Chapter 141 : Still carrying the payment code? JK Lolita rushed to face me, this world is dead? [Customize]

The young man shuddered in fright, and quickly denied: “But, Master, I have no cash for you. Or if you wait here, I will give it to you.”

Fifty thousand yuan, for the young man, it is a very large sum, and it is not an exaggeration to even emptied all his savings, so he is still thinking whether he can find another line of things. Room for transfer to the park.

But obviously it is.

His method of this line is really a bit too bad~.


The old white-bearded monk didn’t give this man a punch to make him be honest, but reached out his hand and fumbled in his arms to model a QR code.

The front side is green and the back side is blue.

Damn your mother!

Still carrying the payment code?

Ready to live so all…

that’s all.

The heart and liver were bleeding, the young man took out his mobile phone and paid the other party a full 50,000 to 10,000 yuan.

“WeChat collection, 50,000 yuan”

A voice sounded in the arms of the old monk, and at the same time he directly let go of the hand holding the young man’s neck.

Puff through.

The young man slumped on the ground.

“Don’t call the police if the donor is great, otherwise the poor monk will come back to look for the donor.”

The old monk put his hands together and shot at the young man, turned and walked out of the alley without looking back.

Looking at his back, the young man felt a sense of rejoicing for the rest of his life. He suddenly remembered something, and took a snapshot of the old monk’s back with his mobile phone.

Then after the old monk disappeared from view, he opened the dial bar.

You robbed Laozi for 50,000 yuan, and finally returned your mother’s threat Laozi, threatening Laozi Laozi won’t call the police?

Fifty thousand yuan!

Miss student sister 2k a night, 50,000 is enough for Laozi 25 nights, isn’t it fragrant?

I gave you an old monk for nothing

After 1,1,0, three words were pressed, his hand was placed on the green dial button.

But just when his finger was about to press.

He suddenly noticed that there was a shadow on his side covering himself.

He looked up.

The old white-bearded monk did not know when he went back again, and came to him.

The youth seemed to have seen a ghost in the day.

“The poor monk said that if the donor calls the police, the poor monk will come back, so I’m sorry.”

The old white-bearded monk once again bowed to the young man with his hands folded, and then hit the young man’s neck with a hand knife like lightning.

The young man who was terrified before he could ask for mercy suddenly rolled his eyes and fainted.



A plane landed quietly at Changbaishan International Airport.

“Sir, your stuff.

First-class priority to get off the plane, Zhang Qingxuan got up and walked outside the cabin. Suddenly, a stewardess stopped her.


What can I have if I came empty-handed.

Zhang Qingxuan gave a suspicion. Then, the stewardess inexplicably pulled his hand, turned around and stepped on high heels and left. Note.

Give yourself contact information?

Can’t you see that you are dressed as a Taoist priest?

He unfolded the note and took a look.

It reads impressively: Shang Xiaoyun, call 139 handsome cos brother, waiting for you to call me! I have time tonight, so I can play in my true colors!

Zhang Qingxuan quietly put away the note.

This Taoist priest is improper

Of course, Zhang Qingxuan just thought about it in his heart. When he arrived at the terminal, he just stuffed the note into a trash can.

And at this moment.

Outside the terminal exit.

Someone is already waiting for him.

Seeing Zhang Qingxuan coming, Li Luo said to the two Wu Zongkui team members next to him: “This is Tianshi Zhang, right?”

Before they could speak, Li Luo answered herself: “Such a handsome little Taoist brother, he must be Master Zhang!”

The voice fell, and before the two members of Wu Zongkui’s team recovered, Li Luo had already rushed towards Zhang Qingxuan like a tornado.

Zhang Qingxuan was also a little surprised.

There is a stewardess on the front foot to stuff a note for herself, and on the back foot there are double ponytail jk white silk over-knee socks.

Is this world crazy?

Well, it may also be that I am too attractive, so that one beautiful girl after another is convinced to fall under his white robe

Although there was no turbulent waves, only to be inferior to A, Zhang Qingxuan still did not dodge.

Behind him is the stairs.

0……Look for flowers……

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is

Who can refuse a double ponytail jk little loli?


A fragrant jade was full of arms, and even made a muffled sound of collision.

The petite girl ran into Zhang Qingxuan’s arms.

It is estimated that this collision will not fall apart and will cause internal injuries.

But this girl didn’t look like anything, and she was still jumping in Zhang Qingxuan’s arms.

“Big brother, you are so handsome, can I add you a WeChat?”

Harmless to humans and animals!


It looks harmless to humans and animals.

Zhang Qingxuan defined it in his heart, then grinned, took a staggered step, and walked outside: “Where is there time to talk nonsense here? Hurry up.”


Li Luo looked at Zhang Qingxuan’s back for a moment, sucking in a sad expression on his face: “Really, how can I see through it at a glance?”

But soon, her eyes lit up again: “As expected of Master Zhang, I can see through my identity at a glance!

At this time, Wu Zongkui’s two team members had already walked in quickly, and after meeting Zhang Qingxuan, one of them led the way, and the other walked behind Zhang Qingxuan.

“Wait for me!”

Li Luo chased after her, her little skirt swayed for a while, and nothing happened against gravity. Many people who watched were disappointed, and then angry again.

“Fuck, why are those three people walking so fast, punish, punish!!””

“Such a pretty sister, don’t wait!”

“Sister, come with me, they won’t wait, I’ll wait”

They mustered up the courage to shout at the back of the beautiful girl.

And the answer is only one word that doesn’t look back–


“Tianshi Zhang, the large army has now sent to Mingde County to support. Team Wu asked us to stay and pick you up. Do you think we are leaving now, or should we take a break?”

When they reached their car, in front of a Mercedes-Benz G-Class, a team member asked Zhang Qingxuan.

“Just take me there, you don’t have to be too polite.”

Zhang Qingxuan smiled at the two, opened the back seat door and sat on it, leaving the two looking at each other.

Their captain dare not be rude to Zhang Qingxuan.

If they are really welcome

It is estimated that their captain can be shocked,

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