Chapter 139 : In exchange for the lives of all the people in the village, maybe there is a premeditated plan, there is not much time, plan as soon as possible! [Purchase customization]

Regardless of whether the villagers outside left or not, the old village chief approached the back room and slammed the door shut.

And after sitting on the fire kang.

He stretched out his hand from the cabinet at the head of the kang and took out a drum.

With his palm stroking the drumhead, he closed his eyes, and then tapped it twice.

The drum made two muffled noises.

Then, under the drum surface, there was a misty sound.


The old village chief must be at least seventy years old.

The voice in the drum called the baby.

This picture is undoubtedly a bit weird.

But instead of paying attention, the old village chief also looked very respectful and sincere. He asked in a low voice, “Old ancestor, have you asked?”


The sound of the drum sounded again.

“Old ancestor, what is the situation?”

The old village chief was a little excited and asked quickly.

“I found a little guy and asked, and he told me that some time ago, there was a little bunny in your village who ran to the Huangxian Temple in the mountains and asked for blessings for them to keep winning, saying that as long as they can keep winning, The time comes, and he can pay any price.”

“Then, this kid really started to win, and he would win every bet, but he quickly attracted attention.

“After getting him drunk, a group of people uttered words from him. After learning that it was because of praying in the Huangxian Temple, the five people also went to the Huangxian Temple one after another and set up the same. Pray that they can pay any price as long as they are to win money.

The old village chief understood, he tremblingly asked, “So the price is death?”

“That’s right.

The voice inside the drum must say.

“That means there are six people in total.”

“But why are so many people dead now?”

The old village chief asked.

“Because, Huangxian Temple sent their hands to find them to collect the price. Not only did they not hand it over obediently, but someone insulted the Huangxian Temple who was drunk and angered that person. That’s why these things happened later on. “.”

The voice inside the drum replied.

“These six beasts are all going to go down to eighteen levels of hell!”

The old village chief cursed, and quickly asked: “The old ancestor, can you go to discuss with the Huangxian Temple, can you reconcile this, we are willing to offer all the chickens from all the households in the village.”

So many people have been killed, and there is still need for reconciliation.

The old village chief almost said these words with trembling teeth.

But if there is no reconciliation, what else can they do?

Could it be that everyone in the village was all dead?

Moreover, things are not only happening in the village now. Just yesterday, two elderly people in the neighboring village took their children and watched the children kidnapped by the weasel.

Witnessed his grandson being taken abducted and helpless.

One of the two old people died today because of excessive sadness and exhaustion

Continue like this.

I am afraid that next, the entire town, and even the entire county, will be greatly affected.

By the time

I’m afraid it’s not something chickens, ducks and geese can reconcile.

“I’ve been there.

The voice inside the drum said.

“What do you say over there?”

The old village chief quickly asked.

“I asked him if he could sell me a face. After all, he is of the same clan, and I am still its elder.

“But it told me that it wanted to calm the matter

The voice in the drum paused: “It will be exchanged for the lives of all the people in your village.”


The old village chief stood up from the fire kang in a short time.

“The lives of the whole village? What about reconciliation?”

“Its current purpose is your entire town, and even the entire county!” said the drum.

Puff through.

The old village chief once again sat down on the fire kang.

Whole county

In exchange for the lives of the whole village?

The old village chief closed his old eyes deeply and opened them again, his eyes were already full of murderous intent.

“Deception too much!”

“If this is the case, then we will fight it to the end!”

“Old ancestor, please help me!”

The voice inside the drum was silent for a moment: “Help you, it’s okay for me, after all, I was not alive, but you, I am afraid you will lose your life.”

“It’s just an old life, if you die, you will die!”

The old village chief said decisively without hesitation.


The voice inside the drum sighed: “This is the next policy, as a last resort, I can only do this, but I still advise you, I still think of a way, and find some other methods, because even if you die, these in your village It is very difficult to keep people’s lives.”

The old village chief was silent for a moment and nodded:” “Thank you, ancestor.

“I always feel that all this is not due to some reasons, but premeditated. It just used this matter as the fuse. There is not much time. You plan as soon as possible.”

The sound inside the drum exhorted again, and then there was no more movement.

The old village chief carefully put the drum back into the cabinet, and was silent for a long time. Then, as if he had made an extremely difficult decision, he walked to the table aside and picked up the receiver of an old desk phone. A phone number was dialed.

He is not afraid of death.

But the villagers in the village must keep

They are all ordinary people, they are all innocent, and they can’t just lose their lives for no reason.


For the villagers of the village.

He gave up a very important bottom line in his heart.

Even if he loses his life, he is not willing to bow his bottom line.

Then, I dialed the number.


On the other end of the phone, an equally old voice rang.

“I am Huang Erzhu.

The old village chief was silent for a long time, and said stiffly.

“I know.”

The voice on the other end of the phone rang, and his tone was a little relieved, and he choked up: “Er Zhu, fifty years, you are finally willing to call brother, brother, I’m sorry!

On the other end of the phone, it turned out to be the elder brother of the old village chief!

“If you feel sorry for me… come here”

As the old village chief said, his heart suddenly twitched, and the words came to an abrupt end again.

“What are you going to do? Er Zhu, just say, as long as you can forgive brother, if you let him go up to the sword mountain and go down to the sea of ​​fire, he will give up this old life dragon!”

Seeing that the old village chief stopped talking, the other end of the phone hurriedly asked.

“It’s okay, I made a mistake.”

The old village chief took a deep breath, clicked, and put down the phone.

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