After I go back, I promise to intercede with the ancestors and let them let the village go.”

“I’ve already said it before.”

“Village Chief Huang Erzhu” said without emotion: “Do you think that your junior’s face is greater than my elders?”

“Since he is stubborn and persistent and insists on going down the evil road and carrying the fruit of karma on his back, the immortal will fight him hard and let him see if it is the devil one foot high or the road one foot high!”

Huang Pizi noticed it, this time, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to let him go.

His voice became sharp again, and his tone became stern: “Xianjia, if you kill me today, starting from today, this entire county, oh no, is the whole world, there will be restlessness!”

“‘”Do you think that this old corpse on your upper body is enough to support you in a fight with our ancestors?”

“Village Chief Huang Erzhu” heard the words, Yang Tian sneered: “It’s ridiculous, really ridiculous!”

“Just relying on this immortal to kill you, can you make the whole world restless? Are you a little too worthy of yourself? Are some too worthy of your fellow?”

“Even if you are really worthy to make that guy so angry, he won’t be able to jump for long, the frog at the bottom of the well, I don’t know what it means that there are people outside the world, there are people outside the world, and they want to make the whole world restless? It’s ridiculous! It’s ridiculous!

“As for whether my upper body can support a fight with that guy, you are too worried about that.”

“You just need to know that enough support to kill you is enough!”


There was a sharp and crisp sound.

The pupils of the weasel were extremely dilated, and the inflated body seemed to deflate as if a balloon had vented (it was well), and then returned to the slender appearance of those two palms.

“Village Chief Huang Erzhu” shook his arm and threw the dead and limp body of the weasel, and then he said to himself, “After this time, you will not be able to find me again for at least two days. Otherwise, you must be worried about your life.”

When the voice fell, he spoke again by himself: “Well, thank you ancestors.”

The earthy golden light shining all over his body began to fade away, and his muscular knotted posture changed back to the old man’s appearance visible to the naked eye.


After the khaki light completely dissipated, his body shook for a while, and he fell to the ground.

“village head!’

“village head

The villagers who were still watching the silly state were all awakened and hurriedly surrounded the old village chief and helped him up. .

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