Chapter 126 : At the highest level, Mount Taishan and Huashan are in front of you, and your complexion remains unchanged! (Customize)


After Zhang Qingxuan pressed the code lock for a while, it made a crisp sound and the door opened.

This password is what Qin Yan told Zhang Qingxuan last time, Zhang Qingxuan can change it, but last time there was no time, so he continued to use it.

Anyway, according to Qin Yan’s statement, this password is only known to the two of them, so it doesn’t matter whether it is changed or not.

Is it possible that Zhang Qingxuan is still afraid that Qin Yan will stab himself in the back?


Looking at the huge living room with exquisite decoration, the little policewoman made a surprised voice from Zhang Qingxuan’s back: “Lao Zhang, is this the house you bought in Zhongling?”

She is not snobbish, but she is amazed that the owner of this house is Zhang Qingxuan.


Zhang Qingxuan nodded, turning a deaf ear to the title of her old Zhang~.

It’s Lao Zhang now, but in the future, I don’t know what it is.


To blame, I am the only seedling of the Heavenly Master Palace, and the tasks on my shoulders are too onerous.

What task?

Naturally, the branches and leaves are scattered, reviving the glory of the Tianshi Mansion

“This is too big! Can you live here alone?” Xu Sitong asked, tilting his head.

“I haven’t lived here yet, I’ve only been here once, and now it’s the second time.” Zhang Qingxuan replied.

Haven’t lived?

The little policewoman suddenly looked angry: “It’s a violent thing.”

Treasure treasure?

Zhang Qingxuan bought this house originally as a temporary residence. By the way, he took a sum of points and used it as a short-term investment. He didn’t plan to live here for a long time. He smiled: “Why don’t you move in, so it’s not Bao Zhentian? Things.”


Hearing what Zhang Qingxuan said, Xu Si moved a bit.

Came here to live, the environment is good, it is closer to the police station, you don’t need to catch a bus when you are walking, and you also save the rent. You can buy more beautiful clothes every month. It can be said that there is no profit. Cons!

Of course, if it wasn’t for Zhang Qingxuan the owner of this house, even if it was the Golden Palace of Zijin City, she wouldn’t even be moved at all.

But even though she was very honest in her mind, she still insisted: “I’m not here!

Zhang Qingxuan smiled, didn’t say anything, and said, “The password is 119988. If you want to move in, you can find a room.”

Xu Sitong can’t help but want to go down and jump into a room. She wants a separate bathroom and a cloakroom!

She didn’t know that every room here, cloakroom and separate bathroom are standard equipment.

Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Zhang Qingxuan with a vigilant look: “I said that I can’t come, you have to let me move in, is it unreasonable?”

Zhang Qingxuan didn’t answer much, just cleared his throat and said five words righteously: “I am a Taoist priest.

Five words, concise and concise, are enough to explain everything.

And after hearing these five words.

For a moment, Xu Sitong’s heart was filled with mixed feelings.

Rest assured.

Can’t help but complain, you still know that you are a Taoist priest, last time

Finally, there is still some slight loss.

Can Taoist priests have women?

Zhang Qingxuan put the little policewoman down. She was just weaker and walked slowly, not that she could not walk.

She walked around the room, the more she looked at the environment, the more she liked it.

But when she was about to sit on the sofa and stretch happily.

She seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and she started abruptly and walked as fast as she could to a floor mirror in the corner of the hallway.

My hair is slightly curled, and the eyebrows are burned off. Fortunately, the eyelashes are still there, but the face is black, and the eyebrows and eyelashes are no longer visible.

Xu Sitong knew that her current state was not so good, but she thought it was a cat at best, and now looking at herself in the mirror, she understood why passers-by would call herself black-skinned.

She turned her head to look at Zhang Qingxuan, pursing her lips: “I want to break the sang first.”

“Go, there is hot water, there is hot water in every room, and the bathrobes are all new, but pay attention to the burned wounds. They have not completely recovered. If they are exposed to water, they may get infected. Scarred.”

Zhang Qingxuan reminded.


Xu Sitong still kept her mouth open and nodded. She didn’t listen to what she said before, only the last reminder remembered very clearly.

The wound should not be exposed to water.

0……Look for flowers

For women, beauty is greater than life.

The ancients can’t afford me anymore.

It’s just that I don’t know which ancient person said it, so let’s treat it as Lu Xun.

Politeness: Are you Lu Xun?

“Iyu is not allowed to watch!”

She set off and walked towards the hand-to-hand of Yan Xian. After taking two steps, she suddenly turned her head and pointed at Zhang Qingxuan.

“Don’t worry, I’m not interested in seeing black skin.

Zhang Qingxuan grinned.


She wanted to say that you were the black-skinned person, but she opened her mouth and couldn’t say it. She snorted, and walked into the room of Xianxian with vain steps.

High-end communities all have private housekeepers, and this is naturally no exception.

After Xu Sitong closed the door of the first hand with a click, Zhang Qingxuan picked up the phone hanging on the wall at the door, dialed 1, and asked the private butler to buy a lady’s clothes and send it over, and informed the other party about the approximate size.

Although he was able to lay the clothes first, Xu Sixing’s police uniform was hardened, and there was no need to lay the clothes first.

On the other side of the phone, a female butler was still paying attention to the needs of the guests.

But after taking a look at the house number of the calling room, she almost didn’t get scared.

After struggling in my heart for a long time, I looked at the big sun above my head, and finally got up the courage and set off to work for this haunted house.

This job is well paid and easy.

If it is really the new head of this ghost house, even if the other party can’t live for two days, but if you give yourself a complaint before you die, you will definitely not be able to keep your job.

“Old Zhang!”

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Qingxuan suddenly heard someone calling him. He turned his head to see that it was Xu Sixing.

She stuck to the glass door, only half of her head stretched out to look at Zhang Qingxuan.

Although the glass door is frosted, it can’t hold it so close.

What is the highest state of sp?

That was the stormy sea in my heart, and his expression was still completely calm.

In other words, Taishan Huashan is in front of him and his complexion is unchanged!

I don’t have a look at Yu.

You posted it yourself.

“What’s wrong?”

Zhang Qingxuan cleared his throat and asked lightly. superior.

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